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Wegraman @Wegra

Age 32, Male

Nothing for now

Been out of college for years


Joined on 2/21/06

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Wegra's News

Posted by Wegra - August 18th, 2011

As of April 21st have seen the following

2001 a Spcae Odysey

300 ***NEW***

40 Year Old Virgin

50 First Dates


10 things I hate about you

101 Dalmatians

500 days of Summer

A Bugs Life

About Schmidt

A christmas story

A Streetcar Named Desire


Airplane II


Alice in Wonderland (Disney)

Alice in Wonderland (Tim Burton 2010)



American Graffiti


Angel Face

Animal farm

Annie Hall

Austin Powers: Spy who Shagged me


Azumanga Daioh!

Back to the Future part 1

Back to the Future part 2

Back to the Future part 3

Bad Day at Black Rock



Batman Returns

Beauty and the Beast

Beverly Hills Cop

Beverly Hills Cop II


Blades of Glory ***NEW***

Blair Witch Project

Blazing Saddles


Book of Eli


Breakfast Club

Bride of Frankenstein

Bring it on



Cat on a Hot Tin Roof ***NEW***



Charolettes Web (original)

Cherry 2000


Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe


Citizen Kane

Cinderella Story


Clash of the Titans 1983

Clash of the Titans 2010





Cowboy Bebop

Creature from the Black lagoon

Dark Knight

Date Night

Death at a Funeral 2007


Despicable Me


Dirty Dancing


Dracula( Bella Lagosi)



Dr.Strangelove Or How I Stopped Worrying and Loved The Bomb ***NEW***

Driving Miss Daisy


Easy A

Edward Scissorhands

Ed Wood

Eight Crazy Nights


Emperors new groove


Everyone says I love you

Fantastic Four

Fantastic Four: Silver Surfer

Fantastic Mr.Fox

Ferris Bueler's Day Off

Fiddler on the Roof

Finding Nemo

Forrest Gump

Fox and the Hound



Freaky Friday 1976

Freaky Friday 2003

Fred Clause

Freedom Writers

From Russia with Love

Full Metal Jacket

Get him to the Greek

Ghost Busters *WEGRA APPROVED*

Ghost Busters 2

Ghost Riders

Goleden Boy ***NEW***



Good Luck Chuck


Groundhog Day

Grown ups

Halloween (original)


Hannah and her Sisters

Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle

Harry Potter Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows I

Harry Potter: Goblet Of Fire

Harry Potter: Half Blood Prince

Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter Sorcerers Stone

He's Just Not into you

Hey Arnold! Movie

High School Musical

High School Musical 2

History of the World

Home Alone

Home Alone 2

Home Alone 3

Home on the Range

Hot tub time machine

House of Wax (Original)

How da Grinch Stole Christmas

How the Grinch Stole Christmas!

How to Train your Dragon


Human Centipede

Hunchback of Notra Dames

I am Sam



Indiana Jones: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark

Indiana Jones: Temple of Doom ***NEW***

Invention of Lying


Ironman 2


It happened on 5th avenue

It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World ***NEW***

It's a Wonderful life

It's Complicated

Jackass 3D


Jennifers Body

Josie and the Pussycats




Jurrasic Park

Kick Ass

Kill Bill Vol. 1 *WEGRA APPROVED

Kingdom Hearts

King Kong (original)

King Kong (2005)

Kramer vs. Kramer

Lady and the Tramp

Leave her to Heaven

Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events

Letters to Juliet

Like Mike

Lion King

Little Miss Sunshine

Little Shop of Horrors

Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring ***NEW***

Lost in Translation

Love Hina

Lucky Star


Mama Mia!

Manhattan Murder Mystery

Marry Poppins

Mario & Luigi: SuperStar Saga ***NEW***

Mars Attacks!! ***NEW***

Marvel vs. Capcom 2

Meet the Parents

Meet Me in St. Louis

Megaman: Upon a Star

Megaman (Series)

Megamind ***NEW***

Million Dollar Baby

Metroid: Other M

Miracle on 34th Street

Misery ***NEW***

Monsters inc.

Monsters Vs. Aliens

Monty Pythons meaning of life


Muppets Take Manhattan



My Cousin Vinny

My Girl

Napoleon Dynamite


National Lampoons Animal House

National Lampoons Christmas vacation

National Lampoons Vacation ***NEW***

Night of the living Dead

Nightmare Before Christmas

Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)


Nutty Proffessor ( Jerry Lewis)

Nutty Proffessor (Eddie Murphey)

Ouran Highschool Host Club

Panty & Stocking with Gaterbelt

Paranormal Activity

Paul Blart: Mall Cop

Peewee's Big Adventure

Persuit of Happiness

Peter Pan

Pineapple Express ***NEW***


Pirates of the Carribean: At Worlds End

Pirates of the Carribean: Curse of the black pearl

Pirates of the Carribean: Dead mans chest

Planes Trains and automobiles

Planet of The Apes (original)


Pokémon: The first movie

Pokémon anime





Predetor ***NEW***

Pretty Woman

Prince of Persia (movie)

Princess and the Frog


Pulp Fiction





Renassaince Man

Repoman: The Genetic Opera



Rocky II

Rocky III

Rocky IV

Rocky V ***NEW***

Rocky Horror Picture Show

Role Models ***NEW***

Romeo and Juliet (orginal)

Rosmary's Baby


Rumble in the Bronx

Rugrats First movie

Rugrats in Paris

Rush Hour

Rush Hour 2

Rush Hour 3

Saturday Night Fever


Saw II

School of Rock

Scott Pilgrim


Sex and the City movie

Sixteen Candles

Shaun of the Dead

Shawshank Redemption

Sherlock Holmes (2009)

Shin Chan ***NEW***

Shindler's list

Shoot em' up


Shrek 2

Shrek the Third

Singing in the Rain *WEGRA APPROVED*

Slumdog Millionare

Sleeping Beauty

Snow Day

Snow White

South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut

Space Jam

Speed Racer (2008)


Spiderman 2

Spiderman 3

Spirited Away

Spongebob Squarepants Movie

Spy Kids

Spy Kids 2

Spy Kids 3D

Star Wars IV

Step Bros.

Street Fighter II animated movie

Street Fighter Legend of Chun-li

Street Fighter Alpha (movie)

Street Fighter Live Action

Street Fighter (series)

Stranger then Fiction ***NEW***


Stuart Little

Stuart Little 2

Super Man I

Super Man II

Super Man III

Supersize me

SteemBoat Willie

Super Mario Bros. Movie

Super Mario Galaxy *WEGRA APPROVED*

SuperTroopers ***NEW***


Tank Girl

Teen Wolf

Terminator 3


The Beatles Hard days night

The Big Lebowski ***NEW***

The Blind Side

The Blob (1958)

The Blues Brothers

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

The Brave little Toaster

The Bucketlist

The Exorcist (Original)

The Expendables

The Family Man

The Fly

The Godfather Part 1

The Goonies

The Great Escape

The Great Mouse Detective

The Green Mile

The Hangover

The Hulk

The Incredibles

The Invisible Man

The Kings Speech

The Legend of the Drunken Master

The Little Mermaid

The Mask

The Matrix

The Matrix Reloaded

The Naked Gun

The Odd Couple (1968l)

The Other Guys

The Producers

The Proposal

The Quiet Man

The Rescuers

The Room


The Simpsons Movie

The Social Network

The Soloist

The Tan Aquatic With Steve Zissou ***NEW***

The Ten Commandments ***NEW***

The Terminator

The Toxic Avenger ***NEW***

The Triplets of Belleville ***NEW***

The Year without a Santa Claus 2006

The Wedding Singer

Thelma and Louise

This is it

Thor ***NEW****

Thunderball ***NEW***

Time Travlers Wife

To kill a Mockingbird

Toy Story

Toy Story 2

Toy Story 3

Tron Legacy

True Gritt



Up in the air

Valentines Day

Vampires Suck

V for Vendetta

Viewtiful Joe anime



Wayne's World

West Side Story Review *WEGRA APPROVED*

War of the Wolrds (original)

What's eating Gilbert Grapes

Whatever Works

Where the Wild things are

Who Framed Roger Rabbit? *WEGRA APPROVED*

Wizard of Oz

Woodstock 3 days of peace



X-men 3 Last stand

Yellow Submarine

You don't mess with The Zohan


Posted by Wegra - August 16th, 2011

That is a question.

Posted by Wegra - August 15th, 2011

I thought it would be nice if we could watch me in nothing but an apron pour honey all over my nipples...

And look out for a new movie too.

Posted by Wegra - August 11th, 2011

Wow already at 14? Sheesh and yet only kisame reads it

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Review
What's to say about this game that hasn't already been said....I don't know but lets find out

Okay first off this has been critically praised up the ass as one of the greatest games not just on the N64 but ever made winning game of the year of 98.

Shigeru Miyamoto the creator of the Zelda franchise has delayed this title countless times orignally going to be released as a Launch title in 96 along with Mario 64 and Pilotwings(?) but he said "We're starting from scratch" so thus another 2 years was added to the project.

And boy did it look fantastic.

The story is as follows: In the begining there were 3 gods Din Nayru and Farore who after creating the world left a treasure of there power. Courage,Wisdom and Power aka the Triforce. That be the backstory.

In the Kokiri tribe each Kokiri gets a fairy Link does not have one (and soon wishes he didn't) a fairy by the name of Navi tells Link that the forest (and all of hyrule) is in danger and is summoned by the Great Deku tree who is slowly dying. After defeating the giant monster Link must venture into the land of Hyrule and stop the King of all Evil known as Ganondorf

Being that this is Links HUGE leap into 3D it still holds up greatly over time. The characters are charming and filled with life the dungeons are adventureous dark and scary and the plot is like none other. Some fans even get teary eyed at the end of this game I mean after all it IS a masterpiece. Oh and the music is just beautiful composed by the Great Koji Kondo

In fact it's safe to say the 3DS remake will do amazingly well when it gets released and I'm sure many of us can't wait to explore hyrule for old times sake in stunning 3D




Donnie Darko Review

A Spinechilling movie that almost scars you from the disturbing mind of Donnie Drako.

An Skizofrenic teenager played by Jake Gylenhall named Donnie Darko is eccentric in the way he views the world, thinks and acts with an outstanding intelegence it's almost scary.

Has thoughts of time travel, encounters a crazy Lady that looks almost like Doc Brown from Back to the Future and even thinks of a way to time travel. Oh and a creepy ass man in a Bunny suit named Frank follows him around everywhere.

The cinemetography is gritty and has a "cold world" kind of feel to it. The quotes are memorable " I met a friend" "Real or imaginary" "HE'S RIGHT THERE" and that scene where he explains the life of a Smurf was funny as hell in a twisted way. Oh and that crazy religious nut person played by Patrick Swayze.

That said it's a very interesting movie from begining to end I highly reccomend you check this one out over and over again. Who knows you might have missed a lot in the first screening :)


Labyrinth Review:

Talk about wtf month. You guys love David Bowie? I dont know to be honest if I do. You like Jim henson! I do! Okay that's good enough!

So lets see Jennifer Connoley plays Sarah a girl who's into summonening....stuff and ends up babysitting her ugly baby brother. So she's like "Screw you go and then a bunch of Goblins come and take him away. With the king of bizareness David Bowwie.

And the rest is a mindufuck like none other. Very similar to Alice in Wonderland but more darker and gloomier with even more Bizzare Characters all brilliantly designed by the muppet master Jim Henson.

As for the movie itself well....it's alright I guess. Plot is kinda boring as well as Jennifer Connoleyas character but on the brightside the inhabitants of the labryiniths and the songs are well done.

So with that I give it a 6.5/10!


Yellow Submarine Exteneded edit Review

WTF month would'nt be complete with this golden nugget most requested for this month. Get ready for the ultimate acid trip of a lifetime with the Beatles in this trippy adventure! Based on a dream it's about.... I-I can't explain it. It's to much of a mindf*ck to comprehend the plot. The visuals are quite a feast for the eyes and though The Beatles may not have voiced themselves they still did a GREAT job voiceing them. And of course any Beatles fan can sing along to the tunes like Yellow Submarine and Elanor Rigby.

Plus the DVD is LOADED with Easter eggs galore as well as some interesting special features it's a movie that can be cherrished even after 1239494 times over.

PERFECT 10/10!


Billy Maddison Review:

Billy Madison review: Sandler,Sandler Sandler, whats to say about that rapscallion? Well this of course being one of his beloved and best movies he's been in even to this day in this outrageous comedy who believe iit or not was directed by a woman.

Billy maddison a grown man with a ridiculously low I.Q repeats his school career to help take his fathers place in the company instead of a greedy corporate douche. buuut unfortunately he has too start ALLLLLLL the way at the very beginning..... First grade

Seeing a grown man in a class of 6 year olds is normally awkward in movies but Sandler pulled it off flawlessly. He basically is a young kid in a grown mans body

Favorite part? The bathtub scene where be pretends the conditioner and shampoo brawl and he's all STOP LOOKING ON ME SWAN >:[

That said if your a fan of Sandlers work or not this is a must see



Black swan review

Black swan review: Supposedly one of then most critically acclaimed movie of 2010 not to mention one the best movies on Imdb I decide to take a looksee

Natilie portman is a ballet dancer practicing for the upcoming rearrangement of swan lake and it shows the disturbing troubles she went through for this.

The movie can get very fucked up.Like what about the random lesbian scene? Or the nervous breakdowns in the movie? But around the end is where then movie gets interesting not to mention the brilliant acting

So how does this movie hold up? Well it is a drama for starters a very heavy one at that the male audiance might not appreciate it as much as the female audience but thatsbnotnto say that it's bad

It is mostly slow the first half but towards the end it's brilliant and breathtaking

That said I give it a 8.5/10

Wegra's Movie Collection #14

Posted by Wegra - August 9th, 2011

Any suggestions?

Posted by Wegra - August 4th, 2011

I think you should bring it some coffee

Posted by Wegra - August 1st, 2011

We treat them like the way we do our Laundry you bitch!

Posted by Wegra - July 29th, 2011

Wow It's been a while huh Kisame? 12+ movies here!

Stand by me Review

Another Stephen King Classic on the big screen.

It's the 1950's a group of Four 12 year old rapscallions embark on a quest to hunt a dead body. You got the fat one, the boss, the nerd, and...the weirdo of just like any old gang.

BUT it turns out they got a gang of older bullies on there tracks...Who look like they're 20 years old sheesh.

Anyway not spoiling much else but what inspired me to see this classic was the Family Guy episode "Three Kings" Which I'm happy to say is the last one in that trilogy of episodes (Shawshank, Misery, and This one)

That said this is another fine work by Stephen King that should definetly be checked out


Oh and btw wasn't that Pie eating scene Disgusting yet ridiculously funny? Or was that just me?

Final Fight Review: Another video game review! And it's suitable enough for Action month too.

An awesome butt kicking classic by Capcom! It is the 1990s Mike Haggar a former Street Fighter has been elected as mayor of Metro City. A crime infested hell hole run by a notorious crime syndicate known as Mad Gear which Haggar vows to rid them of.

For which the syndicate takes imidiate action and control the mayor like their puppet.

Yeah right! The Mayor's daughter has been kidnapped so he himself is out to kick some ass along with two childhood friends Guy and Cody

Oh man this game is still a blast to this very day. You got weapons, You got awesome background music, Genderly confused hookers, Pile Driving your enimies

Co-op play and well detailed backgrounds (Like how about the Subway part)

It's also noted this was going to be Street Fighter II but was changed because this had nothing to do with it. In fact Guy and Cody were originally going to be Ryu and Ken. AND not to mention both get appearences In Street Fighter Alpha!

Not to mention I believe Haggar was the Prototype for Zangief which I think even makes mention of the two being good friends! Especially since they got him for Marvel Vs. Capcom 3

That said you can find this game on Capcom Classics Collection Vol.1 for PS2 and PSP and I believe a reboot for PS3 was made not to long ago!

PERFECT 10/10!

LOTR: Two Towers:

The saga continues in this breathtaking sequel.

Ummmm not much story going on in this one...Just the same as the first one.

But that doesn't mean shit doesn't happen in fact our little Hobbit friends come across more bizzarre and unusual creatures like Treebeard

And like the last one it was an epic adventure with even more Zelda inspiration then ever before ( Er...LOTR inspiring Zelda...)

Gosh to be honest I can't think of anything else to say about this.

Lets leave it at 9/10!


Megashark Vs. Giant Octopus

A weird ass cheesey and LOW AS HELL Budget monster movie almost reminiscent of the classics like King Kong

Sotry nees no explanation. Except that it;s about FUCKING PREHISTORIC LIKE MONSTERS DO BATTTLING.

Oh and there's 1 hour of boring marine science shit

So what more can I say really it's got everything a b movie needs terrible acting and little to no screen time of the actual monsters. Which they're in the freaking title.

Only cool moment was when the Fucking shark jumped out of the sky and swallowed the plane. Dude NICE!!!

But other then that it was all talk and not monster fightinhg. The effects were cheesey but for some reason this movie had some kind of So bad it's good charm.

I'm giving it a 5.5/10


Thor Review:

Marvels latest hit is Stunning and full of action! After being exiled from Asgard due to greed and power Thor swears to find a hammer known as mjolnir and return to Asgard reunite with his comrade and stop his evil brother. I must say the God of lightnings leep to the big screen was more amazing then I thought and the 3D was incredible and very clear and crisp. Needless to say the sound is LOUD as hell. I mean damn Now the minor complaint I had was it trying modernize it fortunately it wasn't overdoneSTAN LEE CAMEO: In the scene where the crator is discovered that old guy In the truck is the man himself! Also it was noted that his appearance in Marvel vs Capcom 3 was great timing. That said 8/10!


Thunderball Review:

You didn't think I'd let action month get away with out a Bond Film did you? Of course not!

Connery returns for the fourth installment of the action packed filled Bond adventure once again! This time Bond must recover nuclear warhead from the SPECTRE orginazation.

This ones got lots of fan service for the ladies here as the majoyity of the movie takes place in underwater combat which personally I can never get enough underwater scenes. If you saw my Abyss review you know what I mean. Guess you could say I like life under the sea.

Anyway it's a typical bond movie what more could I say? Babes, Guns, Explosions diabolical villans all is needed to make another fun sequel.



127 Hours Review:

Finally a new review! Man things have been awfully slow and lazy for me and for that I appoligize....sorta :3

Anyway 127 hours probably one of the most critically Acllaimed movies of 2010. And totally well deserving too. Why lets check it out?

Okay so first before I begin this was based off a true story and is coincidently directed by the same guy who did Slumdog.

Anyway we meet Aron Ralston portrayed by James Franco who has a love for the outdoor world especially hiking. But things take a turn for the worse as he fills between a cliff and a HUGE ass boulder is crushing his hand.

Equipped with enough food to last two days and NO cellphone he does everything he can to survive and get him out of this mess.

Wow, every second of this was chock full of Suspense I mean holy hell it even scares you too being trapped in the middle of nowhere all alone with a huge boulder jammed in between your hand. AND living to tell the tale. You really root for him all the way to the end.

Seriously this movie is amazing and full of suspense and even will have you cheering for him hoping he gets out alive. What a hero.



Saving Private Ryan Review:

Without a doubt one of the best war films ever made nominated for 5 oscars and more then 50 awards and honors including Director Steven Spielberg and even for best sound,editing, and effects! Oh and it's got Tom fucking Hanks. Nuff said

Taking place in WWII a group of soildiers risk their lives to find and retrieve private Ryan whose brothers were killed in action. The acting is incredible and the cast reallly put on a great performences like Tom Hanks and Matt Damon.

So where does my opinion stand? I agree with all of what I said above the characters have a cold hearted feel to them but when they're together they make on hell of a team and proving war is once again a disgusting thing of human nature.



Bridesmaids Review:

HERE THIS SHIT OUT BEFORE I BEGIN: This is NOT a chick flick. Seriously only 10% of it is. No joke this movie is OUTRAGEOUSLY funny as hell like they say. Want proof? Two Words:

Kristin Wiig

Seriously I think they call her the woman of 1000 wigs on SNL and I LOVED her performance in this. Basically it's almost like the hangover but with a bunch of woman....That are actually kinda funny.

You got the three bitches her and a fat chick who I WISH she had more dialogue but fortunately at the end she's hysterical. Ones getting married all of them were married but she's not.

And what more is there to say about this? Funny shit happens.

Oh wait not to spoil anything but theres one scene where she fucking loses it and DESTROYS her backstabbing friends Bridal shower. Seriously Kristin Wigg mad is actually kinda sexy

Anyway that said guys fear not this movie is funny as hell for you and your woman. A little something for everyone in this and thats how movies should be.


Oh and what the hell was up with the cops accent?

Tremors Review:

For those of you who are on Newgrounds you might remember Tom and Jeff (Johnny Utah) collaberating in the Kevin Bacon day Aprikl Fools Prank of '10. So with that said I searched for this movie to see why they chose to make this game.

Well lets see you got Kevin Bacon Fred Ward and others in a town in the middle of nowhere that gets taken over by those giant ass worms from the Wind Waker popping out of the ground without warning and devouring people. So obviously this calls for drastic measures....BLAST THE FUCKER SWITH BULLETS! Though it's mostly just them hiding from them in tall buildings what made me like this film was that game on Newgrounds. Not to mention Kevin Bacons goty some cool one liners like "CAN YOU BASTARDS FLY?"

So yeah it was pretty sweet with a cast of misfits overall give this movie a shot it's on Netflix (sorta) :D


Lost Boys Review:

Ah, remember the good ol days when vampires used to be cool? I sure do...You know before Twishit took over and pissed on the Vampire name.

It's 1987 and two brothers Michael and Sam (Played by Jason Patric and the late Corey Haim) move to a new town in sunny California . And if you lived in the 80's that would blow ass for you at that age.

And rightly so the place is runned by Vampires and Biker Gangs! Oh shit! And the mother has fallen in love with a man who's one OH DOUBLE SHIT

So the two find two vampire hunters and kill them!

Well I must say I enjoyed this despite not being a die hard fan of Vampires. The characters are chill and the vampires are scary and evil just like momma used to make em! Also that chilling theme "Thou shal not fall" Or whatever they were saying

That said it's a must see for vampire fans!



Resovoir Dogs:

Damn is it just me or did this hour and a half + movie fly by fast? Never the less it kicked ass

Directed by the same man who did Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill you know this movies going to be one hell of a beatdown bloodfest!

A group of criminals that are part of a crime syndicate rob a jewlery store but they grow suspicious and think one of them is connected to the police and things get batshit crazy.

The characters are blood thristy and psychotic and figure out whos tied to the popo

It's a bit hard to understand and explain the plot so I suggest you watch it a few times over in some scenes.

Overall, it's a great movie with pointless violence and bloodshed



WTF Month kicks off with one of the most trippiest and Fucked up animes to exist!

So...How do I explain the plot? I honestly don't know I watched All six episodes and I still have no idea what's going on here but I'll try to explain it the best I can.

Some random kid 12 year old kid named Naota Nandaba has some kinda puberty thing going and one day this crazy bitch with pink hair on a motorcyle hits him with a Guitar and a Giant computer robot comes out of his forehead....I am not making any of this up folks a Giant robot climbs out of a 12 year-old boys forehead. And it turns out she's living with his whacko family and has some kinda love interest thing with her and the military....Fuck it I can't explain the plot if you got Netflix check it out for yourself

Aside from all of this it's an epic acid trip like none other. Weird animation style changes, the facial expressions are priceless and it's fun to watch over and over again trying to make sense out of it...which no one can.

That said if you're a fan of anime this is a must see in any dub Japanese or English


Wegra's Movie Review Collection #13

Posted by Wegra - July 28th, 2011

Uh...refresh my memory how is this done again?

Time for a Bingo Orgy!

Posted by Wegra - July 26th, 2011

So lets take down Wal-Mart and build a giant Omelete and Video game store...THAT SELLS OLD GAMES!

I know we could do it if we work together!