Sorry, but I couldn't answer your pm because it says that you only accept messages from "your contacts"... I tried to add you but I allways got an error-message saying "sdfsdfsd"... weird!
Nothing against the redesign but sometimes it just makes me wanna cry! XD
Anyway, here's what I was going to write you in the pm:
At 7/23/07 7:11 PM, wegra2007 wrote:
: Do you have an expected release date of when this will come out. Also can you post some screenshots?
It would be really great if I knew how long is still takes me to finish the prequel but I don't have a detailed script so sometimes I add some quick ideas which take even more time...
Plus I can be a really lazy ass but also a pretty fast worker which means that I can never know how long long parts will take...
The problem I just have is that there's a 10 meg. filesize limit at NG and the whole thing already is 7.75mb...
Actually I'm 80% done with the flash itself but I still have to add a menu, an introduction, the credits and some easter eggs but i still gotta add a nice fighting scene with some gore! Actually I planned to make this scene a little longer but if I would try that I would get a big problem with the size and I gotta find a way to include as much of my original script as possible without breaking this limit but because I don't really know how much space such a fighting scene will take, I don't really know if I can include everything I wanted to... That's why I have no Ideea how much lies ahead... sorry!^^
About the screenshots, I planned to make a short kind of alpha in my NG profile/space and already have loads of flashscreens for that! I'll post it in the next few days! Of course I will pm you when the alpha is out! Feel free to post some comments then!^^
Agreed. I have absolutely no fucking idea what that means...