Was originally called Choose a Character and do Stuff. It was also a forum game but never caught on without me bumping it.
Debuted in 2006
Inspired by aesthetics of character select screens. The earlier games were based on Melee but wanted to just keep adding fuck loads of characters.
What characters gets is just completely at random. Sometimes they just pop in my head and go from there other times I like to think of it like a time capsule like how the O RLY owl hasnt had any relevance in years but still continues to live on in the series.
I sometmes do take requests
I also like to think of this as a "Roster where just about anyone and anything can join. You never know who"
Character Select 8 is currently the biggest roster of the whole series at 200 characters. Originally there was only going to be 90 but there were so many character ideas it just kept piling on.
Some day I wish I can pull a Smash Ultimate and include every single character that has been in the series. This would be an undertaking of about 300 characters
I did my own drawing of a Random Fighting Game Roster Mockup myself. Feel free to check it out if you’re interested.