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Wegraman @Wegra

Age 32, Male

Nothing for now

Been out of college for years


Joined on 2/21/06

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I'm too lazy to write "Heres something that makes no sense"

Posted by Wegra - September 15th, 2007

Sorry none today. But I'll tell you what. Draw a picture of me and PM it to me and maybe cats will jump poop over laughter in the garden of lols. SO put on your helmets. and Kisame. Mark my words. I will put a live octopus in your mouth. SO GET USED TO IT! also again heres everyone currently on the bbs.

Users online: (282)
0con, 0Metal0, 10x10times, 3dglasses, AapoJoki, acidsnowball10, adreniline7, Advent-Sinner, AFlashFreak, Ajax-Cubed, AlexJS, Aliensandwich, All-American-Badass, Alphabit, AndrewGlisson11, andymc1989, aquaticmole, Archmage-flash, ArmouredGRIFFON, Artist-Lost, asiyenur, Atomskkk, AttAl07, AustinR, AutomaticAudio, azn-vink, azwsxdcrfv, B0UNC3, Bacu, Bahamut, basker76, BatDan, BladeNSpeed, BlueFlameSkulls, boney-man, Bosor, cadreamer, Catoblepas, Cericon, Ceti, Chris-V2, ConAir, cookie-monsta1, corbantis109, CrazyChihuahua, Crazywill, CrimsonAssault, CtG, CuteAndFuzzy, Dabzi, DanTheDark, DarkMana, DarkSoldier, DaVincisGhost, DayDayX, Dead-Body-Man, Deflektor, Dejanus, Delta66, Demean, Der-Lowe, devil003, DFox, DnaDraxxus, don789, Dragonberry, Dsmano, Dut44, Earfetish, Ejit, elementell, elkrobber, Eltelelel, emochild, enjoyshaun, EtchASketchClock, EvilPinkPig, ExiledSoul, eyeothestorm, F-E-A-R, FakeReality, FattPandaa, Ferretter, Firebert010, Flash-Master-Flex, fli, FrozenSheep, Fyndir, Ghetto-Penguin, gibleto, GoddaM, godzillahater, greensucksbluerules, gregaaron89, Grillpie, guitarluver14233, GUTHRIE, H-W-T, HahaBears, Hammi, HardcoreEmoGothRebel, haveabadday5, HeartbreakHoldout, HippDad, Holyghostz, Howtard, Idiosyncratic, Iloveprocrastinating, Irishladdie3, Jack, jackmorrison, jazzman1302, Jdid112, Jessii, jfella91, jim3, jkilbane21, Jonas, JoS, josh124861, Joshiwa, jrayteam6, Jumper, K-Fox, Kain-Ceverus, Kart-Man, KaynSlamdyke, kittycatlawl4324, knightsofthecircle, Korriken, Kunera, Kurofelis, Lagatag, leekspinner, legendarysim, letiger, LightandDark, LiquidSapphire, Littleluckylink, LiveBreatheTom, LordAdon, LordSkeletor, Lost-Wisdom, lysgaard, M-to-the-C, Malachy, mariomusicmaker1, MattTheParanoidKat, Mechablobby, Mechabloby, MemoryCard, merrsshee, MikadoGold, MindChamber, misterdog, Moron-With-Gun, Mr-Noobiwix, Mr-Pope, mrblonde7395, Mrmilkcarton, ms2492, mynamewontfitin, Nekrozoa, Nelson15, Neonyx, Net-terrorist, Nev, Nicholas-Deary, nobodynobody, Nuggs, Omega-Epsilon, OneUp, Orange-Silver, OrbitalDebris, Ozcar, Patcoola, peeetah, Phantom-45, piggypup, PirateSprite, pisces27, Piss, PixelParagon, Poopoothegorilla, proflashsional, Proteas, Psico911, PsychoticMind, puddinN64, qmzp, QrazE, Racist-l3assist, RacistBassist, Rallard, Rammer, Ramones-Fan, Randominator, raneman1, Reaperyami, RedElephant, RenegadeGirl, revolutionx, rickyboyce, RigAudio, rioluvsgames, robattle, robostewie3849, RocketSoldier, Romolo, RSQViper, Rudy, Rummy0, RupeeClock, Russ3ll, SapphireLight, Sarai, SBB, Schizo-Sephy, ScreamsfromtheCasket, SEXY-FETUS, shavingcreamman, Shawn, Siggy0501, silentkat, Simkiss, SineRider, sixflab, Sk8erGirl13, skatin-andy, SkunkyFluffy, Snow-Fox13, Sordid, SPIRIT6666, sqrage, Sterockicy, Sticky-Figures, StormWall, SubKutz, Sunglasses, SuperDeagle, supyohos123, SweetT00th, swiftstylerX, Swim-The-Swan, Swirly-Helix, Syphonik, Tekken9292, thatguy, The-Darkphoenix, TheBigLemon, Theo-art, TheRealEggman, TheRoyalEnglishman, TheSnakeSkull, TheSoylentOne, thestialluz, TNOAT, ToasterDemon, Togukawa, Tophat-Stretch, towelie101, Trambamboline, trigger73, TropicalPenquin, TurboMeachaSonic7, Unknown-Prescense, USERNAMED, vgfa287, ViNcEnTxX, Vousielle, Warrickneff, wisthekiller, Wreckages, xaldibik, xSarCastiCx, xXCostelloXx, xxxxblake, Yeury, zer0gravity1, Zoraxe7, Zorg-o

If you notice I took myself out my name. Thats because If I'm here that wouldnt make no sense. Just so you know tommorows the last day I'm going to go on the bbs and put on everyone on the bbs name so be sure you be there!

I'm too lazy to write "Heres something that makes no sense"


Fine none for you!

hey why dont you accept pm's? also i see my name on the list

Congrats! Oh and I made it so people could PM me. The damn thing was off

where's my octopus?

over there! Oooh ice cream!