Pies used Mario Picross for more times to go skiing for mountains of gold. But the rabbit was too fast for the dinosaurs Aunt Margery to happily jump to the storage room. Also why I am listening to the eggman song special remix too! " I am the eggman! It's what I am. I am the eggman! I got the master plan!" OH SHIEST I FUCKED UP THE RANDOM SHIT! but he wasn't strong the girl to the left of him went to his house and had sex. Oh and after the 49th post the 50th post won't be here for a hwhile. I want to post it on the front page for more enjoyment.
Update: Kisame be random this time. You're not as random as you used to be and it's hurting the walrus :(
that's cool and all but that still doesn't explain the dead Bowser on my lawn.
Oh thats right uggh how to put this. you see me and the girl were kind of making out when bowser came and said " Oh it's hopeless I'll never get laid by peach" and he took out a gun and shot himself. Sorry about that.