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Wegraman @Wegra

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Wegra's Movie Reviews Collection #1 (PLZ COMMENT)

Posted by Wegra - December 12th, 2010

Note: These are all done on Facebook so they are all 420 characters.

: Beverley Hills Cop Review: Thought it was fantastic. Theres something about movies from the 70's and 80's that I love. The action scenes are classic and have a timeless feel to it. Eddie Murphy plays a laid back cop which I got to say is funny seeing how he is a comedian but he plays a more toned down role. But I think the Axel theme song is the most recognizable. Overall, I give it a 8.5/10

: SuperSize Me Review: This is probably my new favorite Documentary. For those of you who don't know some guy starts a Mcdonalds only diet gets fat and lazy. I can't imagine what it was like when filming this. Some parts are gross and shocking, and just plain retarded. Overall, It's interesting, filled with fun facts and trivia and even got Mcdonalds to get rid of supersizing. 9.5/10

Breakfast Club review: Madeline Peyser was right I love this movie. It's like the perfect teen movie. You got an awesome cast of characters with none other then spoiled princess, The smart kid, the jock, The asshole ( who's my favorite out of all of them.) and the weird chick. I fucking love these guys. The wacky antics and the witty conversations makes this movie unforgetable. I'm giving it a 10/10

Dracula Review: Loved it. Bela Legosi is so awesome in this movie. This is the definition of horror movies. Especially if you know the history about it which is on the DVD. The acting is just amazing the atmosphere isn't necessarily creepy but for it's time it actually was. I didn't even know it has a huge following actually. In closing Dracula can suck the shit out of Edward. Dracula is the king of vampires. 10/10

Woodstock 3 days of peace review: Thought it was pretty fucked up. 500,000 people attedning this thing. What happened when this was over? Geez, it must've taken forever to get out of there. But seriously it looks like they had a pretty kick ass time. Some parts were ridiculously funny and stupid. Like when they get the crowd to say F-U-C-K I must've laughed my ass off. 7.5/10

: X-men review: It was just okay.The characters are nothing the way I remember it. Hugh Jackman as Wolverine was soso Rogue was my least favorite character in this and the characters don't even look like their original designs. To be fair the storyline is okay but nothing special. Plus heres some yummy trivia David Hayter Voice of Solid Snake in the Metal Gear games wrote the screenplay. Look it up! I give it 5.5/10

Driving Miss Daisy Review: Loved it! Absolutely loved it! It's such a beautiful movie with an awesome cast. Morgan Freeman is just a subtle and quiet guy driving an old widow played by Jessica Tandy who isn't so nice to him at first but warms up to him as the movie progresses. The two and just made this movie so Colorful and gorgeous. The Cinematogrophy is stunning too! I give this movie the somewhat rare 10/10.

Dr.No Review: One of those classic movies that never gets old. Bonds First movie is still awesome to this day. Some classic movies are a bit hard to follow at times but James Bond is timeless. It's even interesting to see some of the old technological details in this too. Plus it's got the Legendary Sean Connery! So many memorable quotes, boobies, guns and explosions= 9.5/10

House of Wax Review: Brilliant. It's a kick ass classic about a guy played by Vincent Price who makes these wax sculptures and he's a looney kind of guy. Then some rich douche burns down the place and he gets his revenge by killing people and turning them into wax. The story had me hooked from begining to end. I love this movie it's a pure classic. I give it a 9.5/10

: Everyone says I love you Review: Thought it was cute. Woody Allen did a pretty good job with this movie. Though I have to admit the musical numbers got a little out of hand but they were still entertaining and fun to listen. too. Plus the Grandpa was my favorite character. Too bad we didn't get to see him that much. I think a 7/10 should cut it for this movie. Definetly check it out when you can.

My Cousin Vinny Review: What a funny ass movie! When I found out thart Joe Pesci who played Harry in Home Alone I knew this was going to be funny. The Jokes are original funny, witty and just overall enjoyable to watch. It Had me hooked from beingning to end. For that and just great acting I give it a 8/10

: The Wedding Singer Review: Thought It was cute. Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore are great together. Plus She's hot isn't she? But I digress It's a cute love story about an ordinary Wedding Singer falls in love with Drew Barrymore ends up falling in love douchebag boyfriend Blah Blah Blah. The acting is good it has a cute storyline and wasn't cliche and has subtle humor. I'd give it a 8/10

Coraline Review: This movie is just so cool. I love Tim Burton's stop motion animation style. It's just fantasic. The storyline is clevar and orginal though very weird. But hey It's a Tim Burton movie what'd ya expect? Girl has mean parents finds some kinda rabbit hole and it's all bizzaro world where everyone has buttons for eyes. It's so cool to watch and had me hooked from beginning to end. I give it a 9/10

Slumdog Millionare review ( Requested by: Angela Carpenter Nace ):This IS a GREAT movie. Loved it Loved it Loved it. Though I admit you have to stick with this movie in order to enjoy it. It's a very Powerful movie and shows us how some people grow up unfortunate then others. It may get boring at times but around the middle is where the real action begins. And I loved the ending. I give it a 8.5/10

Time Traveler's Wife Review: It was decent. It's about a guy who was born with the ability to time travel uncontrollably. He meets his future daughter. Though when he does time travel he's naked Similar to Terminator but even that makes no sense.Some parts were slow and boring but if you can get pass that it's actually pretty good.I reccomend seeing it if you're in the mood for a good romance movie. 7.5/10

101 Dalmatians review: This movie is nothing like I imagined it. I knew the premise at least. Crazy Bitch Lady kidnaps adorable puppies to make coats out of Dogs saves them. But yeah nothing like I imagined it. It's got a fair share of humor, Probably one of the most evil villans Disney ever created, Animation is different then most classics with it's sketchy artwork, yada yada. I give it a 7/10

The Hangover Review: 1 word: OVERATED I didn't really care for it that much. I admit some parts were funny but not hilarious. I heard a lot of good things plus being nominated for a critics choice award but I thought it's just another stupid movie about Vegas. They're all the same thing, Vegas has all been done to death use a different place for a change! I give it a 5.5/10

Teen Wolf Review: It's a pretty decent movie for the most parts. It's like one of those movies you watch with your BF/GF back then. It stars Michael J. Fox playing a nerdy kid who turns into a wolf but it's unclear how. It's basically just another teen movie of the 80's and is just classic. If you got the time definetly check it out. 7.5/10

Freedom Writers Review: Absolutely loved it. It's a very powerful movie that shows how shocking and sad gang violence is. Hillary Swanks plays a teacher who does a lot of shit just to get the class to learn. Example: Library would'nt let her borrow the books so she gets 2 jobs to pay for them. Give her a fucking medal! But I digress, it's just a great movie with good morals and such. I give it a 8/10

Mama Mia! Review Requested by Madeline Peyser: Well... I thought it was actually....Pretty decent. Wait a minute a Chick Flick that's good?!?!? AUUUUUGH IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!!!! No seriously, it was just alright. I've never seen it on broadway but I'm sure it's better then this. The singing was fun and catchy and It'll be stuck there for a while me thinks (See comments)

Simpsons Movie Review Requested by Madeline Peyser : Wow it's been 3 years since I've seen it last and I remember I was so excited to see it. And it didn't dissapoint. Starting with the intro with Homer Breaking the 4th wall. The ammount of detail Matt Groiening Put into this is just shocking. If you watch it again and again you'll notice some things you never noticed. He tends to do.. Cont.

Juno Review: Huh, I'm impressed it actually wasn't that bad. Despite having Michael Cera in it ( who's a douche btw). It was somewhat funny, somewhat retarted, somewhat entertaining, somewhat everything. In other words It's not as bad as it looks. I have Roger Ebert to thank on this one for his word on how he liked it. I give it a 6.5/10

Fox and the Hound Review: It was okay. Not really one of Disneys most memorable but still a classic. It's morals are a bit questionable. Like when Tod "Kills" chief and Copper's all pissed when in reality the train hit him. Fuck I don't know. It did have good animation and a kick ass demon bear of some sort. But trust me this has a huge cult following. Thus I give it a 6.5/10

: Zombieland Review: Meh, Didn't really care for it. It was more of a Dark Comedy then I thought. Not much was funny otherwise. Basically the storyline is that Zombies have taken over the world ( who btw move pretty fast for zombies). And the only people left are some nerd, 2 chicks, and some craving twinkies (which actually is pretty funny now that I mention it). It's rather boring most of the time. I give it a 6.5/10

Peter Pan Review: Ah, Disney you're so evil with the absense of a mother and racist but I still love you.... animations at least. But anyway this is another Disney Classic. But theres so many things wrong with it that I just have to point out. Like the part where Peter Pan spanks Tinkerbells ass. Wtf. Or how about the Kids dressed as furrys. UH OH!! Nah, I kid it's still a good movie. 8/10

Pinochio Review: Ah, yes another Disney classic. This is probably my favorite one of them all. The reason I love all disney classics is that they're hidden messages and strange oddities. Like an island with toys and candy just for kids!! That doesn't sound right lol. But hey, it's god damn Disney what'd you expect. I still like it either way. I give it a 8.5/10


Great Job And GREAT choices in movies my friend.

Thanks Bro look out for Collection #2 soon!