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Wegraman @Wegra

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Wegra's Movie Reviews Collection #2

Posted by Wegra - December 17th, 2010

Singing in the Rain review: I...FUCKING..LOVE THIS MOVIE! It is a fun filled musical consisting of a great cast of Gene Kelly, Donald O'Connor, and Debbie Reynolds. I have never seen a movie this exciting before in my life with great music, acting, humor and just overall fun to watch. By the way did I mention this movie is now my #1 favorite? I'm going to give this movie the new Wegra Approved stamp and a 10/10

Nutty Proffessor ( Eddie Murphy) Review: It was just so so. Some parts were funny others were not. If you ask me I prefer the Jerry Lewis version. Mainly because it was more quirkier and stupid ( in a good way). Meh, I'll leave it to the Nostalgia Critic to do his comparison. I can't think of how else to describe it. 5.5/10

Zombieland Review: Meh, Didn't really care for it. It was more of a Dark Comedy then I thought. Not much was funny otherwise. Basically the storyline is that Zombies have taken over the world ( who btw move pretty fast for zombies). And the only people left are some nerd, 2 chicks, and some craving twinkies (which actually is pretty funny now that I mention it). It's rather boring most of the time. I give it a 6.5/10

Alice in Wonderland ( Tim Burton) Review: Tim Burton doesn't disapoint. It was actually pretty good for the most part. Half the time I forgot that this is Alice in wonderland. Unlike it's animated counterpart this ones more darkier and a bit scarier in a way. But it's got kick ass action scenes a great Johnny Depp and my favorite character the god damn Cheshire cat!! I love that grinning feline :3. I give it a 7.5/10

REDS review Requested by Alec Davidovich Weinstein : 2 words: AWESOME ACTING!! But yeah that's pretty much the only notable thing I liked about the movie. Other then that it was pretty much a talky movie about some kind of communist move or something. I should've known Alec would requst something like this. But I give it a solid 7/10. And that's only because of the acting everything else was a 5/10

Wed March 24, 2010, 10:24 am: Monsters Vs. Aliens Review: Decent! It was actually better then expected. Basiclaly Reese Witherspoon's character is getting married and gets hit by a meteroite (Surprise Surprise) and gains mutant powers by growing ginorrmus then comes the FBI or some shit and they put her with a bunch of other monsters they get out and kill aliens. That's just about it. I give it a 7/10

Bring it on review: Good god this movie is first class shit. It's annoying, unfunny, stupid, and so many stereotypes. I can't believe I sat through this whole thing all it is whining chearleaders and how they stole the other schools routine. There was nothing good about it. It was Just ANNOYING ANNOYING ANNOYING! 0/10

Seinfeld review: I started watching the series from September-March and I now have a favorite TV show. You got a loveable cast consisting of Jerry Seinfeld, Jason Alexander, Julia-Louise Dryfus, and Michael Richards. The characters are funny and unforgetable and are definetly people you can relate to. Favorite episode? That's tough one. I love them all! Add memorable quotes to the mix and you got a show. 10/10

9 review: Awesome! Tim burton still has it. Basically it's about a ragdoll that looks like the guy from Little Big Planet and they were created by a scientist. Then he comes to life meets others just like him and so forth. The details are amazing and is an action packed thrill ride. See it on Blu-ray or HD on demand it's totally worth it. 7.5/10

Precious Review: Shocking,Tragic, and sad. Originally a book It's about a Obese, Mentally-challenged, Black girl who's abused and negelected by her own mother. As you watch the movie you start to gain respect for Precious and how she deals with her difficult life. People always making fun of her and even hurting her. Overall, it's an amazing powerful movie that makes you think a lot about Precious. 8/10

Fiddler on the Roof review Requested by Madeline Peyser: Well, it was decent in a strange way. The 3 hours were pretty much Jewish arguements and stuff and it was actually kind of funny. But it's one of those movies you got to stick with in order to enjoy. The songs are catchy though I will admit. Other then that it was kinda stupid but in a good way. 7.5/10

Josie and the Pussycats Movie Review Requested by Madeline Peyser (surprise surprise): Ummm... Yeah I've never watched the hanna Barabarra cartoon but this was just so stupid! It was cliche over the top and downright annoying. Plus what the hells up with the random advertising logos in the movie (Target, Sega). but hey it could've been a lot worse. *Cough Speed Racer Cough* 3.5/10

Twatlight Review: First Class Bullshit. I fast forwarded it at about an hour through the movie it's that bad. It's about a sorry excuse for a vampire named Edward and some bitch who ISN'T afraid of sunlight and is a walking diamond and how he's a fake vampire and all that shit. Fuck this movie and fuck those rabid fans who eat this shit up. You want vampires? BURN THE BOOK AND WATCH DRACULA. 0/10

Grease Review: High School Musical: Blow me this is where it's at. In fact Disney pretty much stole Grease threw a bunch of talentless actors and slapped their name on it. But I digress this was a pretty decent movie. Kinda corny at times but it was enjoyable to watch. It's got a colorful cast of characters, decent singing, and just has a nice nostalgia feel to it. 7.5/10

The Naked Gun Review: Okay, this movie has got to be one of the stupidest movies I have ever seen. By stupid I mean in a good way. I mean wtf theres all these puns flying at you, slapstick comedy, and just plain silly. Yet I got a good laugh out of it. It's from the creators of the "Airplane" movies so that's a sign saying this movie is hilarious. If you see it definetly check it out. 8.5/10

Princess and the Frog review: Great! Shit, I can't remember when Disney made a 2D animation. I think it was "Brother Bear" I'm not really sure. It's a breath of fresh air to see some a 2D movie to come from Disney.And for the first time ever Disney made a BLACK PRINCESS! IT IS ABOUT FUCKING TIME! Lol sorry I always wanted to say that :3. Anyway, I really enjoyed it and lets hope Disney makes more 2D movies. 8/10

How to Train your Dragon Review: Better then I thought it would be. It's about a Kid who wants to fight dragons but he's kind of a wimp so they don't let him. Obviously, he doesn't listen and goes ahead anyway. He finally shoots down a dragon and befriends it. And that's all I'll give away. btw See it in IMAX it's definetly worth it. It's funny clever and has some hella cool 3D scenes. 9/10

Beverly Hill Cops II Reivew: Wasn't as good as the first one but it was alright. Meh I'm too lazy to write a full review. 6.5/10

High School musical Review Requested by Madeline Rebecca Peyser: I can't finish this shit. It's so bland and retarded. everyone breaks out in song for no reason. Like the Basketball practice. Last time I checked there is no dancing is basketball and more like DRIBBLING THE DAMN BALL AND TRYING TO GET IT IN THE BASKET. The characters are annoying and the songs are full of it. 0/10

GroundHog Day Review Dedicated to Shelly Becker Gold : Bill Murray you da man! I loved it! It's about a news reporter who does a report about Groundhog day in this town and everyday is groundhog day and he can't get out. This movie has great writing, acting and was instantly hooked on this. Bill Murray has never looked better in this great romantic comedy.Seriously, go see this movie asap. 9.5/10

: Spongebob SquarePants Movie Review requested by Holy Shit Madeline Rebecca Peyser : Similar to that of the Simpsons movie it's basicaly just a long Spongebob episode in theaters. Plankton stole King Neptunes crown and it's up To Sponge and Pat to get it back. It's hilarious funny and something every Spongebob fan will enjoy. 8/10

Mr.Mom Review Requested by Angela Carpenter Nace and dedicated to Shelly Becker Gold : Michael Keaton Plays reverse roles Husband=wife Wife=husband and we all know how that goes. It's funny but some parts can be a tad bland. I think my favorite part was the one where Keaton gets shot and he is upset about his shirt.Not really my type of movie but I got some smiles out of it 6.5/10

500 days of summer review: This isn't a love story as they say. Cute, Brilliant, and funny. That's all there is to say about this movie. Add great acting and little to no love story cliches and you got a movie! 8.5/10

Anchorman Review: VERY funny movie. Will Farrel, Steve Carelle and others play News Anchors who get into wacky antics. Will Farrel has the power to make anyone laugh and if I heard correctly there is a sequel in the works. Don't know if it will be good as the first. Anyway, loved it and definetly reccomend it. 8/10

Alien Review: Awesome movie! It might start out a bit slow but it speeds up as it goes on. You got to love the almost "Star Wars" like special effects. And...That's the main highlight. Aliens, explosions, great acting and special effects. Overall it's a great movie and I highly reccomend this if your into sci-fi. PERFECT!! 10/10

Stripes Review: Bill Murray joins the army due to the fact that he's a lazy bum and his girlfriend leaves him and Harold Raimis tags along in this witty comedy. It may not be like Groundhog day which is my favorite Bill Murray movie besides Ghostbusters but it still was pretty fun to watch. If you're in the right mood check it out. 7/10

This is it review: Basicly, it's a documentary about Michael Jacksons concert he did before he died. It takes you on a behind the scene tour to see the tremendous effort it takes to plan a concert. The Choreography, the Make up, costumes, it's REALLY intersting to watch and is a must watch for any Michael Jackson fan. 8/10

Where the Wild Things are review: Absolutely Breathtaking. Turning like what 14 page kids book into a 2 hour epic? Count me in. The whole time I'm watching this it brought the kid in me. Now compared to the book I think the Book was better but it was a nice adaptation. I can't even tell if the Monsters were costumes or CG either way it was pretty cool. If I can sum it up I'd say: Decent. 7.5/10

Clash Of the Titans Review: Meh, I don't feel like typing a long ass review and I bet you don't feel like reading it. So was it good? Yes it was! Great 3D effects and storyline earns a 8/10 Plus it's got Sully from Avatar in it.

The great Escape: An Epic Journey about a guy going through great lengths to escape a concentration camp. To sum it up it's plain genius. The lengths they go through of tunneling their ways out and it just makes me think what if the whole place colleapsed? Well that sure would suck. But It doesn't. That's all I'll give away just see for your self. 8/10

Big Review: Tom Hanks stars in a film about a boy who makes a wish to be grown up but it's not all fun and games like he thought it would be. So how is it? Really cute and a great family film. I also love how creepy and funny it is when Tom Hanks acts like a kid. Overall, I reccomend you check it out. 7/10

Super Mario Bros. The movie: What...The...Fuck? Thank you Hollywood for ruining one of my favorite video games. Actually the truth is it's so bad it's good. I mean the Mario and Luigi look terrible in live action. Lol I'm Nerding out. Plus why do Goombas have small heads with big bodies? This movie is so hilariously bad that it deserves a 3.5/10

: Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone Review For Surprise Surprise Madeline Rebecca Peyser: If you've read the book you won't be disapointed. I loved the cast of characters and monsters. Cool special effects, and is just as good if not better then the book. Plus, being a Harry lookalike that's pretty cool. haha. I digress it's a fun filled movie every fan should see. 7.5/10

Spirited Away Review: I shed a tear just from the awesome animation of Hayao Miyazaki. a girl named Chihiro who while moving to her new house her parents discover tunnel which leads to a world of spirits and intersting creatures. This is one of those movies with puire originality and story and will remain a classic. PERFECT 10/10

Paul Blart: Mall Cop Review: Ridicoulously stupid. Honestly, there was barely anything funny well if you count fart jokes, and dozens of cliches. Yet it was so succesful with the box office. How the hell is that possible? It's kinda like a 6th grader directed this crap and that's probably who it's targeted towards 2/10

Bolt Review: Very cool. Talking dog action hero + Susie Essmen voicing a cat IN A KIDS MOVIE WITHOUT HER POTTYMOUTH routine+ Small Details in a beautiful 3D envioment= Awesome. 8/10

Ironman 2 review: Ah yes Ironman 2, For some reason people don't seem to care for it but I do! I thought it was just as awesome as the first. It does get a little stupid at times and Stark does act like a douche at times but it's at least acceptable. 9/10

Invention of lying review: Loved this movie! Ricky Geravis plays a guy who lives in a town where everyone tells the truth. He then says something that isn't true and hence this is what the movie is about. It is soo well written funny and original! Wow don't see much of that these days. I'm not giving away any details go check it out! 8.5/10

: About Scmidt Review: Thumbs up! Jack Nicholson plays an average Joe who leads a dull everyday life. His wife passes aways and becomes desperate and a little coocoo. I admire the gloomy atmosphere the movie has but the big turn off like anyone else is *shudder* Kathy Bates naked in the hot tub.Oh dear. But I digress. It's a really great film that's worth a check out. 8/10


A critic ALWAYS finishes a movie. No matter how terrible it is.

Also, try watching The Breakfast Club.

I already did! I think it's in collection 1 somewhere.

Merry Christmas!