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Wegraman @Wegra

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Wegra's Movie Reviews collection #4

Posted by Wegra - January 12th, 2011

Muppets Take Manhattan Review: Those Loveable Puppets are at it again! Kermit trys to pitch a Broadway show but the gang ends up splitting up and now Kermit has to reunite the gang and all hilarious stuff happens. Seriosuly who doesn't love the Muppets? They're freakin aweosme with their movements and corny puns. 7/10

Porky's Review: If you love raunchy movies then you'll love Porky's. The Film is about a group of High School Students trying to lose their virginity.They go to a strip club called Porky's Bar outside of town only to be humilated. They plot their revenge throughout the movie. It's also noted that this is one of the highest grossing Canadian films in history. It's over the top stupid and over the top fun. 7.5/10

National Lampoon's Animal House review: If college was always like this I'd probably would'nt want to leave the campus. Two Freshman are seeking a ferternity at the Omega house but don't get a friendly welcome.They end up in the worse house of all The Delta house. And by worse I mean their drunks.And the rest you'll have to see. It's another over the top comedy by National Lampoon that defined our college life 8/10

At long last after 5 months of Bullshit I present to you CHERRY 2000 review requested by Marci Elyse : a 100% pure fucked up cult movie. Ah, they just don't make em like they used to. A man who has a sex machine wife "Cherry 2000" short circuts and enlists the help of Edith to help find a replacement. The movie makes no sense and is very bizzare but it's an awesome movie. I give it a 7/10

Toy Story 3 Reivew: Pixar ends the Toy Story Trilogy with a bang set 10+ years after Toy Story 2. Andy is now going to college and donates the Toys to a daycare run by a corrupted bear played by Ned Beatty. And what a cast. Tom Hanks Tim Allen and the rest back in action. I also heard people got a little teary eyed at this movie and I don't blame 'em it's a heartwarming end to a solid childhood legacy. PERFECT 10/10

Rush Hour 2 review: Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker are back! Carter visits Hong Kong to hang out with Lee. They here that a bomb explodes at the American Consulate and are back to work! If you loved the last film you won't be disapointed. The two share great chemistry and provides us with twice as much laughs as the first. 7.5/10

Despicable me Review: A Supervillan named Gru ( Steve Carrel) is known for stealing various landmarks of the world plans to pull the biggest caper. By Stealing the moon with the help of his Minions ( Who are like Goombas that swallowed Homer Heads ). I like how Gru turns into the protagonist as the film progresses but is still a villan either way. Great cast of voice actors, Subtle Humor, and those minions= 7/10

Manhatten Murder Mystery Review: Another great movie from the Mind of Woody Allen. A Middle Aged Couple is seeking thrills out of their bland life. They find out their neighbors wife is missing and want to solve the mystery. It's a bit talky but it's amusing enough to watch. btw is it me or is there some Jewish Overtones? Around the end is when it really starts to get enjoable. Overall, definetly check it out. 7/10

School of Rock Review Requested by Biliah Munford : A Washed up Rockstar Jack Black is kicked out of his band and now has to pay the rent. He disguises himself as a Subsitute Teacher and enters his fifth grade class for Battle of the Bands. This movie is Jack Blacks best performance IMO And I'm not really a huge fan either! If you like movies like Spinal Tap or The Rocker you'll love this one. 8/10

Fantastic Mr.Fox Review: Fantastic movie is Fantastic. Based off the book by Roald Dhall about a Fox who raids a Squab farm and gets caught red handed. His wife is pregnent and now must find a safer place. Now, When was the last time someone made a stop motion animation? Since Monster movies! It's a breath of fresh air to see one in ages and it fits the atmosphere quite well. It deserves alot of credit. 8/10

Inception review: I'm totally lost.You CAN'T miss a second of it otherwise you'll be puzzled. Unfortunately, that's me. In a nutshell it's about Lucid Dreaming. It's one of those movies that you'll be talking about for a while. Not to mention the sound effects are theater quality. If you loved "The Matrix" you'll love this. I'll probably rereview it once I get the DVD and try to understand it. For now I give it 8/10

Idiocracy Review: Underated and aweosme!! Directed by Mike Judge a movie which two ordinary people. A Hooker and a General are sent a hundred years in the future. When they wake up the world has become dumber then it was 100 years back. It's an interesting movie with a lot of good humor. In fact the stupidity actually scares me. Definertly give this movie a shot. 7.5/10

Yellow Submarine Review Dedicated to Maddy Peyser and Julie: Get ready for the ultimate acid trip of a lifetime with the Beatles. Based on a dream it's about.... I-I can't explain it. It's to much of a mindf*ck to comprehend the plot. But screw it the visuals are awesome and I think thanks to this movie I am now an official fan of The Beatles. PERFECT 10/10!

History of the World review: Quite possiby my favorite Mel Brooks movie of all time. Telling the story of many different genres of history in this hysterical Master piece and the first appearence of the famous "It's good to be the king" But what pisses me off is that their never was a sequel! Waaaah! But screw it if you never heard of Mel Brooks watch this one first. PERFECT 10/10!

Wayne's World review: Based on the Hit SNL sketch 2 dudes who host a local TV show in Chicago. Played briliantly by Mike Myers and Dana Carvey. Get bought out by a big corporation and ruins the show. Both guys fall in love with 2 girls and you know the rest. This movie is beyond hilarious, and pretty much has a overdose of 90's. So yeah...PERFECT 10/10!

Shoot 'em up review requested by Jennifer Fisher : Violent, Gorey and over the top goodness. Now, to be honest I like these kind of movies only if done right. And it did. Shoot 'em up movie with guns, humor, morals AND a plot . Plus, Smith (Clive Owen) teaches kids valuable lessons. Like eat veggies, don't be a bad driver. Oh, and don't think I was waiting for the "What's up doc?" joke. I loled at that. 8.5/10!

Good Luck Chuck Review: I've seen worse. A young Dane Cook is dared to do that 7 minutes in the closet thing with a goth chick and puts a spell on him. Ooh bad luck? Death at early age? Being able to fuck any girl and gets married to another guy after sex... READ A BOOK MOVIE! GOTHS DON'T CAST SPELLS LIKE THAT!! And yeah it becomes a romantic comedy. It's stupid but at least watchable. I give it at least a 3.5/10

Hancock Review: So, you think you've seen every super hero? From Spider Powers to Super Strength? How about a super hero... WHO'S A BUM? Yes folks, a Bum super hero who's power source is booze! Chester A. Bum would be proud! ( And it's true!) So the movie itself has some subtle humor good action scenes, etc. It's overall pretty decent! 7/10

Pokémon: The First Movie review: Do I really need to explain? If you grew up in the '90s then you were there for the Pokémon craze of '99. The movie centers around the man made Pokémon known as Mewtwo and Ash is set out with other Trainers to battle. Just watching this will remind you of how awesome your childhood was and the hours you clocked playing. After viewing this you'll want to catch 'em all again! 9/10

Rugrats: The Movie review: Tommy, Chucky, Phil, Lil, and Angelica Jump into the big screen! Tommy finds out he's getting a new brother. Jealous, of it they somehow ends up getting lost using a Reptar Wagon Stu invented. even as a kid I always thought the movie had a bit of a darker edge to it. I mean the Rugrats are ACTUALLY lost! None the less it's loyal to the series and doesn't disapoint. 7/10

Norbit Review: Hmm... I wouldn't necessarily say this isn't the WORST movie of all time as they say I found it at least watchable to say the least. I think it's mainly the retarded humor. Eddie Murphy plays multiple roles including an obese black woman named Rasputia which the movie pretty much gets it's jokes off of. Fat humor. I think it was funny at parts but it's kinda stupid looking at it now. I give it a 4/10

Pygmalion Review: Based on the play from George Bernard Shaw about a flower girl named Eliza on the streets of England. She is taken in by a snooty upperclass Henry Higgins and teaches her how to speak proper English and become upperclass. This movie is a solid classic. Great Performences by Leslie Howard and Wendy Hiller, Definetly check it out. 8/10

Annie Hall review requested by Shelly Becker Gold: Loved it! This is my second or third Woody Allen movie and I think it's very amusing to watch. As said in my "MMM" review his jokes are subtle but still get a few chuckles out of them. It's about a guy in NY who's kind of a wimp but a smart guy and has interesting views on life and relationships. It's perhaps one of his best movies to date which means it gets a 8/10!

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets review: Best one in the series IMO. A new evil threatens Hogwarts when someone opens the door to the chamber of secrets which causes horrors in Hogwarts like petrified Students. This was great! The characters and plot are more developed and very suspenseful. I ain't giving it no spoilers just a 9/10!


You din't have to post all this......

Thank you for not giving up on this.

Anytime my good man. Shame no one else gives a shit.