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Wegra's movie reviews collection #6

Posted by Wegra - January 15th, 2011

Seriously, I have no idea why I'm doing this. Oh and btw these are ALL written on Facebook so that's why they can't go into not as much detail. However I discovered a way to get past that in newer reviews. most of these are from November 2010

The Grudge Review: For a horror film it wasn't reallly that scary. Then again maybe I'm not the type that scares easy. Though I admit some parts gave me a chill down my spine like the girl and the camera scene when she's just moving there. And a lot of shock factor. Depending on how easy your are to scare will depend on if you like this. 6.5/10

Cloverfield Review: Remember the Hype for this movie? Well, it sort of lived up to it's hype. It's a monster movie with the shaky camera effect and all destroying everything in NYC and one random dude is recording the whole thing till the end. I admit this actually scared me a little when I saw it on DVD. And I think I heard that there will be a sequel one day. 7.5/10!

Night of the living Dead Review: A film that revolutionized the zombie/ horror genre. Though it may seem kind of dated it still is pretty interesting to watch to this day. The Zombies still look like zombies though a little faster moving if you ask me. But still it may get a little slow at times but show some respect to the movie as it was pretty damn good for the time. 7.5/10

GhostBusters Review: Do I really need to say it? When there's something strange in the neighborhood who ya gonna call! *All together* GHOST BUSTERS! An all star cast of Bill Murray, Dan Akroyd, Harold Raimes and more team up and hunt ghosts that plague NYC. It's one of those movies that just can't be beat you'll enjoy ever second of it PERFECT 10/10 WEGRA APPROVED!

Shaun of the Dead Review: An average joe tries to win his girl back only to find out that everyone has turned to zombies. As the title suggests it's a zombie movie but also a dark comedy at the same time. That's Simon Pegg who you might remember seeing in Hot Fuzz, Run Fatboy run and other british comedies. I enjoyed this movie a lot and reccomend it to anyone who hasn't seen it yet. 9/10

Freaks Review: Wow, this movie is sooo fucked up. It's basically about a beautiful woman Cleopatra played by Olga Baclanova who trys to seduce the leader Hans Harry Earles just to inherit his fortune. But Cleo gets her just deserts in the end and it ain't pretty. For a movie that's 70 years old it's still fucked up to this day. It's more weird then scary especially the end. 7/10

Rosemary's Baby review Alec Weinstein here's to you! Umm... I don't know I gotta be honest here I have NO clue what's going on in this movie. I mean it's a horror movie but I could'nt find any of the scary. Or was it supposed to be? I honestly don't know. This is one revew that shall remain rateless until I can figure things out. For now I'll just keep track of this movie as proof that I watched it.

Creature from the Black Lagoon Review: Yet another Monster movie classic! An expedition looking for fossils comes across a weird amphibian monster living in the swamps. Once again a great movie with great cinematogrophy and great effects on the monster. A little fun fact for you: This was originally gonna be shot in 3D no joke. Overall, I give it a 7.5/10!

The Exorcist Review: Conisdered by many to be one of the scariest movies, it still lives up to this day sorta. The special effects and the creepy make up design were top notch back in the day. The evil demon trapped inside the poor girl and the creepy white eyes still is a bit scary but not for me really. It takes more then that. But it was interesting to watch and is a horror classic to this day. 7/10 Scare o meter= 5/10

The Invisible man Review: Based on the novel by H.G. Wells about a mysterious man wrapped in Bandages and donning a pair of goggles. But it turns out he's invisible (hence the title) and causes mischief everywhere in the town. How are the police gonna catch an invisible man now ;D? Ah but tbh I would'nt call this a horror more like a light horror movie. It's still pretty funny for being a classic. 7/10!

Lets kick off Disney Month with the very first film Snow White review: A princess who wants to get married or something like that is being hunted by the evil queen who wants to kill snow white. She comes across a little house with 7 dwarves who you should know there names by now ;). As said a gajillion times the animation is solid and hasn't aged a bit and is a perfect family film. 8/10!

Steamboat Willie Review: Though Techincally not a film I still have to give some kind of recognition to Disneys loveable Mascott Mickey mouse. An 8 minute short of Mickey just doing his thing, singing, listening to turkey in the straw you name it. To this day I still love to watch it. You can't say you love disney if you don't watch this! PERFECT 10/10

War of the Worlds (1953) review: Another H.G well film adaptation of an alien invasion which everyone was excited about...till they started destroying everything. The special effects are pretty decent for the time especially the ships. Even though you can techically see the strings. But sometimes it feels fun to look back at these kind of movies with the special effects and all. I give it a 6.5/10

Dumbo Review: Everyones Favorite big eared elephant who can fly! This is my first time watching it even before I always thought a flying elephant was freaking cool. It also shows that the carnival people are assholes! I mean look at what they do to poor dumbo :( With his mouse sidekick to help him get courage they can do anything together. Also I love how PI this movie is with the crows. Gotta love it. 7/10

Sleeping Beauty Review: Disney delivers yet again! A princess has been cast a spell upon by the evil Maleficent on her 16th birthday she will perish. To prevent this the faires cast a spell which will destroy the curse with true loves kiss.... It makes sense truest me. Anyway, IMO this seems Disneys more darker movies, they actually mention hell in this one and even blood is seen. Damn, that's badass. I give it 8/10

Saw II review: Probably the most disturbing installment and its only the second one. A detective finds Jigsaw's hideout but his son is one of his victims. That's Tobin Bell as the mastermind Jigsaw and what a performance. He's a sick psychopath who has a very disturbing way to punish those who don't appreciate life and want not only to learn a lesson but survive his sick game. Might just be the best one so far! 8/10

Mulan Review: Disney goes asian! When war strikes her village Mulan disguises herself as a man to enter the war and save the kingdom. Unlike other Disney Princesses Mulan is unique. She's like Zelda and Chun-li put in a blender. Strong courageous and beautiful. Though some parts were silly like Eddie Murphy voicing a dragon? It fits but it is China after all... But screw it this seems more underated to me. 7/10

Enchanted Review: What happens when those cheesey Disney Princesses get bannished by an evil queen to New York and find true love where there is none? This movie. I love it. Gizelle meets a handsome prince who she doesn't even know and her evil stepmother transports her to NYC. And the whole movie is a parody of Disneys Princesses and love and shit. So underated too we need more Disney movies like this. 8/10

Hunchback of Notre Dame Review: Wow. This is a more darker Dinsey movie. They mention hell, almost naked ladies dancing in the fire,etc on the other hand it treated us like adults but it still has it's light side of humor. There's also a great cast of voice actors; Tom Hulce as Quasimodo and Jason Alexander as Hugo. Plus Frolo is probably one of the most evil Disney Villans ever created. With that I give a 8.5/10

Kingdom Hearts Review: Though technically more of Final Fantasy then Disney it still counts for being a crossover. Basically the world of Final Fantasy collides with Disney giving it more of a darker edge. King Mickey has been kidnapped and Donald and Goofy must rescue him. They Bump into Sora and team up. You'll find a lot of Disney Goodness traveling to other worlds and seeing familar characters The gameplay is an RPG ( I think) and you get to level up and the usual. Lots of side quests even the character of that series might join you! Plus as far as I can tell I think they got the original voice actors too. I never was a huge fan of Disney till I played this. If you got a PS2 check this one out. Disney fans will DEFINETLY enjoy this. 9/10

The Brave Little Toaster Review: One of the most Bizzare Disney movies I've seen. It's actually the same thing as Toy Story but with a Blanket, a toaster, A vacum cleaner and a radio who can talk and try to find there original owner. It's kind of messed up in a way people either hate or love this movie. I think it was just okay and very strange. I give it a 6.5/10

Great Mouse Detective Review: A young girls father has been kidnapped by the diabolical Raticus and turns to a mouse detective for help. After mentioning his name Basil agrees to take down his arch nemisis once and for all. This movie seems to go unnoiticed even with being released 20-30 something years ago. It's decent and has some pretty catchy songs. Overall, I reccomend this one. 7/10

Hey Arnold! The Movie Review: The popular 90's Nickalodeon show, is on the big screen! The Neighborhood is to be torn down by Scheck ( Not Shaq ) voiced by Paul Sorvino and it's up to Arnold and Gerald to stop him The antagonist was a bit odd but I guess it was to make the movie. One thing, how the hell did the mayor agree to tear down a neighborhood filled with people? but screw it so with that I give it a 7.5/10

Grown Ups review: Adam Sandler, Chris Rock,Kevin James, and David Spade bring there families to relive the good times at there old coaches house. Sadly though I am disapointed by the lack of humor in the movie. What happened to all the funny? Most of it is just pee jokes and unfunny slapstick. I am dissapoint son. 4.5/10

Emperors New Groove review: A selfish emperor (David Spade) fires his advisor to which she intended to poison him but instead turns him into a Llama. He finds himself with a peasent Pacha who helps him get back to his throne. The movie is usually funny for the most part like the scene wher Kuzco predicts they are going down a waterfall and not even care. Oh and Kronk too. He pretty much stole the show. 7/10!

Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows review: Spectacular! Harry and friends set out to defeat Voldomort once and for all. Harry finds that Horcruxes are the key to his imortality and set out to detroy them. Oh and get used to seeing your favorite minor characters getting killed off ;_; I thought the last couple of films were so-so but this was a great way to make it up. If you're a huge fan you won't be disapointed. 8/10!

Charlie Brown Thanksgiving review: A timeless holiday special. What more is there to say? 8/10!

The Rescuers Review: Not a bad movie but could be better. Two mice are assigned to rescue a little girl being trapped by her evil step aunt in the middle of a swamp. The animation is decent but the plot is kinda at a slow pace. But there are some parts which are pretty cool. Oh and did you know about the hidden naked lady controversy. Look it up on google and be shocked! ( Not in the DVDS though me thinks) 7/10

Who framed Roger Rabbit? Review: Incredible! In a world where cartoons co-exist with humans Roger Rabbit has been framed and gets detective Eddie (Bob Hoskins) to help him out. So many details and cameos! It's all the cartoons you cherrished and loved all in one movie. Plus voted sexiest fictional character Jessica Rabbit! Also, the way they shot the movie is amazing. This gets a PERFECT 10/10 AND Wegra Approved!

: Naked Gun 33 1/2 review: Meh, it was okay the late Leslie Nilsen returns in a slapstick adventure as he retires from the police squad. But when a bomb is set to go off at the accademy awards Frank comes out of retirement and is back in business. It's not really all that funny but there are still a few parts which are still worth a chuckle. Also OJ Simpson is in it before the whole murder. lols. I give it a 5.5/10

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Review Shrizu Malonito this ones for you!: Based on the graphic novels Scott Pilgrim (Played by a likeable Michael Cera) meets the girl of his dreams Ramona Flowers. But her 7 evil exes stand in his way and must defeat all of them. Like References? Well, then dive right in we got Street Fighter, Mario, Seinfeld anything to make nerds jizz themselves from the awesomeness! 8.5/10!

Home Alone Review: Hands down my number one favorite chrisrtmas movie since I was 7 years old. Macaulay culkin is left home alone by mistake while his family is in Paris. And to make matters worse two dimwitted Burglars played by Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern are after him as well. Nothing says funny like a fun filled slapstick family comedy. I watch it litterly every christmas and I still loves it. 9/10!

Home Alone 2: Lost in New York Review: For some reason not many people cared for this and I'm not sure why. I found it just as entertaining as the first. Everyone reprises their roles from the first film. Sure it's a recycle of the first but It still had it's moment. I mean it's not like the third which had NOTHING to do with the first two and just blew so much chunks. So yeah give it a chance it won't bite! 8/10

It's a Wonderful life Review: A heartwarming Christmas Classic like none other. An angel shows a depressed man how the world we be if he never existed. It turns out the world would be in total chaos with out him. This is another one of my favoirte christmas movies the acting was superb the scenery was fun to look at. I give it a 8/10!

: How the Grinch stole Christmas! Review: You're a mean one Mr.GRINCH! Most holiday movies from the early 60's 70's get kinda dated after 30 something years But Dr.Seuss still stays timeless. Also that's Borris Karloff (aka Frankenstein) doing the narration as well as the Grinch himself. If you never grew up with this movie (hell I'm je...wish ffs!) then check it out! PERFECT 10/10! (Requested by Biliah Munford )

Eight Crazy Nights Review: Perhaps one of the most uniques Adam Sandler movies. For starters it's his first animated role. Plus one of the rare hanukah movies ;). Anyway, A washed up Davey Stone is sentenced to community service with an old quirky guy Whitey. He starts off a dick and ends up a nice guy in the end that sort of thing. The animation is suited to Sandlers characters and what a cast! I give it a 7/10!

Home on the Range review: For a Disney movie this was pretty stupid but at least entertaining. Roseanne Barr ( Eh :/) plays a cow who is sent to a new ranch. But when the ranch is being closed down three cows venture out to capture a wanted criminal for $50k. The movie is not bad but at the same time corny then again there are worse things out there like *shudder* Disney CHANNEL. 6.5/10

: Elf Review: Sick of Rudolph and Frosty yet? I know I am! Well, in the year of 2003 a new household christmas film is born! Buddy (Played by a loveable Will Farrel) was raised by elves until he finds out he was adopted and sets out to NYC to find his father. This is another one of my favorite christmas films and it shows. I definetly reccomend this for those who love watching christmas films this time of year. 9.5/10!

Miracle on 34th Street Review: One of the cutest and heartwarming christmas films. A man claiming to be THE Santa Clause is going under trial and a little girl as his lawyer. This is a very creative way of all the fake Santas and when we get the real one we treat him like crap. And btw this is the original NOT the cheesey remake. I give it an 8/10!

It happened on 5th avenue review: A not very well known but enjoyable christmas flick. A hobo and friends take up residence in a Fifth Avenue mansion while the owner winters in the South. -IMDb Though it's outdated it still is fun to watch.It's fun to point out the genericness of the 1940's movies like the acting. It's also got some funny scenes like the guy entering the house through a manhole. I give it 7/10

Fred Claus review: So apparently no one knew that Santa Claus had a brother who happens to be Vince Vaughn (who once again is playing another douchebag) Really? The centuries we've celebrated christmas and Hollywoord just throws him in there with a half assed backstory? What kinda stupid shit is that? I did like how they explain Santas secret to be ageless though but other then that it was a pretty dull movie. 4/10

Home Alone 3 review: What the fuck, Are you serious John Hughes? You got a totally new cast to make an unecessary sequel which has nothing to do with the first 2? REALLY? It totally sucked I didn't even watch the whole thing! 2/10!

Pulp Fiction review: Around the second time watching this is where the movie starts to be enjoyable and one of the best films of all time for a reason. Consisting of a spectacular cast of Samuel L. Jackson, John Travolta Bruce Willis and more about a crime drama with a complex plot and so many memorable quotes. ENGLISH MOTHERFUCKER DO YOU SPEAK IT? not to mention the theme. 9/10!

Snow day review: One of my favorite nostalgic movies from the year 2000. This was one of the early live action Nickalodeon films. When it finally snows in a suburban town in NY the kids want a second snow day but they have to stop a creepy snowplow man ( I knew those guys were evil) to make it happen. Though not a hit with the critics this movie has a lot of nostalgia in it and maybe it was weird. But I give it 7/10!


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