Hmmmm not bad.
Hmmmm not bad.
I loved this song from the start <3
Bout time I can download this to my iPod AHAHAHAHHAHHAAHAHAHA yusss. I love Cax's voice by the way she should do more singing with a voice like that. That said I await more great stuff from you Zoney!
It kinda sounds like the first notes to Rusty Bucket Bay from Banjo Kazooie just so happens I like that song too!
Well it doesn't seem thats what you were going for butt hey whatever your reason for such a title is okay with me!
Still can't get enough of Puella eh Ryan?
Hmmm so wait is this supposed to be a mashup of a cover and an English dub ( I assume it's a fan or... I dunno you didn't say) Still though I'd say you did good with these kinds of things. Any plans for more of these in the future?
That said keep it up man!
At least it sounded better then when she sang it :/
Nyan Cat still goes strong in one hell of a remix!
Great to see Nyan Cat in one more fantastic tribute even 1 year after his fame. I loved this fun little medley and needless to say I was impressed how well done it was
Sounds promising enough to me!
I'm liking what I'm hearing so far. Don't know why you can't upload the full version here instead butt regardless I'll check it out!
I have sent it off to some labels to see what they say... if nothing comes of it, I will put the full version up for download next week :D
- BeefourMusic -
What the hell
That sounded NOTHING like Luigi's Mansion. And even then this song is just bland as hell!
The titles are just what I named them to help me remember what they were. When I listened to this, I always thought of Luigi's mansion. Hence... Also, most hip hop music is bland anyway yet people still buy it. And my opinion as a music producer doent matter. I have to make what sells if I want a dollar. And what's on the radio now? Crap. (That's why I listen to dubstep)
Kinda wish you put the game over theme in there too like the movie
But in all seriousness this is the best acapella Mario theme...maybe as good as the one in Sunshine. And that's saying a lot! I hope you guys plan a comeback!
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