A funky video game esque tune.
It's got a bouncy rhythm with some funky sounds. What more could you want?
A funky video game esque tune.
It's got a bouncy rhythm with some funky sounds. What more could you want?
Oh my word!!
Wow, now this is just amazing. I mean talk about meditative this is just wow... I should use this if I ever meditate (which little known fact about me I have tried it before and just...really soothes the mind everytime) It just feels great to take a break from all the techno and video game music that comes through here and just relax.
Great stuff!
I like!
Nothing really too fancy here but it's an uncommon remix here so it's acceptable. Also given more of a creepy carnival atmosphere (which was funny because it was in a freaking cave) But whatever.
Not too shabby!
Cool loop bro!
Kinda has a nice trip out feel to it. If you know what I'm saying. Nothing to fancy just a simple experiment song.
Not bad I guess...
The begining of the song sounded a bit sloppy but it got slightly better as it went on. So really nothing to special here.
Huh, this is new....
Legend of Zelda jazz. Works out decently well I must say. Nice job!
wow i havent listened to this song for almost a year. thanks for reviewing
Hohohoho nice!
I wouldn't necessarily call this dubstep though but then again I'm probably thinking of the stereotypical bwababababa sound. OVerall though this is a pretty relaxing song to listen to has that Newgrounds original feel to it if you know what I mean. Nice job!
Very energetic piece!
Wow, that is a pretty kick ass dance beat you got here. I swear I can listen to this all day it's really awesome like candy for my ears. Hahahaa anway This is a catchy dance beat that I'll be listening to for a while.
Woah nice use of Genesis sounds!
Not to mention a little bit of a splash of original sounds to it as well. Seriously though I loved the whole thing!
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Age 32, Male
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Joined on 2/21/06