Oh hai Mark!
I must say lately it seems "The Room" is growing in popularity, first as an April Fools joke on Adult swim, Then the Nostalgia critic, and now a computer game! I like how things are looking! Basically, if you've never seen "The room" movie this game will be quite a challenge to complete. So I reccomend seeing it first before playing this. Trust me you'll laugh your ass off due to how bad it is.
Luckily I'm one of the people who's seen the movie and has a feel to where to go. I like how the graphics are loosely based on the "Tremarz" game and I never would've though Johnnyutah would be a good pixel artist. Oney also did a great job at the music as well.
Fans of the room can tell that they did a lot of research on the movie as well as ripping off some of the scenes and turning them into sprites. Trust me you won't be disapointed.
Alright now I'm babbleing so overall it's one of the best tributes to "The Room" I've ever seen. *In your Face Nostalgia Critic!
You guys make a great team, you should make more of these sprite games based off of bad movies!
* No offense to the NC this was a joke. I love him and his awesomeness.