Try harder man.
C'mon man you couldve done better.
Try harder man.
C'mon man you couldve done better.
Theres too many I can't read them all! Gaaah! It was still funny though. BTW what song was that?
Better then the first!
Another great job! And this ones a bit more chalanging. Now I'm off to try #3.
P.S. Dude, next time you give us a walkthrough, don't use spaces. This is what it should've looked like: hriddleschool2.html
The spaces are put there automatically.
This game owns!
Wow this games more fun then it looks. Although the layout is kind of a takeoff of pico it's still pretty fun. awesome job man!
We need more angry faic in the portal. This shit rocks.
Could've been a LOT better
Dude what the hell you put negative dollar signs in front of positive dollar signs which are impossible to avoid. And another thing that pissed me off was the fact you had to buy speed. Seriously would it kill just to have a decent speed at the begining instead a slow circle moving around? And sound would've been good to. But despite that this is a pretty fun game.
So cute.
Wee I love carrots
Close to the actuall thing.
Well The controlls are kind of hard but I like how you made it just like how you battle bowser at the end of SMW. Great job
Thank ya.
Get your Poke on!
Wow poking straberry is amazing. He feels so smooth and stuff.
Remember when these used to be newsposts?
Age 32, Male
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Been out of college for years
Joined on 2/21/06