Same tbh
Same tbh
Lol pretty good for a laugh
I'm confused
How did a guy that went from making this silly flash magically get the talent to make that cowboy sex ranch thing
Looks like things are still slow for Mega Man after all these years huh
Did you ever finish?
That OG Mudborne scream was what got me laughing XD
Oh that was a riot
Dear Fucking God
Today is no ordinary day on Newgrounds today we are blessed with possibly one of the most amazing animations to grace the portal in some time. I mean good god where does one begin to describe such a twisted mind rape? I mean look at all the animation there is SO much shit going on here. It's insanity reincarnated into this 7 minute plus epic. Is there a story? What is all this imagery? My mind can not comprehend all of this. And that is what makes Emily Youcis so great. She's obviously not from this dimension or maybe even not human but I am so greatful we have someone as amazing as her. Heck between you and me I had a bit of a crush on here a few years back.
Anyway I don't want to ramble on too much. The short version is this might very well be her magnum opus and may never be replicated in future episodes. It's the pinnacle the cream of the crop the king of the hill.
Its always great to stay on this website just in case that one sparkling gold nugget comes.
Admitingly the part where you can fuck him was amusing
Dude I gotta be brutally honest here this 3D animation looks like total shit. Seriously look at it it's a mess! Come on you gotta do better than that!
The good news is at least you still got your humor. And everything else was good but PLEASE god either get better at 3D animation or just go back to 2D. I perfer the former to be honest
I just don't have the time for 2d, even if it is overly tweened. Flash is a terrible program that I've had nothing but problems with. And yeah, my 3d work isn't perfect, but it's getting better I think. Thanks for watching anyway!
Remember when these used to be newsposts?
Age 32, Male
Nothing for now
Been out of college for years
Joined on 2/21/06