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I cant be the first to think that Lazymuffin was a big influence for you right? I mean these jokes sound so much like him even the way the characters talk

Now THAT was fucked up. I mean especially for 2000's standards where every other movie in the portal was shit. Seriously messed up

Well that was stupid I mean what did you think was going to happen?

That was just downright amazing!

So it's basically CG meets live action or something like that? It's almost hard to tell which is which. But thats what makes it so brilliant

adamanimates responds:

hey Wegra, thanks! Everything in the video was stop-motion shot on a green table with green walls behind it, then keyed out in After Effects. All the backgrounds were then made in After Effects by compositing still images of different pieces.

George Carlin would probably be spinning in his grave....in a happy way :3

Oh dear god almighty why did I think it was a good idea to watch this with the lights out at 2 AM. *Shivers*

I got goosebumps man. I cant remember the last time that happened. I'd hate to see what the sequel is like brrrrrrr

Nice work again. Just goes to show even in pixel form you can be scary as fuck

ClockworkPixel responds:

thank you :) and just to put you at ease ... part 2 is more unsettling

Oh dear fucking lord you again.

You know I kinda want to meet you for this glorious flash but at the same time I get the feeling you would do terrible things to me and that makes me scared.

Anyway you're telling me this is a full length film meaning there's more horrors ahead? AND David Firth is going to be in it? YOU GOT THE MAN THE MYTH THE LEGEND DAVID FIRTH. It's like a nightmare come true. Can't wait for the final product!

screamerclauz responds:

haha if my goal in life was to physically harm people I wouldn't spend 16+ hours a day animating this sort of non-sense ;)

Yes this is going to be a full length animated horror film. Its my second feature length animated film (Where The Dead Go To Die being the first) that will be completed by early 2015. and yes, the man, the myth, the legend David Firth was glorious enough to lend his voice to a fairly large character in the film. His voice isn't in the trailer (almost all the main characters aren't in the trailer) and I can't really say which one he is without spoiling one of the plot lines, but he did a fantastic job and any one is a fan of him will be able to pick his voice out right away!

Did you just fuck yourself?

maxdepier responds:

i gess i did ,literally

Remember when these used to be newsposts?

Wegraman @Wegra

Age 32, Male

Nothing for now

Been out of college for years


Joined on 2/21/06

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