If thats not what you call an amazing love story I dont know what is
If thats not what you call an amazing love story I dont know what is
Wow that was just pure unpredictability at its finest
Woah woah woah wait you're finally throwing in the towel? No more animations from one of the few surviving Newgrounders from the golden age? No come on say it isnt so! I loved your work since I was a kid why stop now? I mean sure maybe youre not Egoraptor or Pendleton Ward or whoever the fuck is big in the animation world these days but still you were like a legend growing up. Still I guess if you choose to move on to something better I suppose I wont bother arguing with you
Unless is it just the death of Gerkinman the character? If so why? As far as I know he held up pretty well over the years what makes you think he wasnt as loved as you thought? Either way this was an interesting conclusion to a long running character. All the best to you Gerkinman
Ha ha, nobody said anything about throwing in the towel.
On a side note, Egoraptor doesn't animate ANYTHING anymore (he pays other people to do his work for him and then takes all the credit, not to mention if he did make anything other then a parody his fan base would crucify him, he's trapped in a lot of ways) and Pen Ward had to step down because he was becoming too stressed by the amount of other crap that came with the job, so I can safely say i'm glad i'm not like either of those people.
Gerkinman as a character is going away, he feels like baggage at this point, a decade is a long time to carry a character around and to not have them stick, so its time to move onto other things.
I will still be animating shorts, and I want to start experimenting with other formats of storytelling, they just wont centre around this character, or the nimbin characters, or anything from the last 10 years.
Its time to move on.
The series that launched David Firths career and a pop icon on Newgrounds way before we had youtube. It was creepy and charming as fuck back then and it still is to this very day. It's a masterpiece of the ages. If you love flash movies then chances are you love this as well
A wonderful nightmare before christmas tribute by none other than the clock crew
That rap at the end just killed me XD
I remember this stupid little movie best pokemon parody ever :P
As usually I expected this collab to make absolutely zero sense whatsoever. Leave it to the clock crew to make a clusterfuck of a story from beginning to end and I wouldnt have it any other way. Cant wait to see your next collab!
Remember when these used to be newsposts?
Age 32, Male
Nothing for now
Been out of college for years
Joined on 2/21/06