Could've been funnier and better if the voice acting wasnt terrible :P
Could've been funnier and better if the voice acting wasnt terrible :P
I LOVE SeiyruRenaih's work because it usually means perfect animation to go along with it not to mention since it's Highfivetoons thats a good sign. So yeah great work on both your parts
That.....was actually kind of amusing in a crappy sort of way
Well that was trippy
You know its funny I had an account on there once but for some reason I couldnt get in password was right too. As the movie suggests I probably should rejoin the CC
That was awkward yet incredible!
woah I got a boner
Simple but effective.
That actually was funnier then I expected too hahahahahahah
Remember when these used to be newsposts?
Age 32, Male
Nothing for now
Been out of college for years
Joined on 2/21/06