Well it wasn't piss your pants funny but I am digging the animation. By the way the credits for the music is kinda vague can you link us instead?
Well it wasn't piss your pants funny but I am digging the animation. By the way the credits for the music is kinda vague can you link us instead?
I would, but our music guy hasn't posted his recent music on Newgrounds. As soon as he does, then I'll be sure to put it right on here. For now though, here's his soundcloud. https://soundcloud.com/ajdispirito
I never played COD either but I bet this is pretty accurate to the source matieal
But seriously though Redminus knows how to deliver
So you aready did Sunshine and 64 DS now where's that Mario Galaxy Parody!!!
Eh well either way this is an old favorite and frankly I kinda miss your old animation style its more fuid and colorful. Either way keep up the good work
Boy that sure escalated quickly huh?
That was hilariously bad just lol
It may be retarded to you but it was a fun watch
Not the first movie to sumarize Newgrounds in a nutshell but this still delivers oh so well. You sir get an oatmeal raisin cookie :3
I don't get it :I
Well keep submitting this stuff I guess
Just Meh that's all
Remember when these used to be newsposts?
Age 32, Male
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Been out of college for years
Joined on 2/21/06