OH BURN!!!!! Kinda wish it was longer but still nice
Great to have you back on the scene Yoshi 1-up hopefully you'll stick around right?
OH BURN!!!!! Kinda wish it was longer but still nice
Great to have you back on the scene Yoshi 1-up hopefully you'll stick around right?
Of course lol :D I usually animate, edit gameplay videos, voice act or help filming.
I should finish more shorts though lol took only like 4 hours (getting the sprites was a bitch!)
I remember I used to hate this series as a kid but it took FOREVER to realize this shit was NEVEr meant to be taken seriously....right? Ah well either way it was kind of amuisng. Come to think of it dont these guys work for Thatguywiththeglasses now? Hmmmmm
Took the words right out of my mouth. Whats the fucking point of commenting anymore on that shti site? Great work!
Kick him in the crotch Unca Scrooge!
Wow I am so happy this series made a comeback seeing crapily drawn versions of all the Ducktales characters is just a riot and its just fun stupid humor you know? Cant wait for more!
I actually did watch the cutscenes for that game holy hell this pulls all the right jokes of everything wrong with Free Riders hahaha.
As usual another great Sonic parody from one of the masters. Great work!
Oh that was GREAT!
Not to mention one of the best episodes of the crappily drawn ducktales parody known as Ducktalez and funniest too. I think I cracked up at the Spice Girls bit and the likes. Loved the nods to Batman and other crap and yeah feels great to have this series back and I can hardly wait for 7!
Whoa that was some might fine good trippy shit and a great choice of songs to go along with it. Well done you guys!
Holy Mackeral!
That is some sick ass pixel animation probably the best I've seen in a while or maybe ever. Had me a bit squeemish at parts but that's what Newgrounds is for sometimes you know. Anyway awesome job and can't wait to see more from you. I can see why Tom fancies you
Yeah it is pretty awesome how much Tom has plugged my stuff, very grateful for that.
Remember when these used to be newsposts?
Age 32, Male
Nothing for now
Been out of college for years
Joined on 2/21/06