Heh gotta say that gave me a decent chuckle.
Heh gotta say that gave me a decent chuckle.
Glad to hear!
Kind of reminds me of my own flashes.
For something that is subpar this actually was pretty fun to watch. I mean there's something about it I like but I can't really put my finger on it. It's just stupid fun
Oh God Marc M you are amazing please don't ever change
Oh my god another one
Just when I thought Cheap Joke couldnt possibly get any more trippier and messed up this comes along and pushes the envelope even further with just as mich trippy animation then you can shake a stick at. I'm glad to see that you're sticking with us so we can see. More of your animations that said cant wait to see what elae you got on store forus
Lardstix nailed it.
It was a bit too random for my sense of humor but either way I liked it for what it was. Did I mention Lardstix nailed it with that performance?
Looks like someones been watching too many David Firth movies.
It's funny I never expected to see something so messed up from you and very well put together might I add. Nice use of backgrounds too almost felt like a clock movie and David firth movie combined
Where did the clock movie element come in?
Hands down that was the best Flinstones parody I have seen in my entire life.
And is even better then the original show. XD
Thanks dude!
Well the name half lies half doesn't. I think it was a clever play on words of course it didn't really have much to do with anything and I doubt the series ever had liftoff soo hey make the most of it
Wow whoever did Sakuras voice was spot on. Sounded like Brittney Harvey hereself.
Not sure where the Dragonball part comes in but either way I thought this was a great parody and the likes. That said great work!
11linda.newgrounds did sakura
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Age 32, Male
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Joined on 2/21/06