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I'm going to make it a tradition to watch this around every Ghostmas

I almost forgot how awesome this series used to be and how every episode gets funnier with each viewing. Come to think of it, it's been a while since we got a new episode. I hope you'll get to work again on that soon...hell maybe even Mastermind 6?

Well it's about time this got a NG release what the hell took so damn long?

Well either way I think this is one of the best flashes you've made since Leo and Satan. And frankly, I hope this becomes your new series because I laughed hard at the first one and I'm glad you finally got this out.

That said you two make a great team and I can't wait to see what else you got

Well the tiki guys got moves. I always found those guys pretty creepy to be honest heh

Not really much else to say considering how short this is but I'd say this review counts as a "Proof of watching" so score one for you and me.

also 9000+ views aint too shabby for something like this.

Hmmmm I'd say that's some good old fashion dark humor there.

But shit though this slideshow would have been exteremly unsettling if it wasn't for that jesus moment at the very end. Gave me a bit of a chuckle too hehehe.

Wow that was just REALLY stupid

Although I got to give you credit for creating the word: Homogay. Safe to say I don't think anyone has used that one yet so kudos i suppose. All aside that was just crappy as far as animation and humor goes. But then again what do you expect for a 2000 work.

Woah that's a lot of blood for a poorly animated flash.

I can't even tell if that thing he's throwing is a frisbee or a boomerang. Or both becuase well....I don't know not a fan of the whole looping music though especially since it plays after every time you watch it. Least you could do is make a preloader. Ah well it's an old one so I'll let it go.

Oh dear...

Aside from the mediocre animation I have a feeling this song will be stuck in my head for a while. I hope you're happy -_-

Well it's a step in the right direction

I mean I appreciate you trying to copy the Psychic Pebble/ Speedo sausage style but I gotta say the humor could be a LOT more better then this. Not that I can give any pointers but just keep practicing. Also the transitions were a bit much

Other then that you guys have potential

Remember when these used to be newsposts?

Wegraman @Wegra

Age 32, Male

Nothing for now

Been out of college for years


Joined on 2/21/06

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