
8,541 Movie Reviews

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Yeaaaah I'll just go watch the real thing instead of this pointless animation.

The least you could've done is add a background and a few other of the Southpark characters or whatever rather then just Cartmans head bobbing up and down. Disapointment I have to say

Strawberry clock much?

Dude that was the best thing I saw in a while. I havent seen a crossover this epic since Marvel Vs. Capcom it definetly deserved this awesomeness. Hope we can get a sequel where Fred Flinstone fights George Jetson

Could've been scary if done right

I do like the creepy music and surreal backgrounds in all this but the voice and text could use a LOT of work it sounds like a 14 years old kid was doing it and just learned how to use those voice altering programs. But yeah good concept but just needs a little bit of work

Funny in some kinda weird way

I don't know this isn't as bad as all the other 2000 movies I've seen on the site. Sure it's nothing fancy but at least the concept is original not to mention a bit funny considering he's some kinda thing that Goofy shat out and became some kinda mutant human.

That said not bad!

Woo shake that thing Megaman!

Heh, gotta say nothing really fancy but I did get a nice smile out of me. I'd say that's a winner in my book!

Wow just look at that animation!

You know I never noticed just how good of an animator Red Minus is. Not to mention how spot on Caxx's voice acting is. And not only that I actually laughed at it! I don't know what exactly did it but maybe it was the funny ass Pikachu Riff at the end

That said keep up the good work RM don't be a stranger!

Poor Microsoft :(

I really don't have a prefrence but I do agree Apple products can be full of shit most of the time. Says the guy with an Apple iPod lol. But I digress, I also couldn't help but notice the animation has a similar style to that of Spazkid, like the random shit that comes out of the characters such as the eyes popping out and what not.

That said it was a funny parody!

You're done with Sanity not included? I don't know what this has to do anything with the movie (Well sorta) but hey that sounds good enough to me! That means we get more of you on Newgrounds..I think :P

Well that was fun!

Heh, I wish Spelling Bees were this exciting when I was a kid. Uh...that's pretty much it except I don't get whats with the random showering woman in the intro.

That is all!

Remember when these used to be newsposts?

Wegraman @Wegra

Age 32, Male

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