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Finally a decent series!

After seeing the crap that inhabited the protal in early 2000 this is a nice breath of fresh air. It's got some decent voice acting lolzy characters funny jokes. The animartion may have aged but at least everything else makes up for it. Truth be told wish there could be more of this series. That said nice job guys!

Because of you Harry Partridge

I'm inspired to check out this game and see how epic this game truly is. I hope it's as badass as you say it is. Come to think of it I think this may be the first time (Excluding the other video) we ever get to hear you sing (and such a voice at that too hahaha) So that said great work Mr.Partridge I'm glad to see you're still funny as ever!

Despite that this joke has been done before

I love the amount of effort put into this lulzy parody. I guess you can say it's a bit of an updated version of "Mario Gets Lucky" which is an classic btw but this on the other hand was still pretty funny I loved the acting and Luigi at the end was a good twist. And that said you did good!

He does bring up a lot of good points :P

I almost forget the fact that Ganon is the lone male of 100000 Gerudo women which begs the quesion if Ganon is secretly gay...Ah what am I saying he's a fucking video game character. But anyway I love the idea of a Video game therapist and the animation being suitable for ganon to be funny and all that junk.

I could see this as maybe a short series but I dont want to insist upon milking it out but with that said I liked it and I can't wait to see what else you got ;)

Ah before the days of Myspace and Facebook

Hahaha despite having it aged over the years you have to admit we've all done this before. Ending was predicatable but of course still filled with epic win/fail also was that photo of Jack Nicholson? Ah I love the internet yes I do.

Oh god are you serious?

XD Seriously what was up with Newgrounds at the time? Midgets in a can oh my god this place never ceases to amuse me I'll tell you that. I mean look at this animation it's half assed but hilarious. Honestly how do I review something like this?

In short I loled nuff said

As silly as this movie is

You have to admit the idea of a Black version of Mario is pretty fucking hilarious shame we only got to see 4 shorts of wackiness trying to get rid of the plumber I could see a lot of potential with him. Hahaha but hey it's all in the past. Lets hope someone revives the idea

An Egoraptor classic.

I actually saw the commercial recently I can't believe something like that would actually exist. Now that I think of it I recall there also being an elevator commercial about a Darth Vader PSP and some obnoxious fuck. But I digress the animation itself is based on that old easter egg in one of the compilations and it's funnier then ever before.

So that said great egoraptor cartoon with a worthy remake. Nicely done!

Silly but likeable

I can tell this wasn't supposed to be taken seriously humor wise but instead just mean to be done for the shere hell of it. Robot dinosaurs in Jurrasic park. Yeah! I totally remember that scene hahaha

Well that being said it was alright. Nuff said

Fat people and waterslides never get old

It seems like I can never get enough of these moments. I love the predictable yet hilarious ending where he gets stuck in the end which then supposedly cause the water to block cup. That alone is classic.

I think you have potential kid keep up the good work!

Remember when these used to be newsposts?

Wegraman @Wegra

Age 32, Male

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Been out of college for years


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