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You could turn everything overated into something enjoyable just by adding random shit in your animatiiuon like dicks and tits. Actually this almost looks like an Egoraptor flash except a HELL of a lot better if I dare say so myself.

Seriously keep these coming man! I can't get enoufh lul;z!

And this folks how comedy is made.

See here, you got a talented cast of voice actors, good writing and puns that are ACTUALLY funny compared to thinking that sprite movies are the best form of comedy yeah some are good but wheres the originality in all of it? That's why Eddsworld is just so fresh they really love making their movies and it's just a hilarious joy to watch.

That said keep up the good work guys!

Oh yeah I remember this!

Actually yeah the whole news article and such. Shame I only tuned into maybe one or two of the streams but I loved this animated reenactment of it especially with the baby singing and such lols.

Nice job bro!

You're not alone on this bro.

I want to find the idiot who ruled out Zero over Megaman at once!

Not much to say about the flash other then...Really Capcom?

Tele what now?

No seriously I thought this was all original thought by the intelegent minds of Newgrounders but no THIS SHOW ACTUALLY EXISTED.

Whatever this collab is an awesome acid trip that doesn't need acid!

A bit silly but funny too

I mean what with the whole " take your panties off and suck my dick." But it's roughly a decade old what ya be expecting?

Some things get better with time

And this just proves it all with it's random and loud shit thrown at us. That's all I can say about this epicness :0

Hahahaha Fantastic!

I tell ya theres nothing like animating cartoons in real life ( I don't know the term for that but you know like in Roger Rabbit) and you sir are a pro at it. Nice short and sweet. Also for once the food is the one that gets away instead of being eaten unlike in other cartoons.

Nicely done!

molkman responds:

Yea, the food is lucky this time. What will happen next?

This should've been done sooner!

Wow, what a great collab of yummy goodness! DAMMIT NOW I WANT MUFFINS *Runs to Wegmans and buys muffin*

Okay I'm back anyway yeah a great variety of delicious and adorable ( and creepy) cupcakes and muffins made by talented artists. There might've been a few choppy ones but never the less it was a great idea and for that this gets a thumbs up in my book!

Remember when these used to be newsposts?

Wegraman @Wegra

Age 32, Male

Nothing for now

Been out of college for years


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