
8,541 Movie Reviews

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Not as good as the others...

I don't know it just wasn't funny as the previous installments and it felt like it was rushed. Not to mention it was way too short. It looked like it had a lot of potential. Maybe if it was longer it could've been better. But hey it's only one episode that wasn't as good I hope the next episode will be even better!

Not bad!

The moral of this flash: Nuts are serious business. Damn, I never would have thought squirrels can be this badass. Hahaha. The animation was pretty simiple but nothing full blown and I kind of like it like that. I also got to say that gray squirrel pointing had some pretty freaky hands when he pointed at the brown squirrel amirite? Overall, it was decent, original and I congratulate you on winning 2nd place!

Original and cute...

I think it got a bit of a higher rating then I thought it would and I can't believe it won 3rd place. But hey that's not bad! I guess it's the originality that counted not the animation. It was fun to see the bomb go through all these obstacles just so he can be put out. I guess not all bombs like being blown to smitherines huh? It's decent but maybe one day you can take the time to add some color to it. Keep up the good work!

I think there was a comic like this somewhere..

But it's so true how Sega shits out annoying character after annoying character in every Sonic game. I like how the end they say "No friends needed" that was pretty funny. It's a shame you lost because I would've voted. Heh heh. Keep up the good work guys!


That is by far the best line in the whole movie. And the rest is a laugh riot itself. You got some random little kid who just so happens to be friends with Satan himself. Like other flash movies Oney has made you might notice that he throws in something completly random and out of nowhere. This is one of them. Overall, it's a perfect laugh fest that won't disapoint.

Oh god not another one...

Seriously? That wasn't the least bit funny. You just threw in a bunch of memes and recycled the Brawl Taunts formula once again. I mean come on use some freakin' originality for once Rina! Oh and that Farmville joke at the end really pissed me off. OH MY GOD FARMVILLE IS COOL SO LETS PUT IT IN!! No just no.

Seriously, I regret laughing at this crap.


Heh, Acid rain got what he deserved. What a dick. Who knew that raindrops can fall in love? I also love how there was the other raindrop screaming for his life which was like "When you wish upon a star" lols. And is it me or do the drops look like tadpoles? Well who cares? It was cute clevar and creative!

Predictable but still funny.

Not to mention kinda weird in a way. But I still liked it. The animation was cheap but suitable for something like this. Keep up the good work and happy robot day!

Not bad!

For Edds early work this aint half bad. I like how the backgrounds look exactly like they came from the game including the details just like I remember it. Though some of the drawings are a little corny like the silly face Ganondorf makes when he gets hit with an arrow. I don't know I can't tell if this is supposed to be funny or serious. Still nicely done!

Bizzare but creative

Just what I expected from Boogley. Another bouncy and random animation. The story just makes itself up as it goes along and just gets weirder and weirder. I also like the song choice for this it makes it feel like those old timey cartoons. Overall, if you love weird stuff or are a fan of "Sketchy Friends" You won't be disapointed.

TheBoogley responds:

Thanks for the kind words Wegra. Like I always say, you're a good man :)

Remember when these used to be newsposts?

Wegraman @Wegra

Age 32, Male

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