So much good shit here, old forgotten Newgrounds icons, shit loads of glorious art it's truly a feast for the eyes. And don't forget there was no Art Portal or fourms at the time<3
Ah, such sweet Nostalgia.
So much good shit here, old forgotten Newgrounds icons, shit loads of glorious art it's truly a feast for the eyes. And don't forget there was no Art Portal or fourms at the time<3
Ah, such sweet Nostalgia.
We sooo need more of these.
Dammit I miss you guys so much. Haven't even made a new KFK adventure in 3 years! Do come back soon we miss you!
Not bad!
Pretty fun movie to watch for the nostalgia factor of it when stick movies ruled the portal.
Well that was...interesting.
Ummm wow, for one thing this definetly needs like an M rating at the least. Plus it was WAY to short and had a lot of potential. Some of the jokes were alright but despite all the negatives I thought it was pretty fun to watch and the nostalgia as well.
Thumbs WAY up.
Boy you Nintendo fanboys are in for a real treat with this fun filled (final?) installment of the NiN10Doh series. Wow oh effing wow get ready to jizz your pants guys for an epic orgy of Nintendo jokes only the hardcore fans will get. Did I mention OBSCURE REFRENCES only .11111111% of you will get?
Like the Majoras Mask parody had sort of a message. With all the shit going on I just realized it was very fucked up game. I mean Kafe and Anju making out which is freakin' pedo. Or how about the Elite Beat Agents aiding Captain Falcon, Or the Strarfox crew arguing because Falco is such a fucking Douchebag! Seriously, everytime someone helps him he's like " Yeah, thanks you wanna cookie for that?"
For starters I thought 2 was okay but felt kind of lacking in some areas. This one took the first too kicked it in the balls shit on it then ate it all up. ( Uh... Which is saying it's the best in the installment? Gosh I uh honestly don't know....
Fuck it though what I'm trying to say is this collab is REALLY something.
First off I don't know about you but if you've been Following Kirbopher on Twitter you'll notice he's been talking non stop about this. I wasn't really excited and just passed it of as "oh cool that's nice" and waited patiently. But seriously this guy put in a SHIT ton of effort.
You have an AMAZING cast of voice actors, animators and LOADS of special guests including some who we rarely see anymore LegendaryFrog ( who actually animated in this one). Pikanjo, and so many cameos that will just jizz your pants Happy Harry, Max Giraldi, Rina-chan (who's doing what she should stick with rather then writing shitty overused memes) and so many others.
You can also tell they had a lot of fun making this for us and I give them credit and even feel happy for them as me for watching it.
Hell, I've sorta outgrew video game parodies but this is the few exceptions. And I bet they'll be trolls who make fun of this shit sooner or later but hey that's just how it is.
Well, I'm just rambling off once again. And I almost never talk this much or put an effort into my reviews lols.But the bottom line is this was just a really fun filled flash to watch for any Nintendo lover out there And I admit this is sorta like a guilty pleasure that I'm saying all this.
Very well done guys!
Lol well that was random...
The subtitles and the colorful animation make up for all the weirdness going on here. Only complaint is that you gotta speak up next time. That's all!
Has a good Message.
Don't get me wrong Youtube is a good site but sometimes the most ridiculous things get too much recognition like this. I just wish people would pay attention to Newgrounds too we've been here longer and yada yada yada. Love the animation great work!
Stuff like Justin beiber? Hahaha
One of the more original christmas movies on NG!
Seriously I love it! You know when I first heard of this I was like Zanta claws? Like Zant from Zelda? Boy was that misleading but funny. I love the characters and the animation and I really got to get more into the eddsworld series. Keep up the good work!
Hahahaha looks like you guys had fun with this
Ah you gotta love the christmas nerdy gamerness around christmas (lol wut?) Also wow a joke about the N-gage one of the most obscure modern day portable gaming systems. Ah good times, seriously, I said a million times but we NEED Decline 4! I mean with all the new generation consoles, the Wii, PS3 and 360 it's litterly begging for it! So much has happened since then.
But aside from that keep up the good work!
Remember when these used to be newsposts?
Age 32, Male
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Joined on 2/21/06