Wow, I just realized how totally random this is...
But at the same time I loved this movie from my childhood. Aaaah... Good times.
Wow, I just realized how totally random this is...
But at the same time I loved this movie from my childhood. Aaaah... Good times.
Egoraptor is funny once again!
Lately Ego has been kinda of Lacking on his newer projects but this is a breath of fresh air to Egoraptor's traditional Awesome series.
I never even played the game either heck Ego has stated he never played it either! I bet he was capturing the Fanboys reaction after Purchasing Halo Reach. And captures it quite well I must add. I mean Jesus the animation is a mindfuck as well.
But that's what I like about Egoraptor vg parodies you don't have to know much about the series and you'll most likely enjoy it. Keep up the good work Egoraptor glad to see your back in business!
Getting Better!
Compared to your last animation I can say your getting better! You now have backgrounds and a simple though cheesey plot. And has a moral too! No one fucks with veggies that's for sure hahahaha. Keep up the good work mah bro!
My Favorite Part...
Is when the guy smacked his Lips :3
Hahahaha oh my god I did not see that coming. An oridinary looking gun which is also a Rocket thingy. Ending was also full of lols and win just like you'd expect from Oney. Never get tired of it I tell ya!
What an All Star cast lols!
Lol, I love how VGV doesn't know jack squat about games and always pronounces the characters wrong but that's the fun part of it. Not to mention Mickey is awesome because he's the only Douchebag I love. This episode was pretty funny and I love how the cast acknowledges there 2 years late. Can't wait for the finale!
Off to a decent start!
Heh, knowing you I love how the animation is what you do best. Smoking. In fact the character resembles you quite a lot. But anyway pretty decent animation for a start. Glad this passed judgement and all. So yeah, Keep on practicing and good luck!
Cheers dude. Will be praticing more at college. Hoping to have another one up shortly :).
More I demand More!
Hahahahaha It's funny because this sums up the stupid fanboys of Youtube,Sonic and such. Ya gotta love em. I think you should make a trilorgy of this it has a lot of potential. Though the ideas been done quite a lot. But hey that's just my opinion. Overall, good work wonchop.
P.S. Nice Sonic colors NE- Oops I mean Master system remix. Hahaha
An Epic upgrade from the previous episode!
Wow, just Wow. This was a huge improvement over the last episode. Don'r get me wrong I loved the last one too but this episode was 100000x better. The Characters are more developed and the humor is crude it's not really over the top. And the random cameos fit actually, it's not like you had one every five seconds like "Brawl Taunts" but it worked. And I always thought Larry was a cross between Lucas from Mother 3 and Pico. In fact that should be his voice!
But I digress, I loved this episode and I can't wait to see the next fun filled installment to the seires!
Hahaha this is cute I'll give it that.
Wow, for a first flash it's a start (Like the blob said) It's an original concept of Blob characters growing spines apparently this one came out of nowhere lol. Anyway I think you have some potential in you. If you keep on practiticing you'll get a lot better. Keep up the good work and good luck with flash!
Remember when these used to be newsposts?
Age 32, Male
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Been out of college for years
Joined on 2/21/06