You know this aint half bad!
It's pretty close to the orginal animation style of Krinkles. The rest was okay but nothing too special or fancy. Maybe a background would've been kind of nice but for a madness film it's acceptable. Keep it up mah boi!
You know this aint half bad!
It's pretty close to the orginal animation style of Krinkles. The rest was okay but nothing too special or fancy. Maybe a background would've been kind of nice but for a madness film it's acceptable. Keep it up mah boi!
Huh, I never thought about that...
Wow, you know I guess I thought it was normal for the transformation thingy to always come with pants but I guess this flash proved me wrong. Heh, I liked how he said he was gonna nail bella. Good for him! I wish we coulda seen it though. lol jk keep up the good work though!
It tends to happen in a number of stories, just with all the ridiculousness, I had to focus on something :P
Been there done that.
Oh look, Mario on drugs cause he ate a mushroom get it? How cliche and overdone. If your gonna do a Mario parody actually use material that hasn't been made fun of before. Though points for hand drawing it rather then ripping sprites but the animation still needs work.
Is it wrong that I got a a little teary eyed? ;_;
Wow, I haven't seen a Mario movie this sad since the funeral scene in "Rise of the mushroom kingdom" Wow, just wow. It's a shame they never mention how Peach died. Was it Bowser? Was it a Poision mushroom? I guess it's up to the viewer. But yeah it's pretty sad. Keep up the good work!
Hmmm... reminds me of the early episdoes.
My favorite one is Cheesemans episode. I like how the letters are used as the ground and the clouds. Not to mention it looks like something SBC would have made. And the other one was okay as well. Looked like another movie that I think uglybastard made ages ago or something. Keep up the good work!
At first I was like okay another music video this shouldn't be too bad and then barely through the begining the girl hits him with a bottle. That is using some originality. Hope to see more like this in the future!
Wow, I gotta say theres somehting about this movie I like. It reminds me of the old Mario parodies where the characters were not in character and people did whatever the hell they want. I mean now adays theres a lot of so called cliches of the Mario parody genre. Either it'll be outdated bloopers, or Mario vs. Sonic, or whatever. This is a breath of fresh air. I don't know why I just love it! , I really can't wait to see part two. Keep up the good work!
Thanks! This movie was somewhat inspired by those type of movies, but I wanted to make something a little different that people will like!
glad you liked it!
I'm just here for the awesome song and nothig else
Daw, who am I kidding this is too awesome! I like how it almost captures SBC's Style in a way. He would be quite proud indeed. Oh, and PLEASE post where you got the song. I MUST KNOW.
Thanks for your review! I appreciate it.
The song is from Silver Surfer level 1 on the NES
Oh wow, I didn't know there was more of this.
I remember seeing the "Train Tracks" episode and remember loving it. I never heard of distorted view till that movie. I love your early work, it has a classic style to it if you know what I mean. You should make more of these when you can they. ARE hilarious. Keep up the good work!
One of the funniest episodes I've seen so far.
I mean it the whole conversation with God was hilarious. And the whole Powerpuff girl thing was hilarious when you sang the theme song. Lazymuffin don't ever change. :)
Remember when these used to be newsposts?
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