Note To Self: Next time I'm in B&N FIND THIS BOOK
Oh my lols seriously Cyanide and Happiness never seiizes to amuse me. Even trying to advertise their book is a freaking laugh riot. Here's to more lols *Clinks Glass of wine together*
Note To Self: Next time I'm in B&N FIND THIS BOOK
Oh my lols seriously Cyanide and Happiness never seiizes to amuse me. Even trying to advertise their book is a freaking laugh riot. Here's to more lols *Clinks Glass of wine together*
<3 to the 80's
Wow, you know I don't think I ever watched this one. And I followed the Season pretty good. Wow, what a classic. Now that I'm older I understand all of the references and humor. My favorite being the Axel Foley Killing Pluto Nash. Hahahahaha.Good times.
Keep up the good work SS!
Yet another "Wacky" instsallment to WGJ4K series.
Wow, so like you got TomFulp himself to lend 1 line of Dialogue? You lucky SOB I don't know how you did it. Too bad Mickey was being a dick and going to commercials. Ah, but that's part of the joke. I love the series for it. And I really think you should pitch that Video game hero thing to Activision. I'd totally play it. Or just submit it to Either way It'd still be awesome.
Keep up the good work guys!!
Mickey the dick at his finest.
Yup, just throwing in terrible puns and a bunch of other jokes in a half assed manner. That's our Mickey! Heh, I love the Metal Gear Funnies refrence wth the " Mario eating the Mushroom" joke. It's so true how Video Game fans will laugh at anything that has their favorite character in it. Ah, gotta love them. I also love the costumes for the characters and how appropriate they suit them.
I'd love to see Street Fighter costumes. Mickey as Ryu, Eric as Ken and June as Chun-li that would be awesome. But I digress.
Oh and the ending is just hilarious. It kinda makes me wonder if that's what it's like off the camera on those gaming shows like on G4.
Keep up the good work Max!
Long time no see huh?
Damn, I thought this was going to be the actual movie. You god damn cockteases.... I forgive you though because I love you guys. Anyway, wow I'm shocked to see that the animation has improved drastically since the last one. Wow that was like 2006 I think has it really been that long? But hold the phone for a sec... You got THE Leslie Nielsen? Bullshit I don't believe it. How the hell that happened is beyond me but that's just incredible that you got him (if you really did I like pics plz). Heck, this doesn't even look like a Waterman movie it looks like something else!
So yeah, I can't wait to see the finished project. Though sadly that probably will be in like 4-5 years from now. Till then keep on animating that movie. I'd love to see Waterman make a comeback after a long hiatus!
Isn't that the same penis from one of the dailytoons from the first season? The one that was like badabadabdadbabab or some shit like that. I need to get more... Great Job once again SS!!
Oh so Awesome!!
My only complaint... SLOW DOWN. Some of us want to take the time to look at these awesome pictures you guys made. Unless Sonic is the only one who's fast enough!! Nah, that'd be stupid. Great job guys!!
Well it was interesting...
I gotta say it was a pretty original concept and though It may not be funny it was kind of amusing to watch. It actually reminded me a bit of the old episodes of "Perfect Kirby" when the graphics and acting wasn't great but still enjoayable. So overall, it's quite an unapreciated lost gem and I reccomend this.
Not as good as the others...
I don't know it just wasn't funny as the previous installments and it felt like it was rushed. Not to mention it was way too short. It looked like it had a lot of potential. Maybe if it was longer it could've been better. But hey it's only one episode that wasn't as good I hope the next episode will be even better!
Not bad!
The moral of this flash: Nuts are serious business. Damn, I never would have thought squirrels can be this badass. Hahaha. The animation was pretty simiple but nothing full blown and I kind of like it like that. I also got to say that gray squirrel pointing had some pretty freaky hands when he pointed at the brown squirrel amirite? Overall, it was decent, original and I congratulate you on winning 2nd place!
Remember when these used to be newsposts?
Age 32, Male
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Been out of college for years
Joined on 2/21/06