One of the most Ground Breaking movies on NG
Where do I start? First off the animation is amazing for the time then and still is now. And just imagine how it was back then. Second, the characters are original and filled with life. A cast of Interesting and bizarre creatures including a beast named Bitey who has now become a Newgrounds icon so Youtube keep out we got it first! Haha I digress.
What's even more amazing is how much it improves over time. I mean I thought the animation can't get any better then this but it does. Check out his latest movie "Last of the Dashkin" and see why.
Overall, this has been one of the most cherrished Newgrounds movies. It's original, awesome and is a must watch movie for everyone even if you don't go on here that much this movie is a must see!
Thus I give it a perfect 10/10!