Holy shit I thought this would never get made!
Ah there's just something great about having your name in the credits. It's quite satisfying really. Anyway ego stroking aside this turned out pretty damn amusing. I will be brutally honest here though Erik's voice is just cringey as fuck. I mean he's still a funny guy I suppose but man that voice might take some time to get used to. Then again I'm pretty sure he's heard that before. I digress though
As for everyone else I really like Isabella so far she just seems so relatable like the only normal person with a group of idiots. I've been in that situation before. Her pussy comment to Dr.Goode I thought was fucking savage XD.
Yeah the voice acting was pretty damn good. Not sure if they've ever had experiences with voice overs but they did great. I mean in a way it's not as hard as you think....well sort of.
So I think the final product turned out great. I think there's a lot to be done with the series and characters and I hope this gets turned into a full fledged production some day.
So in short great job to the entire cast. This is probably one of the best moves I've seen this year so far. All the best