Remember when these used to be newsposts?

Wegraman @Wegra

Age 32, Male

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Been out of college for years


Joined on 2/21/06

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Wegra's News

Posted by Wegra - March 31st, 2011

If it wasn't for them we would never have been in this war!

Posted by Wegra - March 30th, 2011

I needed him for the Nickalodeon razor blade meeting today!

Posted by Wegra - March 29th, 2011


Posted by Wegra - March 28th, 2011

Nintendo wants people to encourage that phrase so Dhalsim can finish his gig.

Posted by Wegra - March 27th, 2011

Next time tell his daughter to shut the fuck up about her douchebag lasagna boyfriend!

Posted by Wegra - March 26th, 2011

We needed to film the culprit forgot to return the library DVDs!

Posted by Wegra - March 25th, 2011

She needs time to recooperate after Rebecca Black took her to see The Puruit of Happiness.

Posted by Wegra - March 24th, 2011

Good god you know how much it costs these days to clean Goomba Semen?

Posted by Wegra - March 23rd, 2011

Thanks to your uncles stupidity my niece says he raped her Science project!

Posted by Wegra - March 22nd, 2011

Alright here comes more for Kisame. (this is addicting btw)

<Metroid: Other M Review>
Lets Kick off Sci-Fi/Fantasy month with something surprising Metroid: Other M!

That's right another Video Game review but I don't know If I can call it that because it's a movie. No seriously beat the whole game then go to theater mode and you can watch all the cutscenes.

Keep this on the DL but I actually watched the whole thing and it's aproximetly 2 hours worth of Cutscenes. Hell even the title says Metroid Other M: The Movie. So there you go.

It tells of Videogames acclaimed hottest babe Samus Aran and her backstory going into more character development. Her voice is Monotone and dry but she does have emotions the player can sense, Also theres one guy named Anthony who Sounds like Samuel L. Jackson no joke but it's really not. Now that is amazing voice acting.

Now for some diehard fans there are some scenes that were questionable like " Why did Samus get Frozen with Fear after encountering Ridley" Well sometimes you just gotta go with it with some movies. As far as Gameplay goes it's not easy and takes time to get used to but the good thing is that you keep playing for the story because it's like a book you can't wait to see what happens next.

Not spoiling to much but if you can definertly check this video game/ movie when you can.


Little Miss Sunshine Review:

A quirky comedy adventure with a great loveable cast of Steve Carrell, Greg Kinear, the adorable Abigale Breslin who pretty much stole the show,

Basically Olive gets a call saying she's qualified for the Little Miss Sunshine beauty pagent which means it's a roadtrip for the dysfunctional family consisting of Dwayne who takes a vow of silence (but not for long) A crazy grandpa a suicidal uncle and of course the parents. Lots of things happen family argues the famous VW bus where all of them have to run and jump in the thing. The ending ( which made me awkward on so many levels ._.) and lots more.

Very cute movie great cast and story. That's all there is to say about it.


Alien Review (Remake)

One of the most acclaimed Sci-fi horror flicks still lives up to this day! Riplely (our Samus Aran) for the movie and her crew lands on a strange planet with all kinds of weird shit and of course the aliens.

Though the movie might've aged a little for the time the Special effects were amaizng also not to mention James Cameron directed this if I'm not mistaken.

It has it's share of memorable scenes like the Alien Popping out of the guys stomach and all that good stuff. If your a huge sci-fi buff this ones for you.


Megaman (Series) Review:
Another video game review? Why the hell am I doing this? Hey it's Sci-fi sorta right? Robots and...SHUT UP IT'S THE BLUE BOMBER!!

Anyway, yes hardcore gamers will recognise the adorable blue bomber anywhere. When the evil Dr.Wily goes insane he steals all of Dr.Lights robots and reprograms them for his own evil schemes to take over the world!

It's also debateable weather you can consider him as the Mascot for Capcom but others say it's Ryu or even Captain Commando. But it's a safe bet to say he is the most recogniseable of Capcoms characters.

Anyway the gameplay is similar to a traditional Mario like Platformer except a LOT more challenging. If your new it will take time to get used to the control scheme especially since Megaman is not the best jumper around.

Theres a lot of notable aspects of the game such as it's badass soundtrack and not Just Wily's castle. Also I noticed the backgrounds are very detailed that not even Mario games could do especially when you compare it to the remakes but that's not a bad thing. Robot Masters are also very creative also hell it's like memorizing Pokemon to figure out who's who to date theres roughly lets see 8 robots per series (counting Powered up and Megaman and Bass) makes 88 robots together!

And yeah there might've been 2 not so good ones but yeah I still loves them.

Nowadays theres so many reincarnations I lost count after X I mean what the fuck is Megaman.exe it has NOTHING to do with the series. That said stick with either classic and X and you'll be fine don't go past that.

And yeah that said Megaman is one of my all time favorite series. PERFECT 10/10

The Goonies Review:

A spectacular adventure Written by none other then Steven Spielberg! A group of loveable motherfuckers find a treasure map. And if you're too stupid to know what happens next THEY EMBARK ON A QUEST TO FIND IT!

Ooooh I loved this movie. You got all the cliches, The nerdy one, The older bro, The chick, The Lesbian who I swear came from "You can't do that on Televison", The Asian kid from Indiana Jones, and of course Chunk the fat kid! Seirously, he was my favorite character I mean who doesn't love fat kids? DO THE TRUFFLE SHUFFLE!!

Anyway a dash of Slapstick here, some screaming there, and you got yourself a classic!


Step Brothers (Remake) Review

Ah good ol Will Ferrel and John C. Reily. Look I don't care what you say the two (especially Ferrel) are hilarious as hell so shut up! (Haters Gonna Hate.Jpeg)

Anyway the movie is about two grown men Brennan and Dale with the mind of 12 year olds played by obviously Will Ferrel and John C. Reily. Dale lives with his dad and has a Douchey older Brother and Father while Brennan is moving in with his Mom.

And good god this is a riot. From the scene with Brennan threating to rub his balls on the forbidden drum set to Ruining their Dads future Boat it amazes me why some people don't find it funny.


Rumble in the Bronx Review:

For me this is my second Jackie Chan Movie. And to be honest despite it's Cheesy Plot and characters (not to mention the shitty writing) it's a fun action packed movie to watch. And let me remind you that Jackie Chan does his own stunts for the most part so cut the guy some slack. Basically Jackie takes over his uncles store in America till he gets back (which is never :P) And stops a gang that terrorizes the neighborhood daily.

Also you can't help but laugh at the ridiculous over the top Vinalla Ice like crackhead

Like I said Weak in storyline but Strong in action!


Human Centipede review:

Dude.... this is beyond fucked up I mean seriously this has gotta be the most disturbing movie I have ever seen so far... And I'm sure theres a hell lot more out there.

Now Keep in mind, I'm still new to the horror/thriller Genre I personally don't mind it but bare with me.

Crazy German Doctor traps 2 chicks from NYC and a Chinese guys imprison them in his basement and sews there heads to each others asses creating a human centipede and preform disturbing experiments.

Credit for originality in torturing but that doesn't changed how sick this movie really is. And by the way you DO NOT wanna know how they go to the bathroom. Whats worse is that the two girls in the back are crying and moaning throughout the whole movie...Look kid I hate to say it but you're pretty much fucked there your moaning is only making it worse.

However there is a HUGE plothole I noticed. In the middle one of the girls uses her teath to free herself from the ropes restraining her. And theres a phone RIGHT IN THE ROOM Why the hell could'nt she do that before WHILE THE DOCTOR WAS GONE? Also this is when they still had there bodies but no instead she tries to escape.

I'm not giving anything else away but don't expect a happy ending

Well whatever, this movie is DEFINETLY not for the faint of heart even I found some parts disturbing as hell but fortunately It takes more then that to scar me.

That said I give it a 5.5/10

Romeo and Juliet (Original) Reivew

Does this REALLY need an intorduction? Weather you read the book, watch any reincarntaion of movies or hell neither you should at least know this Shakespeareian classic or the gist of it. Lets break it down

Montague and Capulates: Hate each other.

Romeo (Leonard Whiting) is a Montague Juliet (Olivia Hussey) is a Capulet

Lifes a bitch ain't it? But does that stop them? You bet your ass it doesn't!

The famous Balcony scene O Romeo where art thou Romeo?, The sappy romance, The tragic death it's all in here and

The Characters are portrayed perfectly just like in the book ( Thank you English Class for drilling it into our heads AND makeing it fun :3

Though it depends if you have a tollerence for the cheesey romance scenes or Shakespere just sickens you will determine if you will hate or love it.

That said even if your not much of a reader at least give this version a try. Truly a great adaptation on one of Shakesperes finest!


A quirky comedy directed by one of my favorite Comedian legends Mel Brooks parodying Western movies. Though I'm not much of a western guy myself I do love the great cast involved like the late Richard Pryor,

Blazing Saddles Review:

(From IMdb) The Ultimate Western Spoof. A town where everyone seems to be named Johnson is in the way of the railroad. In order to grab their land, Hedley Lemar, a politically connected nasty person, sends in his henchmen to make the town unlivable. After the sheriff is killed, the town demands a new sheriff from the Governor. Hedley convinces him to send the town the first Black sheriff in the west. Bart is a sophisticated urbanite who will have some difficulty winning over the townspeople

And the rest of the movie is pure random and crazy shit thrown at you. Slapstick, random humor and one hell of an ending. Mel Brooks sure knows what he's doing!

As for the movie itself in my opinion I enjoyed it at the right ammount. Kept me entetained, not THE best but still a great movie
