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Wegraman @Wegra

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Wegra's News

Posted by Wegra - January 20th, 2011

Kids need to learn that Anubi are still people too even if they are pedophiles.

Posted by Wegra - January 19th, 2011

I can't remember was owl poop on the shopping list?

Posted by Wegra - January 18th, 2011

We have to make sure no one finds the secret hide out for Keanu Reeves. Any questions?

Posted by Wegra - January 17th, 2011

You know for someone who likes interior decorating you have mediocre taste in clothes.

Yeah, Happy MLK day to you too jerk...

Posted by Wegra - January 15th, 2011

Seriously, I have no idea why I'm doing this. Oh and btw these are ALL written on Facebook so that's why they can't go into not as much detail. However I discovered a way to get past that in newer reviews. most of these are from November 2010

The Grudge Review: For a horror film it wasn't reallly that scary. Then again maybe I'm not the type that scares easy. Though I admit some parts gave me a chill down my spine like the girl and the camera scene when she's just moving there. And a lot of shock factor. Depending on how easy your are to scare will depend on if you like this. 6.5/10

Cloverfield Review: Remember the Hype for this movie? Well, it sort of lived up to it's hype. It's a monster movie with the shaky camera effect and all destroying everything in NYC and one random dude is recording the whole thing till the end. I admit this actually scared me a little when I saw it on DVD. And I think I heard that there will be a sequel one day. 7.5/10!

Night of the living Dead Review: A film that revolutionized the zombie/ horror genre. Though it may seem kind of dated it still is pretty interesting to watch to this day. The Zombies still look like zombies though a little faster moving if you ask me. But still it may get a little slow at times but show some respect to the movie as it was pretty damn good for the time. 7.5/10

GhostBusters Review: Do I really need to say it? When there's something strange in the neighborhood who ya gonna call! *All together* GHOST BUSTERS! An all star cast of Bill Murray, Dan Akroyd, Harold Raimes and more team up and hunt ghosts that plague NYC. It's one of those movies that just can't be beat you'll enjoy ever second of it PERFECT 10/10 WEGRA APPROVED!

Shaun of the Dead Review: An average joe tries to win his girl back only to find out that everyone has turned to zombies. As the title suggests it's a zombie movie but also a dark comedy at the same time. That's Simon Pegg who you might remember seeing in Hot Fuzz, Run Fatboy run and other british comedies. I enjoyed this movie a lot and reccomend it to anyone who hasn't seen it yet. 9/10

Freaks Review: Wow, this movie is sooo fucked up. It's basically about a beautiful woman Cleopatra played by Olga Baclanova who trys to seduce the leader Hans Harry Earles just to inherit his fortune. But Cleo gets her just deserts in the end and it ain't pretty. For a movie that's 70 years old it's still fucked up to this day. It's more weird then scary especially the end. 7/10

Rosemary's Baby review Alec Weinstein here's to you! Umm... I don't know I gotta be honest here I have NO clue what's going on in this movie. I mean it's a horror movie but I could'nt find any of the scary. Or was it supposed to be? I honestly don't know. This is one revew that shall remain rateless until I can figure things out. For now I'll just keep track of this movie as proof that I watched it.

Creature from the Black Lagoon Review: Yet another Monster movie classic! An expedition looking for fossils comes across a weird amphibian monster living in the swamps. Once again a great movie with great cinematogrophy and great effects on the monster. A little fun fact for you: This was originally gonna be shot in 3D no joke. Overall, I give it a 7.5/10!

The Exorcist Review: Conisdered by many to be one of the scariest movies, it still lives up to this day sorta. The special effects and the creepy make up design were top notch back in the day. The evil demon trapped inside the poor girl and the creepy white eyes still is a bit scary but not for me really. It takes more then that. But it was interesting to watch and is a horror classic to this day. 7/10 Scare o meter= 5/10

The Invisible man Review: Based on the novel by H.G. Wells about a mysterious man wrapped in Bandages and donning a pair of goggles. But it turns out he's invisible (hence the title) and causes mischief everywhere in the town. How are the police gonna catch an invisible man now ;D? Ah but tbh I would'nt call this a horror more like a light horror movie. It's still pretty funny for being a classic. 7/10!

Lets kick off Disney Month with the very first film Snow White review: A princess who wants to get married or something like that is being hunted by the evil queen who wants to kill snow white. She comes across a little house with 7 dwarves who you should know there names by now ;). As said a gajillion times the animation is solid and hasn't aged a bit and is a perfect family film. 8/10!

Steamboat Willie Review: Though Techincally not a film I still have to give some kind of recognition to Disneys loveable Mascott Mickey mouse. An 8 minute short of Mickey just doing his thing, singing, listening to turkey in the straw you name it. To this day I still love to watch it. You can't say you love disney if you don't watch this! PERFECT 10/10

War of the Worlds (1953) review: Another H.G well film adaptation of an alien invasion which everyone was excited about...till they started destroying everything. The special effects are pretty decent for the time especially the ships. Even though you can techically see the strings. But sometimes it feels fun to look back at these kind of movies with the special effects and all. I give it a 6.5/10

Dumbo Review: Everyones Favorite big eared elephant who can fly! This is my first time watching it even before I always thought a flying elephant was freaking cool. It also shows that the carnival people are assholes! I mean look at what they do to poor dumbo :( With his mouse sidekick to help him get courage they can do anything together. Also I love how PI this movie is with the crows. Gotta love it. 7/10

Sleeping Beauty Review: Disney delivers yet again! A princess has been cast a spell upon by the evil Maleficent on her 16th birthday she will perish. To prevent this the faires cast a spell which will destroy the curse with true loves kiss.... It makes sense truest me. Anyway, IMO this seems Disneys more darker movies, they actually mention hell in this one and even blood is seen. Damn, that's badass. I give it 8/10

Saw II review: Probably the most disturbing installment and its only the second one. A detective finds Jigsaw's hideout but his son is one of his victims. That's Tobin Bell as the mastermind Jigsaw and what a performance. He's a sick psychopath who has a very disturbing way to punish those who don't appreciate life and want not only to learn a lesson but survive his sick game. Might just be the best one so far! 8/10

Mulan Review: Disney goes asian! When war strikes her village Mulan disguises herself as a man to enter the war and save the kingdom. Unlike other Disney Princesses Mulan is unique. She's like Zelda and Chun-li put in a blender. Strong courageous and beautiful. Though some parts were silly like Eddie Murphy voicing a dragon? It fits but it is China after all... But screw it this seems more underated to me. 7/10

Enchanted Review: What happens when those cheesey Disney Princesses get bannished by an evil queen to New York and find true love where there is none? This movie. I love it. Gizelle meets a handsome prince who she doesn't even know and her evil stepmother transports her to NYC. And the whole movie is a parody of Disneys Princesses and love and shit. So underated too we need more Disney movies like this. 8/10

Hunchback of Notre Dame Review: Wow. This is a more darker Dinsey movie. They mention hell, almost naked ladies dancing in the fire,etc on the other hand it treated us like adults but it still has it's light side of humor. There's also a great cast of voice actors; Tom Hulce as Quasimodo and Jason Alexander as Hugo. Plus Frolo is probably one of the most evil Disney Villans ever created. With that I give a 8.5/10

Kingdom Hearts Review: Though technically more of Final Fantasy then Disney it still counts for being a crossover. Basically the world of Final Fantasy collides with Disney giving it more of a darker edge. King Mickey has been kidnapped and Donald and Goofy must rescue him. They Bump into Sora and team up. You'll find a lot of Disney Goodness traveling to other worlds and seeing familar characters The gameplay is an RPG ( I think) and you get to level up and the usual. Lots of side quests even the character of that series might join you! Plus as far as I can tell I think they got the original voice actors too. I never was a huge fan of Disney till I played this. If you got a PS2 check this one out. Disney fans will DEFINETLY enjoy this. 9/10

The Brave Little Toaster Review: One of the most Bizzare Disney movies I've seen. It's actually the same thing as Toy Story but with a Blanket, a toaster, A vacum cleaner and a radio who can talk and try to find there original owner. It's kind of messed up in a way people either hate or love this movie. I think it was just okay and very strange. I give it a 6.5/10

Great Mouse Detective Review: A young girls father has been kidnapped by the diabolical Raticus and turns to a mouse detective for help. After mentioning his name Basil agrees to take down his arch nemisis once and for all. This movie seems to go unnoiticed even with being released 20-30 something years ago. It's decent and has some pretty catchy songs. Overall, I reccomend this one. 7/10

Hey Arnold! The Movie Review: The popular 90's Nickalodeon show, is on the big screen! The Neighborhood is to be torn down by Scheck ( Not Shaq ) voiced by Paul Sorvino and it's up to Arnold and Gerald to stop him The antagonist was a bit odd but I guess it was to make the movie. One thing, how the hell did the mayor agree to tear down a neighborhood filled with people? but screw it so with that I give it a 7.5/10

Grown Ups review: Adam Sandler, Chris Rock,Kevin James, and David Spade bring there families to relive the good times at there old coaches house. Sadly though I am disapointed by the lack of humor in the movie. What happened to all the funny? Most of it is just pee jokes and unfunny slapstick. I am dissapoint son. 4.5/10

Emperors New Groove review: A selfish emperor (David Spade) fires his advisor to which she intended to poison him but instead turns him into a Llama. He finds himself with a peasent Pacha who helps him get back to his throne. The movie is usually funny for the most part like the scene wher Kuzco predicts they are going down a waterfall and not even care. Oh and Kronk too. He pretty much stole the show. 7/10!

Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows review: Spectacular! Harry and friends set out to defeat Voldomort once and for all. Harry finds that Horcruxes are the key to his imortality and set out to detroy them. Oh and get used to seeing your favorite minor characters getting killed off ;_; I thought the last couple of films were so-so but this was a great way to make it up. If you're a huge fan you won't be disapointed. 8/10!

Charlie Brown Thanksgiving review: A timeless holiday special. What more is there to say? 8/10!

The Rescuers Review: Not a bad movie but could be better. Two mice are assigned to rescue a little girl being trapped by her evil step aunt in the middle of a swamp. The animation is decent but the plot is kinda at a slow pace. But there are some parts which are pretty cool. Oh and did you know about the hidden naked lady controversy. Look it up on google and be shocked! ( Not in the DVDS though me thinks) 7/10

Who framed Roger Rabbit? Review: Incredible! In a world where cartoons co-exist with humans Roger Rabbit has been framed and gets detective Eddie (Bob Hoskins) to help him out. So many details and cameos! It's all the cartoons you cherrished and loved all in one movie. Plus voted sexiest fictional character Jessica Rabbit! Also, the way they shot the movie is amazing. This gets a PERFECT 10/10 AND Wegra Approved!

Naked Gun 33 1/2 review: Meh, it was okay the late Leslie Nilsen returns in a slapstick adventure as he retires from the police squad. But when a bomb is set to go off at the accademy awards Frank comes out of retirement and is back in business. It's not really all that funny but there are still a few parts which are still worth a chuckle. Also OJ Simpson is in it before the whole murder. lols. I give it a 5.5/10

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Review Shrizu Malonito this ones for you!: Based on the graphic novels Scott Pilgrim (Played by a likeable Michael Cera) meets the girl of his dreams Ramona Flowers. But her 7 evil exes stand in his way and must defeat all of them. Like References? Well, then dive right in we got Street Fighter, Mario, Seinfeld anything to make nerds jizz themselves from the awesomeness! 8.5/10!

Home Alone Review: Hands down my number one favorite chrisrtmas movie since I was 7 years old. Macaulay culkin is left home alone by mistake while his family is in Paris. And to make matters worse two dimwitted Burglars played by Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern are after him as well. Nothing says funny like a fun filled slapstick family comedy. I watch it litterly every christmas and I still loves it. 9/10!

Home Alone 2: Lost in New York Review: For some reason not many people cared for this and I'm not sure why. I found it just as entertaining as the first. Everyone reprises their roles from the first film. Sure it's a recycle of the first but It still had it's moment. I mean it's not like the third which had NOTHING to do with the first two and just blew so much chunks. So yeah give it a chance it won't bite! 8/10

It's a Wonderful life Review: A heartwarming Christmas Classic like none other. An angel shows a depressed man how the world we be if he never existed. It turns out the world would be in total chaos with out him. This is another one of my favoirte christmas movies the acting was superb the scenery was fun to look at. I give it a 8/10!

How the Grinch stole Christmas! Review: You're a mean one Mr.GRINCH! Most holiday movies from the early 60's 70's get kinda dated after 30 something years But Dr.Seuss still stays timeless. Also that's Borris Karloff (aka Frankenstein) doing the narration as well as the Grinch himself. If you never grew up with this movie (hell I'm je...wish ffs!) then check it out! PERFECT 10/10! (Requested by Biliah Munford )

Eight Crazy Nights Review: Perhaps one of the most uniques Adam Sandler movies. For starters it's his first animated role. Plus one of the rare hanukah movies ;). Anyway, A washed up Davey Stone is sentenced to community service with an old quirky guy Whitey. He starts off a dick and ends up a nice guy in the end that sort of thing. The animation is suited to Sandlers characters and what a cast! I give it a 7/10!

Home on the Range review: For a Disney movie this was pretty stupid but at least entertaining. Roseanne Barr ( Eh :/) plays a cow who is sent to a new ranch. But when the ranch is being closed down three cows venture out to capture a wanted criminal for $50k. The movie is not bad but at the same time corny then again there are worse things out there like *shudder* Disney CHANNEL. 6.5/10

Elf Review: Sick of Rudolph and Frosty yet? I know I am! Well, in the year of 2003 a new household christmas film is born! Buddy (Played by a loveable Will Farrel) was raised by elves until he finds out he was adopted and sets out to NYC to find his father. This is another one of my favorite christmas films and it shows. I definetly reccomend this for those who love watching christmas films this time of year. 9.5/10!

Miracle on 34th Street Review: One of the cutest and heartwarming christmas films. A man claiming to be THE Santa Clause is going under trial and a little girl as his lawyer. This is a very creative way of all the fake Santas and when we get the real one we treat him like crap. And btw this is the original NOT the cheesey remake. I give it an 8/10!

It happened on 5th avenue review: A not very well known but enjoyable christmas flick. A hobo and friends take up residence in a Fifth Avenue mansion while the owner winters in the South. -IMDb Though it's outdated it still is fun to watch.It's fun to point out the genericness of the 1940's movies like the acting. It's also got some funny scenes like the guy entering the house through a manhole. I give it 7/10

Fred Claus review: So apparently no one knew that Santa Claus had a brother who happens to be Vince Vaughn (who once again is playing another douchebag) Really? The centuries we've celebrated christmas and Hollywoord just throws him in there with a half assed backstory? What kinda stupid shit is that? I did like how they explain Santas secret to be ageless though but other then that it was a pretty dull movie. 4/10

Home Alone 3 review: What the fuck, Are you serious John Hughes? You got a totally new cast to make an unecessary sequel which has nothing to do with the first 2? REALLY? It totally sucked I didn't even watch the whole thing! 2/10!

Pulp Fiction review: Around the second time watching this is where the movie starts to be enjoyable and one of the best films of all time for a reason. Consisting of a spectacular cast of Samuel L. Jackson, John Travolta Bruce Willis and more about a crime drama with a complex plot and so many memorable quotes. ENGLISH MOTHERFUCKER DO YOU SPEAK IT? not to mention the theme. 9/10!

Snow day review: One of my favorite nostalgic movies from the year 2000. This was one of the early live action Nickalodeon films. When it finally snows in a suburban town in NY the kids want a second snow day but they have to stop a creepy snowplow man ( I knew those guys were evil) to make it happen. Though not a hit with the critics this movie has a lot of nostalgia in it and maybe it was weird. But I give it 7/10!

Posted by Wegra - January 14th, 2011

It's a shame Kisame's encouraging me to do these when no one else is giving a shit about these but oh well!

Cinderella Story Review: Wow, I remembered how painful this was to watch back then and don't know why I didn't change the cannel. I don't even wanna bother looking at it today.It's a modern day Bastardization of the famous fairy tale starring Hillary Duff. Does it get worse? Oh yeah, Add 100% unfunny jokes awkward scenes, and you get an epic pile of horse crap that's this movie. Awful just Awful 0/10

Airplane review: XD HAHA oh wow what a hell of a laugh riot this movie is! An ex war pilot is traumatized during a recent war. And is trying to confront the love of his life. But who cares about the plot? This movie is 100% Guarenteed to make you crack up by it's stupidity and randomness. With lines like " Have you ever flown in a cock pit before?" and many others. This is one of my favorites comedies! PERFECT 10/10

Celebrity Review: Basically shows the ups and down sides of being a celebrity in Woody Alans finest. Hence the title. What I love is how Keneth Brangha is like Woody Alans Lost Bro. I mean that's how good of an actor he is! Incredible move either way and the camera angles and cinematography are great1! 7.5/10

Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark review: A thrilling Adventure movie that will forever be a household name. Harrison Ford is Indiana Jones who is sent to find an ancient artifact. Of course he has competition with a creepy asian guy! *End of Spoilers* This movie has stood the test of time for the ages. And I heard a lot of scenes were inspired from other movies. A little fun fact for you there. PERFECT 10/10!

The Terminator Review: Hasta La vista Baby! The movie that defined Schwarzenegger and Action Films. In a post-apocalyptic 2029, artificially intelligent machines seek to exterminate what is left of the human race. This movie is flat out kick ass Guns, Explosions, witty one liners. If you haven't seen this do so now! PEFECT 10/10

To Kill a Mockingbird Review: Amazingly well done adaptation of the book by Harper Lee. Now, I can assure you this because I read this my Freshman year and absolutely loved it. Gregory Peck plays an outstanding Aticus Finch, the child actors as well. It basically depicts a lot of what it was like in the south back then. Racism, childhood etc. I gotta say I'm on a perfect streak so why not? PERFECT 10/10!

The Lion King Review: Okay, show of hands who DIDN'T see this movie? No? Good! A young Lion by the name of Simba is set to be the new king. But the Diabolical Scar has plans to get rid of him and Mufasa. It's one of the best Disney films of the 90's. Memorable songs like Hakuna Matata. And a few tearjerkers scenes, We... all grow up on this movie and hope future generations will appreciate this! 8.5/10!

Aladdin Review: Wow, I was OBSESSED with this as a kid. A poor Street rat finds a lamp and turns out to be Robbin Williams as a genie. And boy is he funny as hell. With three wishes in hand he uses it to become famous and win Jasmines heart. But, shenanigines ensues. I can recite this movie backwards to forwards. It's ...that aweosme. A Disney film can't be complete without subliminal ads, songs and... I dunno. 9/10!

Marry Poppins Review Dedicated to Angela Carpenter Nace and family: Oh wow, a Nanny that can Defy the laws of Gravity and Physics? Sign me up! Dick Van Dyke hires Marry Poppins (Julie Andrews) to watch over the kids and help tidy up the house. While singing unforgettable songs like Supercalifrigicexpialadosis ( clap cl...ap) and such. The perfect film for the whole family. 8.5/10

Sandra Bullock's The Blind Side review: A heartwarming and touching movie starring Sandra Bullock ( Who won an accademy award) who takes in a Quiet but friendly man named Big Mike. She tries to find out his past while enrolling him in Football. Also, I never noticed this but Sandra Bullock is beautiful is. The movie will make you laugh cry and feel good. 9/10!

Sixteen Candles Review: John Hughes at his finest yet again. Molly Ringwald plays Samantha Baker. A Teenager turning sweet sixteen and no one gives a crap. From getting hit by geeks to dreaming about the man of her life it's 1980 fever in this unforgettable movie. Though I was expecting for the nerdy kids balls to drop... but I digress. Overall, it's an unforgettable film by the late John Hughes RIP sweet prince. 8/10

Death at a Funeral (2007) review: A ridiculously hilarious comedy that launched the American adaptation. Now, it's a British comedy so you kinda have to pay attention to catch the jokes. If you have an appreciation for British humor then you'll love this! It's basically a funeral gone horribly wrong filled with hilario...us shit which actually made me laugh. Even if you're a fan on British humor it's very amusing.8.5/10

Goldfinger Review: The Best Bond movie EVA! nuff said. Sean Connery Hot 70s babes. Actuall plot explosions timeless scenes cool gadgets its getting a PERFECT 10/10 plus WEGRA APPROVED

Vampires Suck Review: And so does this movie! I FUCKING HATED IT! Hate it hate it hate it! Wow, Just wow, This is by far the WORST movie I have seen in my life. I can't believe I'm saying this but Twilight is far superior then this pile of goat shit. The humor is worse then Rina chans sense of humor. In short 0/10 plus... the legendary Wegra Middle Finger of Ass suckage.

Like Mike review: Wow, this takes me back. A decently entertaining movie starring the young rapper Lil bow wow ( Now Just Bow Wow) as he finds magic sneakers that belonged to the famous Michael Jordan. He gains unbelievable powers and plays for the team.Though it might be a kids movie it's actually quite enjoyable back then and probably today. I give it a 6.5/10

Space Jam Review:Ah,good times with this movie as a kid. In the 90's Michael Jordan and Bugs Bunny starred in commercials for Air Jordans. This sparked a movie and it was great! M. Jordan is sucked into the Looney Toons world in order to help stop aliens who will enslave them. Also gotta give Credit to Wayne Knight for... supporiting actor and this was before I found out he was best known for Newman. I give it a 6.5/10

CLeRKS Review: TWO BIG THUMBS UP is right Siskel and Ebert. This movie is the shit. The story involves two guys who manage a convienient store and the other a Video Rental store. Ones a huge pushover and the other takes sh*t from no one dealing with idiots. It's by far one of the most entertaining movies I've seen in a while and it's funny because it's so true. 9.5/10

Charlotte's Web Review: One of the most Heartwarming movies I've seen. Based off the book by E.B.White Wilbur is a pig sent to a farm and meets Charlotte who helps Wilbur out during tough times. Most of you probably remember this movie and how many tears we shed at the end when ***SPOILER**** Charlotte dies! Oh god what a tragic ending. It's a sad but beautiful movie about life and I reccomend this movie to you.7/10

The Other Guys Review: HILARIOUS!! I haven't had a good laugh in ages and this done it for me! The movie stars Will Farrel and Mark Whalberg playing two cops as partners who don't get along very well. Mark hates his guts and Will Farrel's character always has comebacks. This movie sure got a lot of laughs out of me. The thing with Will Farrel is that when he's in a good movie it's always funny. When he's in a bad movie it's just so so. But hey he's trying! 7/10!

Napoleon Dynamite Review: I-I Honestly don't know if I like this movie or not. It's confusing!! The characters are bland yet they have funny lines that aren't supposed to be funny. That's Jon Hader paying Napoleon a geeky awkward student trying to get his friend Pedro elected for class president. I'm pretty sure many have mixed feelings towards this movie so with that I give it a 6.5/10? I don't know anymore... :P

Star Wars Episode IV Review: A timeless Masterpiece Directed by None other then the Famous George Lucas. It is has perhaps one of the largest fanbase filled with nerds galore. I mean litteraly so many plot holes, so many scenes that raise a lot of questions. You'll always discover something new in this action packed "space opera". If you haven't seen it then DO SO THIS INSTANT!! PERFECT 10/10 WEGRA APPROVED!!

Repoman: The genetic opera review: Oh mah ga ._. this movie is balls to the wall insane! And by that I mean it kicks ass! The best way I can explain the so called plot (it is an opera) is about some guy who tortures others and steals there organs. While singing kick ass songs. I honestly don't know. I like the atmosphere and the acting is pretty damn awesome. Not to mention Paris Hilton Gets hurt :D. 7.5/10!

The Producers Review: Hilarious movie! Spring time for Hitler in Germanyy hahahaha. One of Brooks more laid back and subtle humor movies. It's got it's fair share of laughs and the ending is where the movie really picks up. Lets cut this review short and give it a 7.5/10!

Terminator 3 Review: Despite the fact that most people didn't care for this one I thought it was alright. Sure It's no Terminator 2 but it had it's share of action scenes. Most of the movie is a repeat of the last two. But hey it wouldn't hurt to give it a shot. After all I think this is Schwarseneggers last film before he became governor. 7/10

Lets Kick off Marvel Vs. Capcom month with a Spiderman Review:Spidey leaps onto the Big Screen! Peter Parker is your average highschool nerd, bit by a spider he turns into Spiderman which NYC falls in love with. While keeping up his social life and duking it out with Green Goblin. That's Tobey Maguire playing Spidey and Peter Parker giving a great performance. It's great start for the series and I loved it. 8/10

Ironman review: Tony Stark Played by Robert Downey Jr. is the head of Stark Industries, a major military contracting company he inherited from his deceased father. Taken Hostage to a terrorist group in Afghanistan is forced to build a missle. Instead, he and creates an armor suit giving birth to the one and only Ironman! This movie contains a high dose of awesome with kick ass effects, action and more!PERFECT 10/10!

Megaman: Upon a star review: Hmmm... Interesting. Megaman is sucked into the real world in Japan somehow. He meets a kid named Yuuta . Unfortunately Dr.Wily escapes too. Leading Megaman and his new friends to hunt him down. This is kinda cute actually we also learn a little bit about Japanese culture which is a bit weird but informative. There are 3 parts each 20 min. If you got Netflix give it a shot! 6.5/10

X2 Review: Surprisingly decent! If you saw what I said about the first movie you'll know I didn't care for it due to the fact it was kinda lacking and not up to par with the comic book/ animated series. This was a slight updgrade from the first. The plots more deep the characters are developed and Hugh Jackman is actually pretty good as Wolverine and fans won't be disapointed this time around 7.5/10

Street Fighter Alpha (Movie) review: Eh, It was so so. Taking place before the second events of Street Fighter II we learn what Chun-li was like before she came an agent,Before Ken was married and so forth. Unfortunately it was kind of boring and Instead of M.Bison being the bad guy it was some random douche. Overall, it could've been a lot better. 5.5/10

Kick-Ass Review requested by Jeff Barad : Have you ever noitced no one has ever
attempted to be a super hero? Well, that's all about to change.Dave Lizewski played by Aaron Johnson decides he's gonna do it. Donning a Turquoise Body suit he goes out and fights crime. That's Chloë Grace Moretz playing hit girl who's one of the best and cutest supporting actress in the film. In conclusion Kick-Ass Kicks Ass!. 8/10!

X-men (Animated) Review: After playing Marvel Vs. Capcom this was the first seires I went to. Airing around the 90's with 60+ episodes and based off the hit comic books series is about Mutants (who have special powers) living in the harsh society that rejects them. The show is colorful and filled with witt humor and action. First time Marvel fans should check out this before seeing the movies. 8/10

Hulk Review: A decent movie adaptation of the Green Giant!That's Eric Bana playing Dr.Banner a guy who preforms genetic experiments on himself. Eventually turning him into the Green Monster known as The Hulk. The CG has a kinda classic feel to it like it was new at the time. The Hulk looks great himself with his design spot on. Action scenes were decent though a bit long but never the less it was a good movie. 6/10

Spiderman 2 Review: Spidey returns to another action thrilled adventure as he dukes it out with the Evil Docter Otagon- Er Octupus. while battling a shitty social life at the same time. That's Toby Maguire reprising his role from the first film with Alfred Molina as a corrupt Doc Oc. Though some scenes got a little boring It wasn't as good as the first Spiderman but still a worthy addition to the series. 7/10

Spiderman 3 Review: A decent end to the Spiderman Trilogy. Peter Parker's life is back on track, but not for long. He learns of his fathers killer Sandman (Thomas Church) while battling other villans like Venom. As for the movie, it's not that bad. Yeah, some scenes were a tad cheesy. Like the one with him dancing ._. However, the main cast returns and brings us a decent final Spidey movie. 6.5/10

Viewtiful Joe (Anime) review: Based off of Capcoms underated video game series. Joe is an average comic book geek who treats his GF Silvia to see "Captain Blue" she gets sucked in. Avenging Blues death Joe dons Captain Falcons Handmedowns and saves Silvia.The show is loyal to the series and dubbed well, including some more detailed scenes. It's got good action and humor and almost as good as the games. 7/10!

X-men 3 review: Scientists have developed a cure for mutants to become normal humans which stirs up a lot of controversy. The movie itself was alright not as good as 2 but better then 1. Hugh Jackman is back once again as wolverine,. Storm apparently has more screentime then the others and they introduced more clasic villans like Juggernaut who looks...eh. Overall, it wasn't bad but could've been better. 7/10

Jennifers Body review: Oh Megan Fox your attempt at being scary cracks me up. This movie's a joke, After a fire at a local bar, Jennifer and her nerdy friend ( Who I find sexier then Megan Fox ;) are offered a ride in a bands van. The nerdy girl refuses but Jennifer goes and shit happens. They're not even trying, the movie should be called "Heres Megan Foxs failing to be scary have fun with it". How pathetic. 5/10

The Beatles a Hard days Night Review for MaddylovesChris Pontius-Peyser and Julie: It's the freakin Beatles in there own movie. Need I explain more? The movie doesn't really have a plot and it's mostly them running from rabid fangirls. Then it's talking, singing and repeat. As a new Beatles fan I liked it a lot, the songs make the movie enjoyable and the randomness is cool. It's a movie to be loved by Beatles fans new and old. 8/10

Fantastic 4 review: Eh it was so so. 4 random people are given super human abilities due to a freak accident. Obviously, the correct thing to do is of course fight crime. While the movie has decent action scenes most of the times the other half is them whining and arguing and is the big turnoff of the movie. Mainly Chris Evans as the Human torch. But other then that it could've been better. 4.5/10

Hot Tub Time Machine Review: 4 guys spend the night at a lodge in the mountains, due to a malfunction they end up in the 1980's. Taking advantage of this they live things up! I %u2665 the costume designs on the extras look exactly like the 80s including the chicks. And IMO this is Better then "The Hangover" Oh don't give me that look it was overated and you know it! Overall it had its funny moments so I give it a 6.5/10

Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 review: How to get: XBLA PS3 Network, Xbox, PS2 How could I not review the inspiration for this month? For those unaware it's a crossover fighter with over 60 characters from Marvel and Capcom.From Ryu and Megaman to Wolverine and Spiderman battling in colorful breathtaking environments to a kick awesome sound track what more is there to ask? Hopefully MvC3 will top it off. PERFECT 10/10

Ghost Rider Review: A Daredevil Biker Nicholas Cage sells his soul to the devil ( Who looks nothing like him) and in return turns into the ghost rider collecting the souls of evil doers. It can be quite a boring movie if you don't have the attention span, and to be honest I got a little bored at some parts. But other then that the special effects were cool and It was decent depite what others thought. 6.5/10

The Hulk (2008) review: It was alright I guess... Maybe a bit better then the 2003 version. Basically it's a reboot of the 2003 version with the same premise as The Hulk Smashing things and fighting Monsters. Also SPOILER ALERT: IRON MAN AT THE END ***END OF SPOILERS*** And yeah it was quite awesome but a bit boring at parts. 7.5/10

Leave Her to Heaven Review: One of the most Beautiful Technicolor movies I've seen. Cornel Wilde is a novelist who's released from prison and flashbacks. His second wife is madly in love with him that she's psycho and "accidently" watches his son drown. A court trial is held and that's where it picks up. The movie has a generic 1940's plot and it's corny one liners " Last one in is a stinker" but it's cute. 7/10

Frankenstein Review: MOVIE GOOD! A timeless Monster movie that will be a household name. Dr.Frankenstein and his assistant conduct an experiment with dead body and a perserved brain. Little do they realize they got an abnormal brain giving birth to "The Monster" played by Borris Karlof Contrary to popular belief the monster has no name. Not to mention the famous "IT'S ALIVE IT'S ALIIIVE" Scene. PERFECT 10/10

Bride of Frankenstein Review: Thought you seen the last of your favoirte Green Monster? Guess Again! Taking place imediately after "Frankenstein" The townsfolk are leaving except for one curious woman who wanted to see the bones of The Monster. But He's still alive! Oh and they create a female counterpart at the end. Overall, it still has the charm of the last film and the plot is still smooth. 8/10

Paranormal Activity Review: Boring as hell and not even scary. Some random douche thinks his house is haunted so he sets up a camera in his own home to capture the sprits HO SHIT! THE DOOR MOVED! Why the hell was this movie so overhyped? It wasn't even that scary. It's like Clover Field almost except that movie was somewhat decent. In this movie it's just ripping off cloverfields style with the shaky camera. 2.5/10

Clerks II Review: YES AND DOUBLE YES this movie ROCKS! A Decade after the events of Clerks, Quick Stop is burned down so our heroes get a new job at a fast food place called "Moobys" And takes everything that made the the first film enjoyable and double it. If you think Clerks couldn't get better your wrong. The whole cast returns with cameos and more crude humor. In short PERFECT 10/10 AND the Wegra Approved Stamp!

10 things I hate about you Review for MadelineSparkles Peyser: Meh, so-so it started off pretty good for the most part. It's basically your average teen movie. Partying, relationships, c'mon I've seen this countless times! However, The Joker (Heath Ledger) who's trying to hide the accent is in it. And the only interesting character was the black teacher. Other then that it's alright but not really my type of movie. 5.5/10

The Shining Review: HERES JOHNNY! THE best horror movies I have ever seen. Based off the Stephen King Book Jack Nicholson gives a solid performance as Jack a novelist who locks himself in a hotel with his family and bizzare events occurs. It's not really that scary but instead very suspenseful that keeps your interest.... Overall,check this movie out it's now my favorite horror movie . PERFECT 10/10 WEGRA APPROVED

Lucky Star Review: It's like Seinfeld only with Anime chicks who look like there 12 years old.... In other words it's a show about nothing...IN ANIME!!! Not to mention I think it's supposed to make fun of anime for that matter. Not really much else to say. That is all. :) 8/10

V for Vendetta Review: Remember Remember the Fifth of November. A political thriller as they call it in a cult following movie about a masked vigilante "Destroying" The government. He gains a following of people in his name. It's a hard movie to understand but filled with suspense and action. If you can give this movie a check out. 7/10

The Social Network Review: How Ironic a review about a movie on facebook posted on Facebook! Anyway, the whole movie tells the tale of our beloved facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg and How facebook came to be. That's Jesse Eisenberg playing Mark who you might remember from Zombieland. Overall, if your a facebook junkie ...like me you'll be interested and the 2 hours fly by fast. 7.5/10

It review: One of the weirdest Stephen King Novels on the big screen. An evil clown traumatizes 7 kids during there childhood now grown up they face there fears and defeat this evil demon. As I said this movie was effed up for Stephen King. The characters were bland and so is the acting. Though believe it or not that... was Seth Green Playing a younger self. I didn't really care for this one it was just meh. 5.5/10

Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) Review: One of the most famous thrillers to come out of the 1980's. An evil serial killer haunts Nancy Thompsons Dreams or should I say Nightmares and finds a way to get rid of his curse once and for all. It's easy to say that this movie was a hit back then and it still is today. For me ...only the surprise parts were scary nothing else. Overall, this classic is a 8/10

King Kong (Original Ver.) review: Even after 50 something years the original King Kong is still amazing to watch. Oh come on, don't give me that crap about the whole goofiness of King Kong being stop motion. At the time it was amazing and not to mention if you see the DVD features so much went into it. I suggest checki...ng that part out as well. So with that said I respect the original a lot giving it a 9/10!

Psycho Review: Alfred Hitchcocks most well known work. The infamous shower scene the screechy music and a weird twist ending which I don't dare to spoil for those who haven't seen it. Its another classic horror film. Also introducing the new Scare-o-meter! This will be used for every horror film I review. So lets see I... give it a 5 on the scare o meter and a 7/10 overall. Look out for more horror classics on the way!

Nightmare Before Chritmas review: Tim Burtons originality is amazing in this unforgettable cult following halloween movie. In Halloween Town every one loves a good scare like Jack Skellington however he has different plans as he tries to bring Christmas to Halloween town... Yeah, things don't quite go the way he planne...d. If you love Tim Burton odds are you love this. PERFECT 10/10!

Jackass 3D review: The most idiotic movie I have EVER seen in my entire life.The show is legendary for it's Bizzare, shocking, and gross stunts. Not to mention another dimension of sickness.How about bee tether ball scene or the midget fight? Those were my favorites.Some stuff even I could'nt stomach to watch like the ...sweat drinking scene.If you have a gross sense of humor or are a fan of the show then go see it.7/10

Blair Witch Project Review: A creepy legend that has been in a town for generations has 3 teens film a documentary out to explore the woods to find out more. Weird shit starts to happen. Voodoo dolls creepy child laughs. You name it. Similar to that of recent movies like Paranormal activity with the shaky cam this is a...ctually creepy.Try watching this alone at night with no lights! 6.5/10 Scareometer: 6/10

Little Shop of Horrors review: A spectacular musical with upbeat, catchy and unforgetable songs. Rick Moranis plays Seymore a nerdy employee working at a flower shop until he finds Audrey a strange plant who I swear inspired Pirahna plants in Mario. Unfortunately the plant feeds on BLOOD! The movie is fun to watch from... beginging to end and will have you singing those catchy tunes to no end. PERFECT 10/10!

Super Mario Galaxy Review: Don't expect a lot of these. Out of all the Platformers Mario has been in this is by far the best. Once every hundred years a comet passes over the Mushroom Kingdom Peach invites Mario to join her but Bowser Crashes the party and Mario Pursues on an adventure through the galaxy.For a Mario game this has a very deep story line with the new princess Rosalina. Who is pretty much Princess peach combined with the Blue Fairy from Pinochio. The Game play is amazing, the enivornements are stunning and the soundtrack is ou...tsandingly composed by Koji Kondo and a full blown
orchestra. It's noted that Bowser is 100% evil once again. Lately he's been more of a comedic vilan rather then taking over the world
Getting back to the story line I forgot to mention this game has quite a sad moment in it. Which is Rosalina's backstory you learn about as the game progresses. It's safe to say you'll shed a tear or two.
This Might just be one of the Best Mario Games since Mario 64. And if Video Games where to be conisdered Art this would be a great reason to back it up.

Sweeny Todd Review: Based on the Play Tim Burton brings us another great film. Johnny Depp plays a Barber in a dark and Gritty London where he murders his clients and sends them down a trap door after being unfairly sentenced by a corrupt judge. As said earlier I love the atmosphere of London being all grimey and such.... The music is also beautifully sung as well and has since gained a good following. 7/10

The Blob (1958) review: You know those old scary movies you took a girlfriend to see back in the day? This is one of them! A blob who devours anyhting and everything in a small town after a strange meteorite crashes. The special effects on the blob look like a huge blob of jelly and for some reason made me hungry lol. ...It's a classic monster movie that any fan of the genre would enjoy. 7/10 Scare o meter: 4/10

Posted by Wegra - January 12th, 2011

Muppets Take Manhattan Review: Those Loveable Puppets are at it again! Kermit trys to pitch a Broadway show but the gang ends up splitting up and now Kermit has to reunite the gang and all hilarious stuff happens. Seriosuly who doesn't love the Muppets? They're freakin aweosme with their movements and corny puns. 7/10

Porky's Review: If you love raunchy movies then you'll love Porky's. The Film is about a group of High School Students trying to lose their virginity.They go to a strip club called Porky's Bar outside of town only to be humilated. They plot their revenge throughout the movie. It's also noted that this is one of the highest grossing Canadian films in history. It's over the top stupid and over the top fun. 7.5/10

National Lampoon's Animal House review: If college was always like this I'd probably would'nt want to leave the campus. Two Freshman are seeking a ferternity at the Omega house but don't get a friendly welcome.They end up in the worse house of all The Delta house. And by worse I mean their drunks.And the rest you'll have to see. It's another over the top comedy by National Lampoon that defined our college life 8/10

At long last after 5 months of Bullshit I present to you CHERRY 2000 review requested by Marci Elyse : a 100% pure fucked up cult movie. Ah, they just don't make em like they used to. A man who has a sex machine wife "Cherry 2000" short circuts and enlists the help of Edith to help find a replacement. The movie makes no sense and is very bizzare but it's an awesome movie. I give it a 7/10

Toy Story 3 Reivew: Pixar ends the Toy Story Trilogy with a bang set 10+ years after Toy Story 2. Andy is now going to college and donates the Toys to a daycare run by a corrupted bear played by Ned Beatty. And what a cast. Tom Hanks Tim Allen and the rest back in action. I also heard people got a little teary eyed at this movie and I don't blame 'em it's a heartwarming end to a solid childhood legacy. PERFECT 10/10

Rush Hour 2 review: Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker are back! Carter visits Hong Kong to hang out with Lee. They here that a bomb explodes at the American Consulate and are back to work! If you loved the last film you won't be disapointed. The two share great chemistry and provides us with twice as much laughs as the first. 7.5/10

Despicable me Review: A Supervillan named Gru ( Steve Carrel) is known for stealing various landmarks of the world plans to pull the biggest caper. By Stealing the moon with the help of his Minions ( Who are like Goombas that swallowed Homer Heads ). I like how Gru turns into the protagonist as the film progresses but is still a villan either way. Great cast of voice actors, Subtle Humor, and those minions= 7/10

Manhatten Murder Mystery Review: Another great movie from the Mind of Woody Allen. A Middle Aged Couple is seeking thrills out of their bland life. They find out their neighbors wife is missing and want to solve the mystery. It's a bit talky but it's amusing enough to watch. btw is it me or is there some Jewish Overtones? Around the end is when it really starts to get enjoable. Overall, definetly check it out. 7/10

School of Rock Review Requested by Biliah Munford : A Washed up Rockstar Jack Black is kicked out of his band and now has to pay the rent. He disguises himself as a Subsitute Teacher and enters his fifth grade class for Battle of the Bands. This movie is Jack Blacks best performance IMO And I'm not really a huge fan either! If you like movies like Spinal Tap or The Rocker you'll love this one. 8/10

Fantastic Mr.Fox Review: Fantastic movie is Fantastic. Based off the book by Roald Dhall about a Fox who raids a Squab farm and gets caught red handed. His wife is pregnent and now must find a safer place. Now, When was the last time someone made a stop motion animation? Since Monster movies! It's a breath of fresh air to see one in ages and it fits the atmosphere quite well. It deserves alot of credit. 8/10

Inception review: I'm totally lost.You CAN'T miss a second of it otherwise you'll be puzzled. Unfortunately, that's me. In a nutshell it's about Lucid Dreaming. It's one of those movies that you'll be talking about for a while. Not to mention the sound effects are theater quality. If you loved "The Matrix" you'll love this. I'll probably rereview it once I get the DVD and try to understand it. For now I give it 8/10

Idiocracy Review: Underated and aweosme!! Directed by Mike Judge a movie which two ordinary people. A Hooker and a General are sent a hundred years in the future. When they wake up the world has become dumber then it was 100 years back. It's an interesting movie with a lot of good humor. In fact the stupidity actually scares me. Definertly give this movie a shot. 7.5/10

Yellow Submarine Review Dedicated to Maddy Peyser and Julie: Get ready for the ultimate acid trip of a lifetime with the Beatles. Based on a dream it's about.... I-I can't explain it. It's to much of a mindf*ck to comprehend the plot. But screw it the visuals are awesome and I think thanks to this movie I am now an official fan of The Beatles. PERFECT 10/10!

History of the World review: Quite possiby my favorite Mel Brooks movie of all time. Telling the story of many different genres of history in this hysterical Master piece and the first appearence of the famous "It's good to be the king" But what pisses me off is that their never was a sequel! Waaaah! But screw it if you never heard of Mel Brooks watch this one first. PERFECT 10/10!

Wayne's World review: Based on the Hit SNL sketch 2 dudes who host a local TV show in Chicago. Played briliantly by Mike Myers and Dana Carvey. Get bought out by a big corporation and ruins the show. Both guys fall in love with 2 girls and you know the rest. This movie is beyond hilarious, and pretty much has a overdose of 90's. So yeah...PERFECT 10/10!

Shoot 'em up review requested by Jennifer Fisher : Violent, Gorey and over the top goodness. Now, to be honest I like these kind of movies only if done right. And it did. Shoot 'em up movie with guns, humor, morals AND a plot . Plus, Smith (Clive Owen) teaches kids valuable lessons. Like eat veggies, don't be a bad driver. Oh, and don't think I was waiting for the "What's up doc?" joke. I loled at that. 8.5/10!

Good Luck Chuck Review: I've seen worse. A young Dane Cook is dared to do that 7 minutes in the closet thing with a goth chick and puts a spell on him. Ooh bad luck? Death at early age? Being able to fuck any girl and gets married to another guy after sex... READ A BOOK MOVIE! GOTHS DON'T CAST SPELLS LIKE THAT!! And yeah it becomes a romantic comedy. It's stupid but at least watchable. I give it at least a 3.5/10

Hancock Review: So, you think you've seen every super hero? From Spider Powers to Super Strength? How about a super hero... WHO'S A BUM? Yes folks, a Bum super hero who's power source is booze! Chester A. Bum would be proud! ( And it's true!) So the movie itself has some subtle humor good action scenes, etc. It's overall pretty decent! 7/10

Pokémon: The First Movie review: Do I really need to explain? If you grew up in the '90s then you were there for the Pokémon craze of '99. The movie centers around the man made Pokémon known as Mewtwo and Ash is set out with other Trainers to battle. Just watching this will remind you of how awesome your childhood was and the hours you clocked playing. After viewing this you'll want to catch 'em all again! 9/10

Rugrats: The Movie review: Tommy, Chucky, Phil, Lil, and Angelica Jump into the big screen! Tommy finds out he's getting a new brother. Jealous, of it they somehow ends up getting lost using a Reptar Wagon Stu invented. even as a kid I always thought the movie had a bit of a darker edge to it. I mean the Rugrats are ACTUALLY lost! None the less it's loyal to the series and doesn't disapoint. 7/10

Norbit Review: Hmm... I wouldn't necessarily say this isn't the WORST movie of all time as they say I found it at least watchable to say the least. I think it's mainly the retarded humor. Eddie Murphy plays multiple roles including an obese black woman named Rasputia which the movie pretty much gets it's jokes off of. Fat humor. I think it was funny at parts but it's kinda stupid looking at it now. I give it a 4/10

Pygmalion Review: Based on the play from George Bernard Shaw about a flower girl named Eliza on the streets of England. She is taken in by a snooty upperclass Henry Higgins and teaches her how to speak proper English and become upperclass. This movie is a solid classic. Great Performences by Leslie Howard and Wendy Hiller, Definetly check it out. 8/10

Annie Hall review requested by Shelly Becker Gold: Loved it! This is my second or third Woody Allen movie and I think it's very amusing to watch. As said in my "MMM" review his jokes are subtle but still get a few chuckles out of them. It's about a guy in NY who's kind of a wimp but a smart guy and has interesting views on life and relationships. It's perhaps one of his best movies to date which means it gets a 8/10!

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets review: Best one in the series IMO. A new evil threatens Hogwarts when someone opens the door to the chamber of secrets which causes horrors in Hogwarts like petrified Students. This was great! The characters and plot are more developed and very suspenseful. I ain't giving it no spoilers just a 9/10!

Posted by Wegra - January 10th, 2011

But I've been up since 2:30!

Posted by Wegra - January 6th, 2011

WHAT THE FUCK MAN? The one chance the show got, reunited the wbole cast including the actress for Sally the prostitute countertop ( who by the way just got out of a lawsuit) And just as they resolved the Cactus incident they left us with the Laser Disc getting a phone call from an unspecified caller and sheds a tear of Couche's cousin.


And they just cut to the end credits. Unbefuckinglievable

Posted by Wegra - January 4th, 2011