Remember when these used to be newsposts?

Wegraman @Wegra

Age 32, Male

Nothing for now

Been out of college for years


Joined on 2/21/06

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Wegra's News

Posted by Wegra - February 5th, 2011

Yup, I'm desperate.

Posted by Wegra - February 4th, 2011

I've tried to tell you about the cigarettes in the cows but you would'nt listen!

Posted by Wegra - February 3rd, 2011

Because I'm true and dishonest. :(

Posted by Wegra - February 2nd, 2011

Did you remember to thank your Uncle for giving you a pot of snails?

Posted by Wegra - February 1st, 2011

They want what's best for their families like you and me!

Posted by Wegra - January 31st, 2011

Should'nt we at least get paid?

I expect the 11 o clock news to happen

Posted by Wegra - January 30th, 2011

But, on Tuesday the typewriter will choose the yogurt.

*Credit to Friday. And comment on this to like or die in shame!

Posted by Wegra - January 28th, 2011

DID YOU HEAR THAT? Because I will be a man and show off her real tits because I'm not a douchebag and I have a life YOU WILL PAY ATTENTION FAGGOT!

Oh and check on the Latkes they should be done.

Remember, Wegra has Girlfriend.

Posted by Wegra - January 27th, 2011

It was the Vampire monkeys again wasn't it? >:(

Posted by Wegra - January 24th, 2011

Alright I officialy caught up to the newer reviews on Facebook. Personally I am only doing this for Kisame or unless I get more then that. But so far when I catch up that will be all. Also recently I am using the notes feature to go into more detail!

Ferris Buellers day off review: Another one of late Director John Hughes most well known works. Ferris Bueller (Mathew Brodrick) is a legendary liar to skipping school. But the principal is on to him and stalks him and his friends. The whole movie is Ferris thinking up of clever ways to get out of situations. It's one of the rare good teen movies that'll never get old 8/10!

Die Hard Review: YIPPY KAI YAY MOTHERFUCKER! Bruce Willis in his noteable John Mclain role as Terrorists take over an entire building and holds everyone hostage. It's an epic action packed movie with loads of witty dialogue famous scenes and of course explosions! Truly a thrill ride from begining to end and is a must for all action fans. PERFECT 10/10 WEGRA APPROVED!

Lost in Translation Review: Very interesting movie I must say. To some it may be an hour and a half of boringness but I think theres more to it. It's just people doing people things just oridinary stuff Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansen end up in Japan for business and they get to know each other. It's just everyday things and gives a feel of how avearge the world is despite constant struggles. PERFECT 10/10!

Monty Python's the Meaning of Life review: There just isn't a wacky random british comedy quite like Monty Python. What's the plot you say? Why there is no plot it's just pure random comedic gold. Every minute you watch this movie you'll never know what to expect and that my friends is the beauty of Monty Python 8/10

Date Night Review: Cute movie! A generic couple from New Jersey go on the date they deserved. To a fancy restaurant in NYC. But when Steve Carrel steals a gang members reservation all hell breaks loose. I thought it was very nice movie. Steve Carrel and Tina Fey make a cute on screen couple. Both of them were suited for the role and they even point out some cliches too. I give it a 7.5/10!

A Christmas Story review: One of those movies almost EVERYONE has seen since they were a wee child. So many memorable moments in this. Like how about the kid who licked the pole ( which holy shit I'm sure NONE of us ever attemted to do that) Or the leg lamp? It also takes place in the 40's which sometimes I even forget it is. It's a traditional christmas film that will forever live on. 8/10!

The Year without a Santa Clause 2006 Review: Oh dear Jesus what a fuckup remake! I accidently mistook this for the original and wow what a mistake this was. It's just unbearable they Modernized it trying to be cool for the younger audience but it fails epicaly. John Goodman is a pretty mediocore santa and the musical scores are god awful. AVOID THIS MOVIE AND WATCH THE ORIGINAL. 1/10

Planes Trains and Automobiles Review: Steve Martin is a overstressed business man who's finally going home to see her daughter. Unfortunately everything takes a turn for the worst as he is put in coach flight and ends up being delayed. He meets the late John Candy who's a clumsy guy with a good heart and antics happen with the two. This has a bit of heart in it and with that I think it was a cute movie. 7.5/10

Easy A review: Decent movie I must say: Basically it's about your typical outsider girl in highschool and basically pin pointing all the stupid shit about sex in her highschool and rumors and what not. You got a great supporting cast like Lisa Kurdorw and Amanda Bynes (who I admit still look kinda hot). Only thing though it's a bit too long and overstayed it's welcome. But despite that I give it a 6.5/10

Happy New Year everyone! You may notice I will be using notes from now on for my reviews to be more in depth for the new year! With that said lets kick off anime month with Azumanga Daioh! Basically it's about a bunch of Japanese High school girls getting involved in wacky antics on a day to day basis. You got Tomo who I swear to god is like if Butter cup from the Power Puff girls ate a bag of sugar and pretended to be Princess Daisy, Chiyo chan, A 10 year old transfer student ( Remember this is Japan), Sakaki the quiet one who has a thing for cute little animals including a cat who she tries to befriend through out the series, Yomi the smart one, Osaka the one with a think Kansai accent, and other supporting casts.
It has a lot of memorable scenes like how about that weird cat thing that was supposed to be chiyos father (?) or how about that perverted teacher trying to sneak in on swimming practice?
I do admit though the characters get annoying sometimes but despite that I'm giving it an 7/10

Meet The Parents review: A Male Nurse Played by Ben Stiller finally engages the girl of his dreams. Now all he's got to do is as the title implies "Meet the Parents!" I mean How hard could it be it's not like the dad is a CIA agent tracking his everymove and driving him crazy right? Well, all of that happens.

It's one of those everything goes wrong movies with it's cast of quirky characters, and over the top moments. 7/10!
FUN MOVIE FACTS: Jim Carrey was one of the choices for Gay Lord Focker (Yes folks that is the name and is a constant running gag) And Julie Stiles was going to be Pam but dropped out due to the filming of 10 things I hate about you

Ouran Highschool Host Club review: This has got to be one of the most ridiculous animes I've ever seen. Basically, it's about a host club with a bunch of rich baltantly gay guys who "entertain" girls who "have too much time on there hands" the group consisting of Tamaki the over dramatic and naivee president and a huge douche, Kyoya one of the few sane members, The Twins who are notorious for there fanservice and dubbed "twincest" Honey Sempai who has the mind and appearance of a 10 years old boy but in reality he's freaking 17, What the fuck? I'll be babbling on forever about him so lets just put it at "wtf?" and Mori who looks after Honey and doesn't say much either.
And now the story begins as Haruhi wanders into the host club by accident as she leaves she accidently breaks an expensive vase and now is forced to work off her debt in the host club. Oh and everyone mistook her for a dude at first. Seriously, can it be any obvious? They Pretty much pulled a Meg Griffin there.

So yeah, Haruhi works with a bunch of rich snobby idiots and to be honest it's a pretty funny anime. It gets a little annoying at times but the characters are fun and enjoyable to watch. If you got Netflix or whatever give it a shot. 8/10!

Kill Bill Review:

Wow...Just fucking wow. People I think I have my new favorite movie Kicking Singing in the Rain to a #2 spot! Uma Thurman brilliantly plays a blood hungry assassin wakes up from a four year coma and plots revenge on the people that killed her unborn child and ruined her life.

This is by far one of the most amazing...whatever kind of movie this is called. It's an epic feast for the eyes of blood spewing everywhere sword fighting, martial arts and just plain fun action and violence plus sprinkle a little bit of Dark Humor. I also gotta give credit for the outstanding acting the characters are merciless cold and don't easily forgive almost to the point where it's frightening.

As crazy as this sounds I could qualify this as a great additon to anime month even though it's not animated it's still japanese and has one scene animated I guess.

oh yeah almost forgot about the theme song and the one liners. "You didn't think it'd be that easy did you" "For a second there...yeah >:)

If you didn't see this coming from a mile away your a fool. PERFECT 10/10 PLUS WEGRA APPROVED

Tron Review
One of the most spectacular 3D movies I've seen. Taking place 20 years after the first movie Jeff Bridges son gets a message from the arcade which shut down years ago. And we know what happens after that. Good ol CG racing, Hot tron babe chick, Creepy Beatle Juice Cheshire cat like guy and a music score composed by Draft Punk! Overall, you don't have to know so much about the first film to get this one just the main story and premise is all. Oh and try to see it on the big screen in 3D totally worht it. 8/10!

The Expendables review:
A tremendous cast consisting of Stalone, Jason Statham,Jet li and shit loads of other action stars unite together! Did it work out? Well...Sorta :/ The story was a bit of a bore to listen to and kind of forgettable. Personally, I perfer equality of the action AND storyline rather then just people shooting up shit for no reason. If you can sit through it long enough you get an action packed ending of explosions, guns, and loads more then you can shake a stick at. I give it a 6.5/10!

Love Hina Review:
Though a very old Manga I recently got into it. It's about a kid named Keitaro Urashima who made a promise to a girl as a child that both of them would get into to Tokyo university. unfortunately, he forgot her name. He then is kicked out by his parents and checks in to his grandmas hotel only to find out it's an all girl boarding house. And hiliraty ensues. One of the notable girls Naru is always abusing the poor guy for being a pervert (even if he is unintentionally doing it) He becomes the manager also btw...Sheesh, if this was real this would make freakin' Hugh Hefner Jealous. Seriously, I know it's a ridiculous premise but hey, that's Japan for you. Having a nerdy virgin live with a bunch of asian chicks...Hey stop looking at me like that I'm not THAT desperate.

Anyway despite it being cheesy and unrealistic I give it an 8/10

Naruto Review
Ugh...Can't believe I'm doing this piece of shit. Where to begin though... First off I have a love/hate relationship with it. The first 3 seasons where somewhat decent for the most part but then after that it turns in to the same repetitive Bullshit using over done cliches lots a filler episodes that effect the plot in no way, and finally a oversized cast of annoying little shits.

Starting with our main character Naruto who's dream is to become a Hokage but he's being to much of a dumbass and is often stubborn and usually brings his team into a lot of trouble. Sakura who I swear is Amy Roses reincarnation wants to get into Sasukes pants ( who is like any anime show the loner gay emo type) Kikashe, Rock Lee who seriously creeps me out...You know what screw it if I mention all the characters we'll be here all day.

Plus the fight scenes are all talk and very little action. In fact I stopped watching after the 5-6th season. It's almost unbearable after that.

And PLEASE don't get me started about the fans.

40 year old virgin Review:
Title is pretty self explanitory Steve Carrel is 40 and never gotten laid in his life so him and his buddies at work help the poor guy out. After meeting a decent girl they get many chances to do it but theres always something that blocks them. Weather it be his comic book character collection or whatever. As far as the movie goes theres a lot of people you might recognise before they became famous. Like that Indian chatterbox chick has a brief appearance and Jane Lynch as the manager who later went on to star in Glee ( and is it me or does she sound like Hilary Clinton? Seriously, everytime I bring this up people look at me funny) Anyway the movie had a few funny moments but most of it was just meh. With that I give it a 6.5/10