WARNING! This post is very long. I reccomend using speakonia if you hate to read a lot of shit
The longer it takes for me to make bread swim the kentucky derby the longer Angelica Pickles remains a prostitute. Then when Giant globs of penut butter juggle paint on ice with hannah montanna she will piss out a tiny octopus. But it was all fun and games till Yoshi tracked down Paris Hiltons anchorbell for twenty bucks worth of canned liver. Oh, which reminds me, the ass castle is ready to deploy its mailmen to go fishing in the lake of butterscotch. But then Again, its gay to leave a toilet seat in a closet after kicking a carrot in the balls. Anyway, the Following people Drank a Pussy Potion
Bart Simpson
Peter Griffen
Stewie Griffen
Dakotaman (or whatever his name was)
Cloud Strife
Amy Rose
Oh did I mention you can play as me in Brawl? Well not quite but the reality is moreso then having an iron in your BBQ trying out for the olympics. But the lesbian cats are screwing around with the strongbad emails! I stopped them but they said " Don't worry its a pickle" So anyway,the people above went to italy to find the holy grail and came back with no butt smores. " Oh no What shal we do?" Said Amy shoving her hammer up her nose. " We wait, Amy, we wait" Replied kisame after being struck by lightning. So thats why owls are boring. " "But Wizards Throw their feces at traffic" Said Wegra.
7 months passed and Solid snake formed a robot army of scizzors and Barack Obama shoved a cartridge in the morning
And thats the story of how I Joined Newgrounds. Good night everyone! And happy 100th post! Big thanks to kisame and others for posting everytime you see a new thing! I wuv you!
Update: I will keep updating this post for a while. so eat a leek.