Look if you want the beef just take it! Oh sorry, I didn't see you there. So today the girl talked to me for walls on her funhouse. No seriously this shit was Smurfing awesome! Also I didnt see what you wanted her to look at so me and you wanted to do stuff to her. Unfortunately she was actually Metal Sonic in disciuss. But then it turned out we wanted... NO start over!
Okay so Chinese food didn't quite fit it so what will. Nothing. Big fat fucking nothing. OMG HE JUST CUSSED WATCH HIS MOUTH OUT! Kisame: You got it! Me: No No No No No No No ! Aggghwarthtww! Sorry people but we're going to do A double post today. I do want to get to the 50th post as soon as possible. So be sure to brush after a meal Also stop eating dry ice so we can go to best buy already. Not stolen from kisame. But of course this could do something good. But yet not even a thong can do it. Gotta Go! See ya next thunsday!