Always cool to see the classic Newgrounders come back
Always cool to see the classic Newgrounders come back
couldve done without the long intro
Rupee sure loves them zeldas
This shit is HOT
What ever happened to the Kitty Krew
Long story short, they just gradually fell apart due to petty infighting and loss of interest for doing crew stuff that didn't involve sitting on their asses and making fun of each other. All the attempts to bring it back have been passionless and unsuccessful. The only real way this shit-show could ever actually make a comeback is by it becoming more like an actual animation group with a sense of cohesiveness and real desire to stick around, other than just for trolling trolls. It would have to effectively stop being the Kitty Krew as we knew it from back during a decade and a half ago, much less the dilapidated crack house of Newgrounds crews that it had become by the early 2010's, in order to have actual staying power and be relevant to both animators and spammers and trolls. It wouldn't be centered on Newgrounds almost exclusively, either.
They dont make shit like they used to
Yeaaah that 3D animation is borderline uncanny valley
Isnt that the russian guy?
Get this fetish bullshit out of here
I would, but I live here now.
Wow they're reanimating everything these days! Cant wait for the final result
Remember when these used to be newsposts?
Age 32, Male
Nothing for now
Been out of college for years
Joined on 2/21/06