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Good Moral I guess and yeah it was a bit funny but then again with a little retweaking and enhancements I think this game/movie could've turned out to be a lot better. That said not a spectacular one but still you made it and it's here to stay.

Well...That was mildly entertaining to say the least. Although I think music should've been an esential to add to this silly flash but despite that I take it this was a promotion for your site which at least is fitting. So yeah not bad I guess.

Wow...That was lame.

Not only is the animation bad but god damn this shit was barely even funny. Seriously guys E.T and Lil Wayne and Drake? Seriously guys for someone who's been around forever you would think they would make better shit then this. I just don't know anymore.....

Clock Crew just ain't what it used to be

But I'm glad we got people like you around to continue the legacy of SBC. Loved the flash and uh...yeah can't wait for part 2 to come out! Keep going strong comrade

MistyE responds:


Chilling, amazing and impressive

Even for a Newcomer. Where to begin on this. First of all I love the creepy and gothic vibes this movie gives the story seems simple but yet really intriguing to follow. I also can't get away without saying that the paper like animation and colors really add to the movie. And the ending lol I was almost expecting to jump. Hahah

That said for a frist flash this is some incredible work it's been a while since I came across something this good in the portal. And that said keep it up!

Despite a few flaws it's an interesting movie.

I got to say I'm really finding this flash interesting by the second. The acting is really good, the story is suspenseful and while the animation may not be up to par I see a lot of potential with this series getting better by the episodes.

And like I said theres a few things that kinda bugged me but nothing major. I think there was a bit too much inner monologue most of the times and maybe you kind of repeated the scenes over and over again just so it can get into our heads. Maybe that was for the plot purposes I dunno.

Still though I'm hooked. I'm going to check out the other parts. Later!

Wow no kidding.

Hahaha trust me I've had dreams more screwier then this flash. But that all said I loved how this turned out. I don't know if it's just me but it seems that dreams ttend to give you ideas when you animate in some way or form. At least in this case which I really liked it.

Also was that Rocco from Roccos Modern life I just saw before the whale ate it? Man that's messed up!

Gerkinman responds:

It was certainly Rocko influenced, the cow had Heffers face as well.

Where the hell do you come up with these!!

With over 30 flash movies and a majority of them unique in every way it just makes me wonder where you find the inspiration for these movies. Especially making them trippy as hell. Sure I could assume Pot but who the hell hasnt said that yet? And all said I still love your work man!

TheBoogley responds:

I just draw the stuff, and let the stuff happen in my mind places while I draw the stuff

The best of all 3.

Like I said I think I could go for another 1 or 2 more episodes. Maybe Mario or Zelda I can just imagine the speakonia voices. Theres just something about it that I like for some reason along with lollerskates and jubjube. That said keep up the good work!

Remember when these used to be newsposts?

Wegraman @Wegra

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