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Doesn't make sense? No shit sherlock!

Wow honestly I didn't even know what the hell was going to happen next. In fact this is pretty damn trippy almost rememniscent to that of The Boogley but that came years later. Still though it was a bizzare but fun flash

PriKedELiK responds:

u find no sense into it
bacousa u r an idiot

Hahahaha now that's witty!

I don't know why but I really enjoyed this movie. I think because it's just a basic "Fancy guy won't let fat guy in" but as the movie goes on it gets funnier by the second. Especially how he brings up he's king of the codoroy umm....whatever it was called. And the end was the best part.

Okay okay that sounded too professional my point is this was very clever and I loved it :3

Trippy as always Mr.Boogley

I had a feeling this would be very similar to your sketchy friends dance (Which by the way was the big movie that got me into your work) and what do you know? It is. Love the weird and exotic characters just walking to some trippy song. Loved it as usual!

Speaking of....ummm maybe one more sketchy friends? eh? Eh? ;)

TheBoogley responds:

Sounds like a plan! :D

Heh was alright I suppose

Actually truth is I still don't play Minecraft but seeing as how I know most of the guys in this movie I can safely say I got a few good laughs out of this. Kinda was expecting for Swain to do the Blockhead voice which kind of disapointed me but other then it was alright I guess!

You know for an ad this aint half bad.

Hahahahah I love how the ending just came out of the blue and then the ad came. Though I dont think ads are allowed on NG I guess since this is independent it doesn't count and that said I approve of this :3

As much as I like the artistic design

I do feel it does get a bit overpraised I mean it's not that I hate it it's just that I think more movies desereve a better spot then this. I like the cinematography though Its very crisp but I felt the stroy was kind of predictable.

So that said I still liked it but could've been better

Uh thanks for the free medals I guess...

But uh...really I dont think this qualifies for medals still I think the shapes or symbols were only entertaining for a few seconds. So yeah try making more trippier stuff then just wheels okay?

This could've been better.

Okay for starters learn how to spell check you mispelled good with goof I dont see how anyone could miss that. Second of all slow down the text because I can barely read whats going on. Seriously give this another try and then I'll consider giving it a better rating

Remember when these used to be newsposts?

Wegraman @Wegra

Age 32, Male

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