
8,541 Movie Reviews

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Best animation I've seen in ever.

The brains of the LL has done it yet again folks!

Okay Okay you're getting there!

Well, it may be a bit choppy in the humor and voice department it still was a pretty good try. And by humor I mean the jokes were a bit too predictable for my taste at least but I do give credit for trying.The characters are a bit under developed but seeing how this is the fourth or so movie that could change.

Well you get the idea I like the concept but couild use a few touch ups here and there.

MegaJamesStudios responds:

Dude, this isn't meant to be some kind of epic story with complex characters with back stories. This is just mean to be a short animated skit with characters that do funny stuff. I can respect you thinking the jokes were too predictable for you, but the characters do not need to be developed in order for this to be good.

Hahahah just great!

Wow, I love how this pokes fun at robo dogs. I mean I remember this used to be huge back in the day and seeing this now was just a pretty dang funny parody and how unnesicarly unrealistic it needed to be.

The animation style was good voice acting was also very nice but could use a bit more oomph if you know what I mean.

So that said nice job and congrats on getting mentioned!

Well Well this is interesting!

Heh, it's almost like a combination of The Office and Clerks both with there crazy antics and offensive humor! So far I like it already and the characters are awesome too each with there own style.

Well I think you get the idea it has a lot of potential so I await more episodes!

Oh god I love it.

Oh man Dinosaurs what can you say about them that hasn't been said already. Well for one thing there awesome no matter what circumstances and are badass like the one in this movie.

Actually truth be told I've been looking for that song everywhere. Well whatevs good animation and ending almost resembles oneys style a bit.

Good job!

Wow Bravo guys!

Okay before I begin the review HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET SWAIN TO LEND HIS VOICE TO YOU? I mean as far as I know Mike Swain doesn't lend his voice often but you guys apparently sure loved to surprise us.

Well anyway as for the review I loved this movie. It seems this movie was being talked about a lot on Facebook huh Will? Well whatever I digress

That said I got a decent lol out of this and I notice you are improving. Keep it up guys!

Oh wow what have we here?

I got hand it to you guys I'm really surprised how well this turned out. Other then the great animation, storyline and message this movie had I can't think of any other way to praise it.

But I must say I find this movie almost relateable to my life and those around me. Yeah it's the ol' be different and unique from everyone in this boring world but I like how it delivers the message non-violent and what not.

That said great job all of you!

I am so happy XD

Oh man I thought Hamburger Moon was just supposed to be a one time gag but I was pleasantly surprised to see the opposite.

So lets see we got an actual plot to go along with it and have the other cast join the episode also I love the subtle American butchering overtones like the animation budget and the hidden advertiseing scheme.

So with that said great job guys. Hey maybe next time you can include an intro (You actually do have the first few lyrics in the first one you know...on the billboard?)

Oh the memories this movie brings back.

Seriously I remember when this site used to get FLOODED with Matrix parodies left and right. And this pretty much topped all of them I mean damn we got a cast of animators at the time were famous (And Legendary Frog wasn't as bad of a writer) the jokes were funny the SFB almost reminded me of an Airplane movie the way gags were randomly thrown at you and the others were well done as well..

That said great tribute and collab to one of my favorite movies of all time!

Remember when these used to be newsposts?

Wegraman @Wegra

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