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Pretty good parody!

Wow, we got a classic right here. For the most part it still holds up even after 8 years mainly because the sprites and sound effects almost match up with each other like the original gameplay. Jokes are a hit and miss and the writing is kind of sloppy but It brings back memories not to mention I don't see as many good metroid parodies these days.

That said It's pretty enjoyable for any Classic Metroid fan

Hail to the King Baby

While not a big Duke Nukem fan I could say that I have heard of him and his legacy and don't think I was bummed to hear that all the critics bashed it I knew something wasn't right.

But I digress this was a great tribute to him I also love the fact that he said he doesn't like hitting girls but likes to kick them instead!

So yeah that said great job man I should definetly consider watching more of your movies!

Okay now THIS was funny!

Oh man I don't know if it's just me but I think Abo went from being a retard to a hilarious son of a bitch I mean wow he pretty much resembles the typical facebook whore. But to me the Ending was just messed up and hilarious Personally I need to start watching more of this series.

That said I can't wait to see what else you have in store for us!

Good animation bad voice acting,

While I do find the movie pretty funny i think the only thing the kills it is the voice acting. Come on man would it kill you to show just a little bit of emotion? Well never the less it still is pretty good. Reminds me of that guy who animated House of 1000 cats.

Keep practicing man!

Well this was fun!

Huh, I never thought you guys would take robot day in a different direction with making the Kawaii Battle Stars a bunch of robots. And I must admit in there robo form their 5x as fucked up then their normal counterpart! And the sad part is there are animes like this...and it's a parody ffs!

That said I hope you guys plan on continuing this series
(Also you guys aren't thinking of doing another Runkachunk parody in the future are you? Response would be appreciated)

You guys win.

By god I don't think I've seen a collab this epic by you guys since Sailorman and Street Fighter Chode. No seriously I'm an anime fan (as a guilty pleasure) but also love it when people poke fun of how ridiculous it can get. Lets see you got the jailbait chick half nude the girl who loves everything and the pissed off dude and they go to the pet store!

Surely this movie is the best tribute to weeaboos everywhere and when it's done by these guys you need you're in for one hell of a collab. That said I can't wait to see more of this series!

My Favorite Will Ryan Movie

Seriously Will you make some pretty cool stuff and yet I never find the time to actually watch anything else you got. But I digress Despite it being a tad outdated this is pretty much everything you need to know about facebook and how stupid it gets. Also I totally forgot about those pointless drinks people used to send. I don't know about you will but a sequel to this would be awesome.

Also btw I came here as soon as I saw Newgrounds now has a "like" feature so that's 1+ like for you XD

Keep up the great work man!

Really Kirb? REALLY?

Dear god it's like you took out all the fun of the original song (which by the way was a ripoff to begin with) and not just that the fun of the original gane it was based off of. Seriously dude if your gonna make a video game parody at LEAST make it funny I mean I used to like you when I was younger but now that I grew up I look back on your work and what do I see? An annoying weeaboo fanboy who thinks its funny to make 4chan references left and right and putting them in your flashes and getting a 4.00 average.

Sheesh I mean yeah I'm no better animator then you are but at least my characters are Original something I have yet to see you create.

Okay Now I'm just rambling I'll cut to the chase you REALLY need to make something that doesn't involve your god awful singing (man I've heard of white rappers but this is ridiculous) or Video Games (as much as I love them enough is enough) or sprites or whatever the hell you do. And btw the only good thing I could say about this is the animation. You have potential so use it ffs!

And I know I'll probably get thumbs down or hell risk getting banned but someone needs to say it and it needs to be me.

Kirbopher responds:

1, this is not a parody, hence why there was no intention of making this "funny".
2, yet to see any original characters from me? Allow me to fix this: http://kirbopher15.deviantart.com/gal lery/30196873 aaaand http://kirbopher15.deviantart.com/gal lery/2763195 problem solved.

Thanks for taking time out of your day to make yourself look like a tool. GG.


Max Giraldi I officially love you more then ever for making a Chalkzone Parody that was one of my favorite (until it became a bastardized) series as a kid and brought back a ton of Nostalgia. I was so excitied when I found out you were doing this too on Twitter.

I love how the art style matches with the original animatons too. It's impressive I must say.

That said keep up the good work man!

Remember when these used to be newsposts?

Wegraman @Wegra

Age 32, Male

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