Remember when these used to be newsposts?

Wegraman @Wegra

Age 32, Male

Nothing for now

Been out of college for years


Joined on 2/21/06

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Wegra's News

Posted by Wegra - March 7th, 2011

It wasn't her fault that Tom Hanks was chosen to Drive!

Posted by Wegra - March 5th, 2011

I shit you not I saw his eyes reincarnated into this fan at night!

AUUGH it's the devilfan!

Posted by Wegra - March 3rd, 2011

Well it's here!

Remember that pizza I ordered yesterday?

Posted by Wegra - March 2nd, 2011

Seriously, I left the house at 5 PM forget to pick up the pizza because I ran into Konami and Disney at the pizzarea I got so caught up that I left without the pizza and Capcom yelled at me! I even offered to go back but said the pizza is ruined.

Could'nt he just heat it up? Sheesh, What a picky douche!

Capcom is being an asshole to me YET AGAIN!

Posted by Wegra - February 28th, 2011

Just a few things before I start

1. Kisame is the reason why I'm doing this. And personally I want to get out some new ones ASAP seriously as said before it's funny to see him act normal for once
2. These are ALL ripped from my Facebook as all of them are done on there.
3. I got a few Ideas for the Poopy series including:

Poopy Ke$ha (releasing soon)
Poopylo (Halo)
Call of Poopy

This will be a bit shorter only 5 reviews. Only because I'm eager to see Kisame acting normal
. Also it's cleaned up a bit.

Here we go:

Hannah and Her sisters Review:
Ah Woody Alen, what a guy. His movies are just so realistic and very unique way of shooting and directing it.

Basically it's about three sisters in NYC ( Also speaking of which take the time to soak up the atmosphere as no one can capture NYC like Woody) who have family issues one of the sisters husband is cheating on her things gets complicated actually it's kind of a Jewish kinda movie if you were older you would understand.

However it takes place in like the 80's so you gotta love the time period as far as story goes it's complicated to follow but never the less interesting to watch as the characters are full of life and you want to know more about them.

That said I'm giving it a 7.5/10.

He's Just not into you Review ***REQUESTED***

Well, Angela a year or so later but I haven't forgot so here it is!

Sheesh, what a snoozefest.

For one it's a chick flick what do you expect? Guys don't like chick flicks it's common sense really.

I mean I'll admit I was forced to maybe sit through a few chick flicks in my life but they had there moments at times. But this movie 2 hours too long.

First off characters are totally bland and uninteresting Jennifer Aniston and a few other so so actors the story is just about relationship troubles that even Facebook and Twitter are too boring for.

Hell I can't believe I'm saying this but at least Sex and the City TRIED to get attention to guys not to mention the cast is more colorful (but still stupid show) compared to this.

So yeah, point is Girls yeah go ahead and kick the boyfirends out for a good ladies night film

Guys, you'll get a good nap from this.


Meet me in St. Louis Review:

A fun little timeless musical that's full of joy!

You got a cast consisting of a cute little Margrette o'brian a stunning Judy Garland and more!

Story is pretty much just a wealthy family in the early 1900's (You can smell the antiqueness like the phones and old technology) and yeah Esther has a boyfriend in St.Luis she deals with Love and the like and the younger daughter is just being a kid. (Speaking of the halloween scene was pretty freaky for a little bit but reminded me childhood was careless)

Plots alright but the most memorable aspect was the Trolley song ring ring ring goes the trolley! %u266A hahaha I love it

Anyway it's a cute movie for any fan of old movies. Definetly check it out.


Robocop Review

And WHY the hell didn't I watch this shit ages ago? Well I got a lot to praise about this movie so lets jump right in:

First off a rookie cop gets brutaly shot to death by sick mobsters and gets turned into Robocop by an evil corporation. Industructable and 100% badass stopping crimes left and right in the city of Detroit. Also I swear to god the Prototype for Robocop bares an uncanny resemblance to Metal Gear REX no joke.

So many great scenes to choose from lots of explosions and just plain kickass.

Also recently theres petitions going around to erect a statue (that's what she said) of Robocop in Detroit. No joke look it up!


Mallrats Review:

What a riot! I gotta give credit to this movie for making me laugh out loud litterally. And that's not common with non-internet movies for me.

Two guys, both get dumped by there girlfirends one was due to her batshit crazy dad hosting a game show and the other for being a lazy douche and hooks up with a snooty upperclass guy, try to win em back both huge nerds, Stan Lee guest appearence, Jay and Silent mothereffing Bob you can't get any better then this.

But pretty Much Jay and Silent Bob are the shit there crazy antics and defying reality I mean what the fuck Silent bob pulls a sex doll a mini dildo and a fucking Grapling hook that ACTUALLY worked in live action.

It's a genius comedy with all the mally goodness you can handle.

Oh and btw theres a strip tease psychic who has a "third nipple"


Posted by Wegra - February 27th, 2011

But there were tomatoes sprouting dinosaurs on the Deathstar!

Posted by Wegra - February 25th, 2011

I mailed that statement to Wal-Mart and got half an eggroll! This has gone to far!

Posted by Wegra - February 24th, 2011

There was supposed to be free aftershave for those who did.

Posted by Wegra - February 22nd, 2011

You should know by now not to leave a mess in the cafeteria.

When a Lizard is on it's period

Posted by Wegra - February 21st, 2011

You whip out the strap on dildo in the crowded mall while singing the title theme to Megaman Legends.