I'm in a rush. You make something up. if you do. eat five meals for your moms DJ.
Remember when these used to be newsposts?
Age 32, Male
Nothing for now
Been out of college for years
Joined on 2/21/06
Posted by Wegra - September 15th, 2007
Sorry none today. But I'll tell you what. Draw a picture of me and PM it to me and maybe cats will jump poop over laughter in the garden of lols. SO put on your helmets. and Kisame. Mark my words. I will put a live octopus in your mouth. SO GET USED TO IT! also again heres everyone currently on the bbs.
Users online: (282)
0con, 0Metal0, 10x10times, 3dglasses, AapoJoki, acidsnowball10, adreniline7, Advent-Sinner, AFlashFreak, Ajax-Cubed, AlexJS, Aliensandwich, All-American-Badass, Alphabit, AndrewGlisson11, andymc1989, aquaticmole, Archmage-flash, ArmouredGRIFFON, Artist-Lost, asiyenur, Atomskkk, AttAl07, AustinR, AutomaticAudio, azn-vink, azwsxdcrfv, B0UNC3, Bacu, Bahamut, basker76, BatDan, BladeNSpeed, BlueFlameSkulls, boney-man, Bosor, cadreamer, Catoblepas, Cericon, Ceti, Chris-V2, ConAir, cookie-monsta1, corbantis109, CrazyChihuahua, Crazywill, CrimsonAssault, CtG, CuteAndFuzzy, Dabzi, DanTheDark, DarkMana, DarkSoldier, DaVincisGhost, DayDayX, Dead-Body-Man, Deflektor, Dejanus, Delta66, Demean, Der-Lowe, devil003, DFox, DnaDraxxus, don789, Dragonberry, Dsmano, Dut44, Earfetish, Ejit, elementell, elkrobber, Eltelelel, emochild, enjoyshaun, EtchASketchClock, EvilPinkPig, ExiledSoul, eyeothestorm, F-E-A-R, FakeReality, FattPandaa, Ferretter, Firebert010, Flash-Master-Flex, fli, FrozenSheep, Fyndir, Ghetto-Penguin, gibleto, GoddaM, godzillahater, greensucksbluerules, gregaaron89, Grillpie, guitarluver14233, GUTHRIE, H-W-T, HahaBears, Hammi, HardcoreEmoGothRebel, haveabadday5, HeartbreakHoldout, HippDad, Holyghostz, Howtard, Idiosyncratic, Iloveprocrastinating, Irishladdie3, Jack, jackmorrison, jazzman1302, Jdid112, Jessii, jfella91, jim3, jkilbane21, Jonas, JoS, josh124861, Joshiwa, jrayteam6, Jumper, K-Fox, Kain-Ceverus, Kart-Man, KaynSlamdyke, kittycatlawl4324, knightsofthecircle, Korriken, Kunera, Kurofelis, Lagatag, leekspinner, legendarysim, letiger, LightandDark, LiquidSapphire, Littleluckylink, LiveBreatheTom, LordAdon, LordSkeletor, Lost-Wisdom, lysgaard, M-to-the-C, Malachy, mariomusicmaker1, MattTheParanoidKat, Mechablobby, Mechabloby, MemoryCard, merrsshee, MikadoGold, MindChamber, misterdog, Moron-With-Gun, Mr-Noobiwix, Mr-Pope, mrblonde7395, Mrmilkcarton, ms2492, mynamewontfitin, Nekrozoa, Nelson15, Neonyx, Net-terrorist, Nev, Nicholas-Deary, nobodynobody, Nuggs, Omega-Epsilon, OneUp, Orange-Silver, OrbitalDebris, Ozcar, Patcoola, peeetah, Phantom-45, piggypup, PirateSprite, pisces27, Piss, PixelParagon, Poopoothegorilla, proflashsional, Proteas, Psico911, PsychoticMind, puddinN64, qmzp, QrazE, Racist-l3assist, RacistBassist, Rallard, Rammer, Ramones-Fan, Randominator, raneman1, Reaperyami, RedElephant, RenegadeGirl, revolutionx, rickyboyce, RigAudio, rioluvsgames, robattle, robostewie3849, RocketSoldier, Romolo, RSQViper, Rudy, Rummy0, RupeeClock, Russ3ll, SapphireLight, Sarai, SBB, Schizo-Sephy, ScreamsfromtheCasket, SEXY-FETUS, shavingcreamman, Shawn, Siggy0501, silentkat, Simkiss, SineRider, sixflab, Sk8erGirl13, skatin-andy, SkunkyFluffy, Snow-Fox13, Sordid, SPIRIT6666, sqrage, Sterockicy, Sticky-Figures, StormWall, SubKutz, Sunglasses, SuperDeagle, supyohos123, SweetT00th, swiftstylerX, Swim-The-Swan, Swirly-Helix, Syphonik, Tekken9292, thatguy, The-Darkphoenix, TheBigLemon, Theo-art, TheRealEggman, TheRoyalEnglishman, TheSnakeSkull, TheSoylentOne, thestialluz, TNOAT, ToasterDemon, Togukawa, Tophat-Stretch, towelie101, Trambamboline, trigger73, TropicalPenquin, TurboMeachaSonic7, Unknown-Prescense, USERNAMED, vgfa287, ViNcEnTxX, Vousielle, Warrickneff, wisthekiller, Wreckages, xaldibik, xSarCastiCx, xXCostelloXx, xxxxblake, Yeury, zer0gravity1, Zoraxe7, Zorg-o
If you notice I took myself out my name. Thats because If I'm here that wouldnt make no sense. Just so you know tommorows the last day I'm going to go on the bbs and put on everyone on the bbs name so be sure you be there!
Posted by Wegra - September 14th, 2007
I got on the frontpage yesterday. Go check out last update. It's got boobs, Mario, Foamy, Toof, Phoenix wrong, and so much more so go check it out. and btw I know this cookie doesnt eat its own mom so what do you want me to do about it. so here we go with tons of stuff. For no reason heres everyone on the bbs.
1sparrow, 36Holla, 3dgE, Afro-Ninja, Aksumka, AlexanderTheInsane, alien-killer1, aListers, AlyBong0, Anko, ApatheticMark, ArmouredGRIFFON, Assassin-Basstard, Atomos, babyboysback, Bahamut, bigexplosions, biggibad, BlackmarketKraig, BlueFlameSkulls, BlueHippo, BuddhaGeo, Buddhist, Bullion, Canas, Casualty, CatchIt, Catoblepas, Cericon, ChaiLatte, Chao-Guy, Cheekyvincent, ChurroNG, CipherZer0, ClockworkTrashcan, Coaly, Cobra161, cookie-monsta1, corbantis109, craigalan, crazerfish50, CrazyChihuahua, CybermonkeyStudios, DanAbnormal, Dano10101, DarkSoldier, Dash-Underscore-Dash, davidofmk771, DeIirium, DFox, DillieDMan, DingoTheDog, Diphallia, disasterarea, distantgamer, dominicansoldier, Ecke, elbekko, Eltelelel, Erect-Vagina, error-1011, escudo0, EvilJesus, FakeReality, Fantum, fishhook, freechips1, Frost, G-Banger, GoddaM, GoryBlizzard, gregaaron89, grounds-master, Hashshashin, HeartbreakHoldout, homor,Idiot-Finder, idiot-monarch, IND658, IPoopedInYourMailbox, ironraven24, Jawa-Crossing, JaY11, Jessii, jmtb02, JoeisCooler, Joeniemator, JunkyCow, K-Fox, Kart-Man, Kidiri, kidray76, knightsofthecircle, Kreen, Krisddd, Ledgey, levusbevus, LichKingz, Life-Stream, Loccie, Luxury-Yacht, M-to-the-C, mariomusicmaker1, Maverick-10, Mechabloby, megamanfrk, Memorize, micheljackson, mightypotato, Minothor, Monocrom, mr-womble, mrazerty, Nekrozoa, ninjitsuwarrior, notoorjus, nyquilpills, o14v, oldbinny, Paradox, Paranoia, PikaRobo, PirateSprite, Politics, PrettyMuchBryce, Proteas, Psycho, random-gamer, Raptor-Jesus, Ravariel, Re2deemer, Revanz, RockinPunk, RockyL, Rudy, Rule, RupeeClock, Ryan, s1nt3ch, Saint-kilich, sandypaw, SBB, SCUD14, Seamonky, seel, Sekhem, Shauna, Shinki, Simon, Sir-Nuts, skatin-andy, smulse, snapper5, snayk, Sordid, Soul-Blade, sqrage, Stamper, Stomer, StormWall, Sytrus7, TacoFreak, TacticalShoe, TarThoron, Terrorize, The-answer-AI, The-Bobster, TheBehemoth, TheMaster, ThePsychoSheep, TheRipper00, TheRoyalEnglishman, thomtomw, TimFrommeyer, TITROTU, ToasterDemon, Trambamboline, UKer, Unknown999, Uxorious-Widow, uyersuyer, vannila-guerilla, Venomiac, vgfa287, VictoryGin, Vortex00, W-P-S, Warrickneff, wegra2007, Whomper, Wyvern-Knight, X-Naut, XkakiharaX, Xrapha, Zendra, ZeroAsALimit, Zeromus, ZombieArmy, Zombified.
okay i'm done. hey wait a minute If I'm there then... Oh well I said enough already. later!
Posted by Wegra - September 13th, 2007
This is the one and only wegra2007. As you are wondering there is no heres something that makes no sense update. I'm on the frontpage and theres nothing you can do about it. MUAHAHAHA! anyway don't forget to check out my new movie with me and john12346 Help I'm on a cliff! Well Tootles! * Okay heres something that makes no sense. Poop until someone dsoesnt unitl they would eat bones on a fish.
P.S. <nothing>
Posted by Wegra - August 30th, 2007
Guess what? It's the tenth penis in your mouth update. Sorry my firends brother said that and he's been an weird jackass today. Anyhoo for this update this will be a long one. So... asdfgfhjkjesjdsogjrighhjoitirdgo oh I'm sorry My Neopets are going to die soon and therefore I have to put a dick in his mouth. lol. I gotta go. I wanna show my friend his new trailer for the upcoming novel I'm writing.