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It's not quite the perfect remix of Deejays theme but it's a good one nonetheless. I think the main problem was the overuse of instruments and noises. The crowd cheering was a nice bonus and adds to it but other then that yeah it passes

Cam3leon responds:

Thanks for the feedback, dude! Yeah, this was a pretty old remix of mine. Hopefully I can revisit this again someday and balance out the instruments a bit more; it is pretty noisy looking back on it >__<

But glad you liked it regardless. Feel free to hit me with a request!

Wow what an awesome sound!

I like how it has that classic metal kind of feel. Powerful and timeless sounding with some excellent rock out guitar work. Hope you guys got more in store for us in the fuure!

Bad-Man-Incorporated responds:

Definitely. Cheers for the listen and review. Glad you dug it. \m/


Probably one of the best things to be featured on the Newgrounds Front Page in a LONG LONG time. When I get the chance I'm totally downloading this to my iPod.

With that said can't wait to see what else you got in store for us folks on Newgrounds!

SpinWires responds:

Haha, glad to hear we beat the curve on front page posts! Feel free to share the songs with any buddies, the tunes are free, and If you ever come out to show make sure to tell me you found us on Newgrounds!

Has a very Zeldaesque feel to it. Nothing fancy that catches my eye...er ear on this song but it's an interesting listen none the less

DanJohansen responds:

Yeah, can't please everyone, I actually become happy when I see some mixed reviews like this. I don't like being liked by every listener, so thanks for taking the time man!

For a trance arrangement of Bob-omb battlefield I like how chill and trippy it sounds. Funny never would have thought those two could go together. Anyway you should work on a full length song with this hm?

DreamEater responds:

man I really should. this was just one of those Ideas I never quite got back to.

thanks bro

No complaints here. As I said before I'll say it again. Your early work sounds pretty damn alright to this day. Sweet arangement!

DreamEater responds:

thanks mike, always a pleasure to read your reviews buddy boi :]

I really appreciate that <3

Looks like someones got a hell of a love for the 80's going on. I can imagine them playing this at an arcade or something like that. This is original right? Because if it is this is one hell of a song. That nice great work all around!

ioneofmany responds:

Yes! <--- 80s child! Lol. And it is an original. Thanks for the comment Wegra! :)

Think you put a little too much shit going on in this song. Or maybe it's just me. TO be honest I didn't find this one flowing as nicely as your other songs. Better luck with the next one kiddo right?

DreamEater responds:

yeah this loop was pretty shitty indeed xD

Remember when these used to be newsposts?

Wegraman @Wegra

Age 32, Male

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