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A beautiful tribute to our favorite Red Clad Italian Plumber!

You know say what you want about the whole kidnapping the princess thing getting redundancy but when you really think about it the two have some of the greatest romance in video game history.

Hell if you got some time any chance of whipping out a Zelda love song? But I ramble that said amazing work keep up that talent!

headphoamz responds:

Oh man, what a great idea! I'd love to make a Zelda song. Thanks for listening Wegra ^_^

A fun fast paced psuedo 8 bit rendition of Mario 64 classic songs? Sign me up!

In short it turned out great!

JawnGG responds:

Thanks a lot for the feedback!

Eh been there done that.

I mean you got an okay voice better then you give yourself credit for but the song itself is just...well it's not bad but like It's been done to death and really doesn't seem to do much for me. Like I said you got a good voice though

Jacob responds:

Wegra, I'm hurt.

I might have said before that your use of instruments may get a tad repetitive but this is one of the rare expections I think there's more variety in here then usual. And with that said I love Space Harrier and I like this remix!

DrMackFoxx responds:

I can say this much: I have no intent to change my sound scheme. Sometimes, you just have to stick with what works and the tools you have, however limited they may be.

Nonetheless, there is always room for improvement.

Hmmm thats odd I don't remember this song in particular from the game but it sounds good so thats all that counts

joemamabeach responds:

This song was inspired by the main theme from the MGS2 game.

Putting it into my own words and not trying to be like the last reviewer. This is one awesome funky as hell remix of the best Sonic 3 stage. Not to mention it sounds more Michael Jackson like then ever in this rearangement. That said I love it to pieces. Keep making more songs I can get down to!

Who's Bad!

deliverance84 responds:

Thank you! I have many more sonic songs on the way, and im glad this launch base remix sounds like MJ's work, since the Sonic 3 soundtrack was based off some of his work. :)

I like it :)

You know now that I think of it I don't think I've ever listened to any Yoshi's Story covers on here so far. Then again maybe I should start using that search bar a bit more. Lol I digress anyway great remix especially around the "chorus" Keep up the good work!

VGSongbird responds:


Figured this was inspired by Final Fantasy.

Can't say this sounds like a Final Boss theme but maybe a boss theme at the most. Mainly since it doesn't have that "Epic" feel to it. Not necessarily a bad thing but either way I like it!

K-Pone responds:

Just couldn't find any other good name for it. I didn't want to call it only Battle because I already have a song called Battle.

Remember when these used to be newsposts?

Wegraman @Wegra

Age 32, Male

Nothing for now

Been out of college for years


Joined on 2/21/06

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